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D字母教案学案考点一. damage(1) vt. 损坏;损害,指损伤或降低某物的价值和功能,一般可以修复.(2) 区别: destroy毁灭;毁掉;摧毁,其俗话还程度远远大于damage, 一般不能或很难修复,有时可用于比喻意义. ruin 毁坏;毁灭 强调毁灭的彻底性,并且是一次性的行为,使其不能修复,强调破坏的长期结果. 短语总结 do/ cause damage to 损害 in ruins 成为废墟 bring to ruin 使毁灭对应练习 请用以上词的正确形式填空 The heavy rain came down and _ the crops. An atom bomb would _ a city. All his hopes were _ . How did you _ your car? Many of the books were_ by fire. Fire_ several stores in the business district. The earthquake caused great _. The accident did very little _ to either car.It rained for two weeks, completely _ our holiday. The building is in _.考点二. dare dare to do (实意动词)竟敢;敢 dare(dared) do sth (情态动词)竟敢 dare sb to do 挑战;激将 dare n. 挑战对应练习 Dont _ do that again! I dont think he will _ the risk. He _ me to jump over the stream. I took his _. She _ not do it then.考点三. date短语总结 date back to = date from 追溯到,始于 不能用于被动语态,做谓语时常用于一般现在时 out of date up to date fix the date对应练习 This church _(追溯到)to 1173. The custom _(始于) the time when men wore swords. My interest in English _ the time I met a good English teacher in junior middle school. A dates from B keeps from C dates back D keeps back _ back to the Ming Dynasty, the temple can offer us much useful information about history. A Date B Dated C To date D Dating考点四. declaredeclare that 声称;郑重地说对应练习 The republic has _(宣布)its independence. She _(宣称)that she didnt want to see him again. Have you anything to _(申报)? I _ at the meeting that I did not support him . A declared B suggested C insisted D demanded高考链接 The moment the 28th Olympic Games _ open, the whole world cheered.(2006 福建) A declared B have been declared C have declared D were declared考点五. demanddemand that sb. (should ) do sth 要求某人做某事demand sth 要求得到某物demand sth of/ from sb 要求某人给予某物demand to do sth 要求做某事in great demand 急需对应练习He demanded that I _ _ him.他要求我付给他钱.The police_ my name and _. 警察盘问我的名字和地址.He demanded an answer _ me .他要求我答复.Newlypublished novels are always _ _ _.新出版的小说总是供不应求. It is impossible to satisfy all demands.(替换)高考链接In some western countries, demand for graduates of MBA courses has_. A turned down B turned over C fallen down D fallen over考点六. designbe designed for 打算;预备 be designed to do 打算干某事 design sth for sb= design sb sth为某人设计某物design doing sth/ to do sth 打算做某事by design 故意地,蓄意地对应练习 They _(设计) us a good studio.= They _ a good studio _ us. What do you design _/ _ -_ (do)tomorrow? The gloves _ _ _(为而制) extremely cold climates. The new building _(被设计)by an American architect. I was very angry when I heard the boy broke the window _.高考链接A dozen ideas were considered _ the thief architect decided on the design of the building.(06上海) A because B before C whether D unless考点七determinedetermine to do 决意 be determined to do 决心 determine that+ 句子determine sb. to do 使得某人做出决定 determined adj. 已下决心的,决然的,果断的determination n.决心对应练习He _(决意)to go. I am _(决心) to do better than Mike. He has not _ (决定) what he will study. His advice _ me to drink and smoke no more. 我今晚决心要玩个痛快. I _enjoy myself tonight.By the time I left, I _ _ _ _ go back there again.我离开的时候就下定决心再也不回那里了. What determined _ _ _ _?是什么使她下定决心要嫁给他? John was dismissed last week because of his _ attitude towards his job. A informal B casual C determined D earnest考点八die常见短语:die out die away die down die offdie of die from对应练习This kind of bird has _ in the world. The noise of the motorcar _. After the excitement of the audience _, the speaker restarted his speech. As the widow was still middle-aged, her relatives all _. The custom of wearing vests seems to _. Every winter some old people _ polluted air. The soldier died_ a chest wound.考点九disappoint拓展:disappointed disappointing disappointmentbe disappointed at/ that to ones disappointment对应练习 Im sorry to _ you but Im afraid you havent won the prize. They are very _ that they cant stay longer. It has been a _ year for the company. To their_, the r
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