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小学四年级英语Phonics一、教学准备 1、 Greeting chant-26个字母的发音口诀.2a, e, i, o, u ,发音手势复习.3 .Lets chant together .( three chants )(1) ar ,bu bu car ,or ,orange ,er ,ir ,ur .(2) al,play football,el , I can tell ,il ,have some pills (3) an ,look at tha man ,en ,7,8,9,10 .in ,the model is so thin ,on ,Mr Bond ,un ,I have a gun . 4Review some the pronunciation of the letter groups “ar, er, ir, or, ur,an,en,in un,sh ,th ,ch ,ck ,ful, ing ,ong ,tion ,ble , gle , cle , al , el , il ,”(point to the word groups on the blackboard and read them out .)(让学生复习过去所学习的字母组合,为学生见词读音和听音写词做好准备)二、教授新课 1、Play a “go ,go ,go ,game” the student stand up and spell the word on the screen out ,then say “go “ ,point to another pupil ,then the one must stand up and spell the second word out .( 1.lake 2.rope 3.nest 4.cute 5.pipe 6.vet 7.gas 8.shut 9.fox 10.toad 11.wing 12.lamb 13.purse 14.hood 15.crash 16.dish 17.cheese 18.sample 19.punch 20.noodle 2、Play the spelling game in group .T: You are very good at pronunciating the words and the letter groups ,this time ,Lets play the spelling game in group ,(在实物投影上向学生展示如何玩这个拼读的游戏),Put he word here ,the spell it out ,if it is right ,say pass,the stick the word on the card ,lets see which group can spell more words in 2 minutes .S: ( Spell the words in the box out ,then stick the word in the card )3.check the groups achievement ,then ask the winner to stand up ,show the others how they spell the words out and check whether it is right or wrong . )3 Try to write down down the word by listing T:Just now ,all of you can spell the words so well ,but what about your listening ? Can you write the words out just by listening ,你能够听音写词吗?Today ,Miss Chen has three challenges for you ,Lets see who can pass all the three challenges and be the king and the last winner in the end .Do you have courage ?(1)The first challenge Match the correct letter and the letter groups together .n or p (肥皂)s oa th (北方)f ir ty (肮脏的)d igh t (战斗)s u gle (喇叭)w am ter (冬天)ch in f (厨师长)b e ple (样品)()The second challenge: listen to the teacher ,the write down the words with the tips (1) c_k _ 可乐(2) f_x 狐狸(3) r_ _ _ 戒指(4) n_ _修女 (5) t_ _ k 坦克(6) t_ _ t 帐篷(7) _ _ ain 链子(8) l _ _ b 小羊羔(9 ) c_ _ pen t _ _ 木匠( 10 ) t_ _ _ _手电筒(3)The third challenge: listen to the teacher ,then write down the words without any tips .1) They often skip _after school .( 绳子)2) The sun makes me so _ .(热)3) I want to be a _ when I grow up .(理发师)4) I like this _ very much .(乐队)5) The _is so ugly .(怪物)6) The _is very tall .(国王)7) They often sit on the _(长凳子)8) The _is too fat .(公鸡)三Invite some teachers to test the students .T: just now you can pass my challenges ,but can yiu pass the other teachers challenges ?now I will invite some teachers to test you ,and give you some words ,and you try to write down thr words by listening .S: ( write down the words )四Check the answers .五Conclusion T: Children ,today ,we have a phonics lesson ,phonics is very useful ,it can help you to study English easier and easier ,better and better ,so please keep going .
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