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浅析“It isthat”结构及其翻译 文/杨健元 现行高级中学英语教材中,我们常会遇到“It isthat ”这一结构。如何理解这一句子结构,正确翻译句子,提高阅读能力是至关重要的。现就 以下几种情况作一浅析:一、“It is/was+形容词+that”结构在该结构中,it是引导词,作形式主语,从属连词that引导的是主语从句,在句中作真正的主语。例如:1.It was right that the temple was rescued.拯救这座寺庙是做得对的。2.It is difficult that you swim or dive as your body floats on the surface.当你身体浮在水面上,你游泳或潜水都是困难的。3.It is therefore possible that people say not only what the weather is like at present,but also what is likely to happen in the next day or two.因此很有可能,人们不仅能预测目前的天气情况,还能预测出未来一两天的天气情况。4.It was obvious that the matter had never been paid attention to.显然这件事一直 没有被注意。5.It is strange that she should have failed to see her own shortcomings.真奇怪,她竟然没有看出自己的缺点。在用法上,该结构与“It is+形容词+不定式复合结构”(即“It is+adj. +of sb.to do sth.”“It is+adj.+for sb.to do sth.”或“It is+adj.+for sth.to be done”)是一样的。有 时主语从句也可与不定式复合结构互换使用。例如:6.Its quite likely that a decision will be made before the end of the year.(It is quite likely for a decision to be made before the end of the year.)年底以前作出决定是完全可能的。该结构中的谓语常由系动词“be+形容词”构成。汉译时一般有两种处理方法:一是把that 从句或不定式复合结构译成汉语主谓结构,仍作主语,即“是的”。如例句(1)(2) 和(6)。二是把主语从句译成汉语的主谓结构句子。“be+形容词”转译成“插入语”如例句 (3)(4)和(5),与此结构连用的常见形容词还有natural,true,funny,important,useful good,wonderful等。二、“It is+名词+that”结构在这一结构中it和that的语法作用与“It is+adj.+that”结构完全相 同。有一部分句子可 译成汉语的“是的”结构或“插入语”。但有一部分句子由于从句的分量较重,不 宜合译,而应将主语从句与主句分开翻译,即将主语从句译成第一并列分句。主句译成第二 并列分句并在 第二分句中增加主语“这”。以便起到承上启下的作用。这种译法的特点是颠倒原文句子结 构的顺序,先译从句后译主句。例如:7.It is no wonder that she is so ill.她病得这样厉害是不足为怪的。8.It is not a good idea that you spend your vacation with someone who tells lies.你和说谎话人一起度假是不可取的。9.It is a pity that you live at such a distance.很遗憾,你住得那么远。10.It is a fact that the U.S.S.R.has sent its fleet to all parts of the world. 苏联把它的舰队派往世界各地,这是事实。11.It is a common sense that a liquid has no definite shape,yet it has a definite volume.液体没有一定的形状,而有一定的体积,这是普通常识。该结构有时也可用名词的相应形容词改变。该结构中的“主语从句”也可用“不定式复合结构”替换,二者都比较常用;尽管结构形式 不同,但语法作用是相同的。例如:12.It is a shame that they havent noticed you about it.(=It is a shame for them not to have noticed you about it.)真遗憾,他们没有把这件事通知你。由此可见,该结构根据情况有下列三种翻译方法:一是译成“是的”结构,如例 句(7)和(8);二是译成“插入语”如例句(9)和(12);三是译成“并列分句”如例句(10)和( 11)。与该结构连用的常见名词还有:a good thing,good news,a wonder,an honour等。三、“It is+过去分词+that”结构这种结构多用于固定开头语。此处It是引导词作形式主语,从属连词that引导的是主语从句 。翻译该结构时应注意以下两点:这种结构的谓语常常是被动语态,由于汉语不习惯用被 动句来表达,因此翻译时往往需要把主句的谓语译成主动语态。其谓语的译法一般有两种: 一种是不加主语,另一种是加泛指性的主语如“人们”“有人”“大家”等。英语中的主 语从句译成汉语时则转译成了宾语从句,这种译法的特点是保留原文句子结构的前后顺序, 先译主句后译从句。例如:13.It was said that he found in music the peace which was missing in a world fu ll of wars and killings.据说他从音乐里找到了在充满战争和屠杀的世界里所失去的和平 。14.It is decided that I will meet them at the airport.决定让我去机场接他们。15.It is arranged that the class meeting will be held next week.根据安排班会于下 周召开。16.It is believed that before writing was developed people in China used to keep records by putting a number of stones together.人们认为,在出现书写之前,中国人 常把石块放在一起来记事。17.It is hoped that the way of Inuit life will be kept alive for many more centuries.人们希望因纽特人的生活方式将会保持更多世纪。18.It has been found that all kinds of matter consist of atoms.人们已经发现各种物质都是由原子组成的。从以上几个例句可以看出,例句(13)、(14)和(15)是不加主语的固定开头语。常见的还有It i s reported that据报道;It is supposed that据推测等。例句(16)、(17)和(1 8)是加主语的固定开头语。常见的还有,It is seen that人们看到;It is known that众所周知;It is generally considered that大家认为;It is told that 有人曾经说等。四、“It is/wasthat”结构这种结构为“强调句型”。使用这种结构时要注意,该结构不能用来强调谓语动词、定语和表语,可强调主语、宾语和状语,其句型为It is/was+强调成分+that+其他成分,若强调成份是人,也可用who 或 whom代替that。It在句中没有意思,只用来加强语气,帮助改变一 个句子结构,使某些成分受到强调,汉译时可译为“是(的)”。例如:19.It is the Communist Party that leads us to victory.是共产党领导我们走向胜利的 。(强调主语)20.It is John who/that might have bought a new book yesterday for Mary.昨天是约翰给玛丽买了一本新书。(强调主语)21.It is a new book that John might have bought yesterday for Mary.约翰昨天给玛丽买的是一本新书。(强调宾语)22.It is yesterday that John might have bought a new book for Mary.约翰是在昨天给玛丽买了一本新书的。(强调时间状语)23.The words“gymnastics”and “gym”come from the Greek language,for it was in Greece that Qlympic competitions started.词语gymnastics和gym来自希腊语,因为奥林匹克竞赛就是从希腊开始的。(强调地点状语) 在“It isthat”结构中出现选择副词notbut“不是而是或and not“是而不是”时常常强调的是主语,翻译时先译that之后的谓语动词部分,后译 主语。例如:24.It is not text books but important science ones have been destroyed in the big fire.被大火焚烧掉的不是课本而是重要的科学书籍。25.It is obstacles and not help that make a man.使人成才的是阻力而不是助力。五、“It was not until/tillthat”结构该结构为“特殊强调句型”这种结构实际上是强调句型“It is/wasthat”结构的特殊用法,专门用来强调时间状语,汉译时习惯译为“直到才”。例如:26.It was not until yesterday that I noticed it.(=I didnt notice it until yesterday.)直到昨天我才注意到这件事。27.It was not until 1972 that we began studying English.直到1972年我们才开始学英语。28.It was not till evening that we learned the unhappy news.直到晚上我们才得知这不幸的消息。类似的结构还有“It issince”和“It isbefore”。这两种结构常常用来强调时间状语。但与“It was not untilthat”结构完全不同,此处It不是引导词 ,而是无人称代词表示时间,作主句的主语。从属连接词since 或 be
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