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英语学习:使英语会话能力提高的建议 English Conversation Methods 英语会话方法 1. Learners of English must listen to each sentence in conversations (thematic dialogues) in audio materials several times and see their transcripts at the same time, and understand everything in those sentences clearly. 英语学习者必需认真听视频对话中的每一句话,反复听,同时对比原文,并完全听懂句子的内容。 2. It is necessary that learners of English read (pronounce) each sentence aloud and compare their pronunciation to the narrator”s pronunciation. 英语学习者应当大声读出(发音)每一句话,并将自己的发音和原文的发音进展比拟。 3. Speaking activity with self-control. It is essential for learners to check if they can orally convey the content of those dialogues closely to the original dialogues as much as possible. That means they must try to be an actor for both speakers in the dialogues. The most important thing for them is to speak English, and to check in the transcript of conversations (dialogues) whether they have made any mistakes in speaking. 自觉进展口语练习。学习者应当尽可能多的将这些对话的内容进展口头表述。这意味着他们必需扮演对话中全部的角色。最重要的是开口说英语,并对比会话(对话)原文,看看自己在对话中有哪些错误。 Learners can also make their own written questions on the dialogues that require long answers contained in the dialogues to facilitate (make easier) imitation of the dialogues. Alternatively, learners can write key words and phrases, or main ideas as a plan to make easier for them to imitate those dialogues. 学习者也可以针对对话自己写一些问题,这些问题需要我们利用大段对话内容,以便进展仿照。或者,学习者也可以下下一些关键词语和短语,或者主要观点,将它们作为一个打算,使自己能够更加轻松地仿照对话。 4. It is important that learners prepare potential questions and answers with important content on all everyday topics, and practise speaking. To show different ways of expressing a particular thought they can make several potential questions and answers on one point in this speaking activity. 学习者应当针对每天练习的话题,预备一些可能会用到的问题和答案,这是非常重要的一点。为了用不同的方式来表达一个特定的观点,学习者可以在会话过程中就某一点提出一些问题并进展解答。 5. Learners of English must have lists of difficult word meanings and of phrases (expressions) on every topic with usage sentences. They must read those ready-made vocabulary usage sentences many times if needed. Longman Language Activator Dictionary (unique English Idea Production Dictionary) covers this issue thoroughly. It is essential that learners also make their own sentences with that vocabulary, taking into consideration real life situations. 英语学习者必需就句子的用法将每个单元的难点词汇和短语(表达)列出来。假如需要,他们需要一次又一次地阅读那些现有的带有词汇用法的句子。朗文英语联想活用词典(世界上第一部联想生成表达词典)则详尽地解答了这个问题。学习者依据词典上的词汇,并结合真实状况自己写出一些句子也非常有必要。 6. Students of English can learn a lot of vocabulary on every topic from thematic English dictionaries. Good thematic English dictionaries provide clear word usage explanations and also a few usage sentences for each word meaning, which is especially important. It is essential that students of English also make their own sentences with difficult vocabulary. They should think about the real life situations where and when that vocabulary can be used. 学英语的学生可以从英语主题词典中的每个话题中学习大量的词汇。好的英语主题词典会去除地标明词语的详细用法和相关句子例如,这尤其重要。学习英语的学生也可以使用一些难度较高的词汇造句。他们也可以想想,现实生活中有哪些地点和时间可以用到这些词汇。 7. Learners can also master new English vocabulary by reading thematic texts (materials), first of all on everyday topics with important content, for example: Practical Tips and Advice to Make Everyday Life Easier and Better (practical solutions for everyday problems). Such self-help books on settling everyday matters are available at book stores. Learners must write down unknown vocabulary in whole sentences. It is essential that they practise telling the content of the texts that they have read. As people say, practice makes perfect. 学习者也可以通过阅读主题文本(材料)来把握新的英语词汇,首先是一些关于日常生活中最常见的话题,例如:使你的生活更加便利,更加美妙的诀窍和建议(日常问题的有用解决方法)。这些解决日常问题的自助书籍在书店都会买到。学习者必需写下句子中的生词。将自己阅读的内容复述出来也很重要。常言道,熟能生巧。 8. Constant review of material ensures solid knowledge and success in learning. 准时回忆学习内容可以确保我们能够稳固所学,获得学习效果。 9. It is very important that learners also make use of other important aids on a variety of topics to improve their English conversation and vocabulary skills: audios, videos (English learning videos, travel videos, etc.), Internet resources, English learning magazines, newspapers, newsletters, radio programmes, TV programmes (educational programmes, documentary films, movies, news), books and e-books on a variety of subjects, online communication with native English speakers Good libraries have a wide selection of English learning aids. 学习者还应当通过话题中其他的重要手段来提高自己的英语对话和词汇技巧:各种各样的音频、视频(英语学习视频、旅游视频等等),网络资源、英语学习杂志、报纸、简报、播送节目、电视节目(训练类节目、纪录片、*、新闻)、书籍和电子书,或在网络上与英语母语者进展沟通。好的图书馆里也拥有各式各样的帮助教学设施。
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