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焉耆县第二中学20132014学年第一学期集体备课教案课题【Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister.】科 目【英语】 年 级【八年级】 课 时【Period2】 授课教师【 】主备人【蒋丽萍】 参 备 人【唐平平、马婧、马月萍、张晶 樊迎春】一、 教学目标:1、知识目标:1) 掌握以下单词:outgoing, loudly, quietly, hard-working, fantastic, talented, necessary, laugh, information, be similar to, primary school ,be different from, the same as, get good grades, as long as.2) 能掌握以下句型:Sam is smarter than Tom. Tina is more outgoing than Tara.Are you as friendly as your sister. Tina works as hard as Tara.2、能力目标: 掌握形容词及副词的比较形式并用它来描述人或物的特殊。3、情感目标 让学生知道如何在生活和学习中运用比较级。二 、教学重、难点:让学生掌握 形容词及副词比较级形式的构成和运用。并能用形容词或副词的最高级形式来描述人或事物。三、教学方法:直观,运用,总结,归纳,快速记忆等方法。四、复习课时:2课时五、教学过程:1)知识网络单元汇总重点单词: outgoing, loudly, quietly, hard-working, fantastic, talented, necessary, laugh, information, competition, mirror, break,重点短语:be similar to, primary school ,be different from, the same as, get good grades, as long as. Care about, be talented in, make sb laugh, enjoy doing sth, bring out the best in sb,重点句型:Sam is smarter than Tom. Tina is more outgoing than Tara.Are you as friendly as your sister. Tina works as hard as Tara.Sams hair is longer than Toms本单元语法:形容词及副词比较级形式的构成和运用见能力p23-24讲解。2)经典例题:形容词及副词比较级形式tall , hard-working, well, early, lazy, friendly , good, serious, outgoing, loudly, quietly, fast, funny, thin, big, difficult, popular heavy, hat, little, many, much ,badly, nice, happy.3)典型例题4)布置作业Read the words, sentences, phrases and text.Remember words and phrases.Write a text about friends with comparative forms of adjectives and adverbs. Including: looks, age, personality, hobby and so on.六 复习反思 小组讨论补充: 课题【Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater?】科 目【英语】 年 级【八年级】 课 时【Period2】 授课教师【 】主备人【蒋丽萍】 参 备 人【唐平平、马婧、马月萍、张晶 樊迎春】教学目标:1、知识目标:1) 能掌握以下单词:theater, comfortable, close, ticket, worst, cheaply, choose, carefully, reporter, fresh, worse, crowed, service, menu, creative, performer, talent show, winner, prize, all kinds of, beautifully, play a role in, make up, for example, poor, take seriously, havein common , be up to2)能掌握以下句型:Whats the best movie theater? thanks for telling me. Which is the best clothes store? Who was the best/funniest/worst performer?Sb was the best/funniest/worst performer. Thats up to you to decide. 2、能力目标: 掌握形容词及副词的最高级形式并用它来描述人或物的特殊。3、情感目标 语法知识要记得牢就得多练多做题。二 、教学重、难点:掌握形容词及副词最高级形式的构成并用其形式来描述人或事。三、教学方法直观,运用,总结,归纳,快速记忆等方法。四、复习课时:2课时五、教学过程:1)知识网络单元汇总重点单词:theater, comfortable, close, ticket, worst, cheaply, choose, carefully, reporter, fresh, worse, crowed, service, menu, creative, performer, winner, prize,重点短语:talent show, all kinds of, beautifully, play a role in, make up, for example, take seriously, havein common , be up to, close to home, so far, around the world, and so on, come true, such as, watch sb do sth, 比较级and 比较级, one of +ns重点句型:Whats the best movie theater? thanks for telling me. Which is the best clothes store? Who was the best/funniest/worst performer?Greenwood Park is the best place to go to on weekends. how far is it from your home? 本单元语法:形容词及副词最高级形式的构成和运用见能力p32的讲解。2)经典例题:形容词及副词最高级形式tall , hard-working, well, early, lazy, friendly , good, serious, outgoing, loudly, quietly, fast, funny, thin, big, difficult, popular heavy, hat, little, many, much ,badly, nice, happy. expensivequickly五典型例题 4)布置作业Read the words, sentences, phrases and text.Remember words and phrases.Write about you town and the best places/things there.六复习反思 小组讨论补充:
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