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小学英语PEP教材四年级下册期末试卷班级 姓名 学号 听力部分(30%)一、Listen and number.听音排序。5% 1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、Listen and choose.听音,选择正确的选项。10% ( )1. A、One. B、This is an English book. ( )2. A、Its time for music. B、Its ten oclock. ( )3. A、Its on my bed. B、Its yellow. ( )4. A、Yes, please. B、These are tomatoes. ( )5. A、There are ninety. B、Ninety yuan. 三、Listen and write.听音,看看小熊Zoom买了哪些水果,在表格中写出数量并将句子补充完整。15% 6 Total(总价):¥ Zoom:I want five s, s, s, s and s. Zip:Thats yuan. 综合语言运用部分(70%) 一、Look read, and circle.看图读句子,圈出正确的单词。10%二、 Read and draw . 读一读,画线部分发音都相同的画 ,不同的画 。8% 1. home nose fox 2. music student use 3. milk pig fish 4. ten leg she 三、 Look read, and write. 看图读句子,填上单词把句子补充完整。10%Time table8:108:509:059:4510:0010:4010:5011:301:151:551. Its 9:20. Amy has an class.2. Its 8:15. Amy has a class.3. Its 11:05. Amy has a class.4. Its 1:35. Amy has a class.5. Its 10:10. Amy has a class.四、 Look read, and tick. 看图读句子,打“”选择正确的答案。8%五、 Read and fill the blank. 挑选句子填入对话。10%六、 Read and tick or cross. 读对话,打“”或“”判断句子对错。6%Amy: Hi! Tom. I have a new classroom.Tom: Really? Lets go and have a look. Wow! Its big and nice.Amy: Look! A new black board, four fans and six lights.Tom: There is a new computer on the teachers desk. How many students are there in your class? Amy: Twenty.Tom: Great! Where is your seat?Amy: Its near the door. (1) Amy has a new canteen. ( ) (2) The classroom is small and nice. ( ) (3) There are four fans in the classroom. ( ) (4) There is a new computer on Amys desk. ( ) (5) There are twenty students in the class. ( ) (6) Amys seat is near the door. ( ) 七、 Look, answer and write. 看图回答并写出答案。10%1. What time is it? 2. What colour is the skirt? 3. Is this a pear ? 4. How many bananas are there? 5. Are they rabbits? 听力材料 一、1. Go to the garden. Water the flowers. 2. Its warm today! Take off your jacket! 3. Go to the teachers office. Hand in the homework. 4. Its 7:00. Its time for breakfast. 5. I like tomatoes. Juicy and red. 二、1. How many books do you have? 2. What time is it? 3. What colour is your skirt? 4. Can I help you? 5. How much is the shirt? 三、 Zip: Can I help you? Zoom: Yes. I want six bananas and four apples. Zip: OK. Zoom: I also want eight oranges, five pears and two big watermelons. How much are they? Zip: Theyre twenty-nine yuan. Zoom: Ill take them. 答案 听力部分(30%) 一、1、(2) 2、(5) 3、(4) 4、(1) 5、(3) 二、1、A 2、B 3、B 4、A 5、B 三、 6 4 8 5 2 Total(总价):¥ 29 Zoom:I want six bananas, four apples, eight oranges, five pears and two watermelons.Zip:Thats twenty-nine yuan. 综合语言运用部分(70%) 一、1. sunny 2. snowy 3. windy 4. cloudy 5. rainy 二、1. 2. 3. 4. 三、1. English 2. math 3. music 4. P.E. 5. Chinese 四、1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 五、C A E B D 六、(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 七、1. Its eight oclock. /Its 8:00. /Its eight. 2. Yes, it is. 3. Its yellow./ Yellow. 4. There are six./ Six. 5、No, they arent.
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