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(注意:带的表示前边的是错误的,后边的是改正之后的;其他的没有正确错误之分) 1.短语搭配错误 (大部分为介词错误) carry/get with things carry/get on with things to let alone let alone in return to in return for the need of the need for substitute A with B substitute A for B account 70%- account for 70% under the grounds of/that on the grounds of/that attitude on life attitude towards/to life in a quick speed at a quick speed with many respects in many respects at the face of in the face(s) of considerations to considerations for become victims of - become victims to ride in a train ride on a train the problems with the government the problems for the government resistive against resistive to resistance of resistance to embark sth embark on sth with the belief that in the belief that at advance of sth in advance of sth interpret to interpret as in line to in line with to varying degrees in varying degrees take pride of take pride in leap out to me leap out at me inject them lethal strains inject them with lethal strains charge him with the same price charge him the same price imbalance of A and B imbalance between A and B shortage of protein with them shortage of protein among them fortify sb for sth fortify sb against sth (加强以抵御) shed light to sth shed light on sth in proportion with in proportion to pay for it with dollars pay for it in dollars be in liberty to be at liberty to begin at doing begin with doing be contrasted to be contrasted with commit an offence to commit an offence against modern time modern times ability of (doing) sth ability in (doing) sth defend sth against defend sth from at the first place in the first place pay money in doing pay money for doing take to do take to doing (“求助于,开始”,to为介词) yearn to yearn for at average on average identify oneself to identify oneself with be successful on doing be successful at/in doing get ones teeth on get ones teeth into(埋头做,认真做) the action of formation the action of forming (of后应接动名词而非名词) approach to do approach to doing one contributor of one contributor to consumers demand of luxury goods consumers demand for luxury goods on ones 30s in ones 30s balk to balk at (回避,绕过) differ A from B distinguish A from B suit to sb/sth suit for sb/sth vary by vary with emphasis of emphasis on 2.易混词错误 (1)形近异义词 imaginative imaginary adapt adopt confirm conform former formal diary dairy personal personnel beside besides principal principle intelligent intelligible conscious conscientious stationary stationery considerate considerable affect(影响) effect(致使、达成) contact contract moral morale industrious industrial desert dessert require acquire inquire presence presentation sensible sensitive transformation transmission value evaluate tense tension anything something cooker cook complexity(复杂性) complex(合成体) insurance assurance provide(提供) provided/providing(假设,如果) perceive conceive effective(有效的) affective(受影响的,由引起的) (2)形近(形异)近义词 latter later late(迟的,已故的) latest(最晚的,最新的) farther(距离更远) further(程度更进一步) healthy(健康的) healthful(有益健康的) effective efficient continual(连续的) continuous(持续不断的) respectable respectful historic historical rise arise raise arouse sure insure ensure assure in return to in response to opposite opposition producing productive lonely alone across cross impressed impressive permit(n.通行证) permission relating related memorizing memorable normal(n.常态,通常标准,一般水平) norm(规范,行为标准) favorite favorable acceptability acceptance economical economic few little a few few little a little invent discover before ago another other agent(代理人) agency(代理机构) reward(回馈) award(奖赏) special specific (3)兼有两种形式的副词 firstly first (firstly用于列举条目或者表示顺序,first表示时间上“第一次、首次”) hardly(几乎不) hard(努力地) sure surely late lately clear(完全地、径直地) clearly(显然、清楚地) high(高度高地) highly(程度高地、非常) close(接近地、紧密地) closely(紧密地、严密地) most(最) most(大部分) (4)反义词 with without possible impossible subjective objective import export better worse employee employer employment unemployment modifiable unmodifiable natural unnatural discernable indiscernable lent borrowed exclusive inclusive independency dependency willing unwilling nothing more than nothing less than agree disagree rarely frequently / often specific general less more (still more still less) most least known unknown respective irrespective (irrespective of表示“不管”) majority minority result in result from fortunately - unfor
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