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阶段滚动卷(八)(建议用时:30分钟). 多项选择1. (2013湖北七市模拟)We are going to lose anyway, so I cant see theof playing this game. A. symbolB. themeC. objectD. point2. (2013咸宁模拟)She told me someabout how people always took her for her twin sister when they made an appearance for a show. A. anecdotesB. assessmentsC. assistanceD. frameworks3. Could youthe children for an hour while I make supper? A. supportB. observeC. deliverD. entertain4. The majority of people in the town stronglythe plan to build a playground for children. A. considerB. supportC. confirmD. submit5. It took Susan a long time toa new dress at the store. A. pick outB. pick upC. take upD. take out6. (2013咸宁模拟)Traditionally, Chinese peoplethe Chinese characters Double Happiness and stick them onto walls or doors for weddings. A. cut outB. cut offC. cut upD. cut down7. It is wrong to regard all slow students astroublemakersit is only a minority of them who are responsible for the fight. A. potentialB. artificialC. conventionalD. constant8. Many peoples attitudes towards saving are notwith their behavior in daily life. A. consistentB. reliableC. satisfiedD. enthusiastic9. (2013武汉模拟)Although he has signeda three-month contract at the football club, Dickson is longing to stay for longer. A. initiallyB. unusuallyC. genuinelyD. seriously10. Dont quarrel with your competitor, , be as friendly with them as you can. A. in a wordB. on the contraryC. in generalD. on all sides. 完成句子1. (2013仙桃模拟)In reality, youthat abstract theory. (attach)事实上, 你本没必要看重那个抽象的理论。2. When I was walking in the street this afternoon, a manstopped me and begged me for some money. (dress)今天下午, 正当我走在大街上时, 一个穿着破烂的人拦住了我, 向我讨钱。3. Can you imagine the difficulty the single mother has? (bring)你能想象单亲妈妈养育孩子的困难吗? 4. (2013湖北八校模拟)IfI would meet such a big trouble, I might not live here now. (know)如果我早知道我会遇到这么大的麻烦, 我可能现在就不会住在这里了。5. In the past, only in country areasbelieve the more children they had, the happier they were. (tend)在过去, 只有乡村地区的人们才会觉得多子多福。6. (2013仙桃模拟)The text is. It needs to be simplified and maybe have an illustrative example. (understand)这篇文章很难理解。它需要被简化, 可能还需要有示例。7. He stared at the empty bottle for a while, feeling happy that he had sent the butterfly backnature. (belong)他盯着空瓶子看了一会, 感到非常高兴, 因为他已经把蝴蝶放归到属于它的地方大自然。8. (2013仙桃模拟)The road workeryesterday turned out to be her long lost younger brother. (come)她昨天遇到的公路工人竟然是她失散多年的弟弟。9. After five hours drive, they reachedwas the place they had been dreaming of. (think)五小时的行车后, 他们到达了他们认为是他们一直梦想的地方。10. Everybody knows about it! No one knowsprevented the rumor from spreading. (be)大家都了解啊!没有人知道究竟是什么阻止谣言的传播的。. 阅读理解AAs the war in Syria continues, one-fifth of the countrys schools have suffered direct physical damage, according to UNICEF. “In cities where the conflict has been most intense, some children have already missed out on almost two years of schooling, ”the organization says. Markada, a city of about 70, 000 people in eastern Syria, has for nine months been under the control of the Syrian opposition fighting the Syrian government. The current school year began a month and a half late, but it is now in session(在上课), a remarkable achievement in a country where it is common to see school buildings used as military bases or shelters. Other schools are simply empty, as parents fear sending their children to school or residents and staff have fled. Yet on a recent sunny morning at Taha Hussein High School in Markada, the scene seemed almost normal as a teacher scolded students arriving late to class. There were small details that complicated the situation, though - for instance, a bell had to be rung manually(手动地)to mark the passing time because there was no electricity. And the schools being open doesnt mean that violence hasnt touched it. “Sometimes people come with guns to see students, ”principal Firas Mahjoub said, “We are powerless to stop them. ”Other problems plague upset the students. Hasaka province, where Markada is located, is troubled by shortages of basic services, for example. “Many days I walk 10 kilometers to school, ”said Saad Hamid Saleh, an 11th-grader whose family was forced from their home in a nearby village by military shelling(炮轰). “The bus is too expensive. ”Many of the students are refugees from other parts of Syria, forced from their homes by the fighting. That has made the school overcrowded. “Our school was shelled twice, ”said Sarah Shibli, another 11th-grader whose family fled the city of Deirel-Zour, south of Markada, six months ago. “We also had bad experiences with the intelligen
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