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商务英语口语900句:对包装的建议及要求571.If cartons are used, please put each chemical in strong polythene bags to ensureprotection from dampness.假如用纸箱,请把每个化学制品放进硬瓦楞盒以保证免于破损572.Cases must have an inner lining of stout, water-resistant paper.箱子必需内衬牢固、防水的纸573.We do not object to packing in cartons, provided the flaps are glued down and thecartons secured by metal bands.我们不反对用纸箱包装,若防水处脱胶,请用金属带固定纸箱574.Packing in sturdy wooden cases is essential. Cases must be nailed and secured by overallmetal strapping.用坚因的木箱包装是必要的,箱子整体必需用金属带钉牢575.I would suggest you strengthen the carton with double straps.我建议你们用两条带子加因纸箱576.As the goods will probably be subject to a thorough customs examination, the casesshould by of a type which can be easily made fast again after opening.由于货物可能要海关检查,所以箱应当有铅封,这样在翻开后很简单快速地封箱577.To avoid pilferage, we hope that the goods will be packed in wooden cases instead of incartons as the cartons are easier to be cut open.为避开偷窃,我们盼望货物用木箱取代纸箱包装,由于纸箱易被割开578.We have no objection to your packing the goods in cartons if you guarantee in your salesconfirmations that you will pay compensation if we fail to get indemnification from theinsurance company for the reason that the goods are not packed in seaworthy wooden cases.因货物没用适合海运的木箱包装受损,若无法从保险公司获得赔偿而你们能赔偿我们的话,我们不反对用纸箱包装。579.We want the machine to be packed each in wooden case supported with soft materials toensure that the machines thus packed will not shift inside the cases.我们盼望机器能用衬有软材料的木箱包装来保证这样包装的机器免于移位580.The green beans can be supplied in bulk or in gunny bags.青豆可散装或麻袋装581.We asked the factory to use stronger cartons and double straps.我们要求厂家使用牢固的纸箱和双带固定582.Please see to it that each carton is properly sealed, with a fireproof lining inside.请看清晰每箱用防火内衬材料来适当地密封583.We need these goods to be packed in special packing materials even though they maycost us more.我们需要用特别的材料包装货物,尽管它们会花费我们更多钞票584.We would like to have the screws packed in double gunny bags.我们盼望用麻袋包装螺丝585.In order to avoid any possible damage in transit, we would ask you to pack the goods instrong but small wooden cases.为了避开运输中任何受损的可能,我们要求你们用结实而小巧的木箱包装货物586.We refer special cartons of 30cm*60cm with two or three dozen to each carton becauseits convenient and easy to handle.我们要求用30cm*60cm的特殊纸箱,每箱两打或三打,由于这样便于搬运587.Youd better pack them in cartons of 10kg each instead of wooden cases of 6 kg.你们用每10kg公斤一箱的纸箱取代每6 kg公斤一箱的木箱包装它们588.As you know , paint is a highly inflammable commodity , and extra precautions arenecessary. We should like you to have the goods packed in strong metal cartons, eachcontaining 40 tins.你知道,油画是一种易燃商品,特殊慎重很有必要。我们要求你用结实的金属箱包装,每箱装40幅589.Is your normal packing still ten dozen per carton?你们的正常包装仍是每箱10打吗590.We hope that the beer is packed six bottles in a box which should be beautiful, durableand easy to carry.我们盼望啤酒6瓶一箱,这样会美观、耐用并易于搬运
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