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UNIT 5FIRST AID单元要点回顾知识要点重点内容阅读词汇1techniquen._2leafletn._3organn._4electricadj._5underneathadv.&prep._6nerven._7fabricn._技能;技术;技艺散页印刷品;传单;小册子器官 电的;用电的;电动的在下面神经织物;布料;结构知识要点重点内容阅读词汇8carpetn._9justify vt._ _10welfaren._11collapsevi._12manualn._ adj._地毯证明有道理;为辩护;是的正当理由幸福;福祉;安康;福利(突然)倒塌;(因病等)昏倒使用手册;说明书用手的;手工的;体力的;手控的知识要点重点内容写作词汇1_ n.受害者;患者2_ vt.吞下;咽下3_ vt.包、裹;(用身体)围住4_ n.滑倒;小错误;纸条vi.滑倒;溜走5_ adj.年纪较大的;上了年纪的victimswallowwrapslipelderly知识要点重点内容写作词汇6_ n.救护车7_ n.耽搁;延误vt.耽搁;延误vi.推迟;延期8_ vi.&vt.淹死;溺死;浸泡;淹没9_ n.惊恐;恐慌vi.&vt.(使)惊慌10_ vt.&vi.高声喊;大声叫n.尖叫11_ adj.切实可行的;实际的;实践的ambulancedelaydrownpanicscreampractical知识要点重点内容写作词汇12_ adv.紧紧地;牢固地13_ vt.抓住;攫取n.抓取;抢夺14_ n.咽喉;喉咙15_ vi.&vt.(使)窒息;(使)哽咽16_ n.拳头17_ n.郊区;城外tightlygrabthroatchokefistsuburb 知识要点重点内容拓展词汇1_ vi.肿胀;膨胀 _ adj.肿胀的2_ adj.松的;未系紧的;宽松的 _ adv.松散地 _ vt.松开swellswollenlooselooselyloosen知识要点重点内容拓展词汇3_ adj.紧急的;急迫的;急切的 _ adv.紧急地;急迫地 _ n.紧急情况 _ vt.催促;力劝n.冲动;欲望urgenturgentlyurgencyurge知识要点重点内容拓展词汇4_ n.容易;舒适;自在vt.减轻;缓解 _ adj.容易的 _ adv.容易地5_ n.电话接线员;操作员 _ vi.&vt.做手术;操作;运转;(被)使作用 _ n.手术easeeasyeasilyoperatoroperateoperation知识要点重点内容拓展词汇6_ n.流血;失血 _ vi.流血;失血 _ n.血液7_ vt.使暂停;使中断vi.打断;打扰 _ n.打断;打扰bleedingbleedbloodinterruptinterruption 知识要点重点内容拓展词汇8_ adj.绝望的;孤注一掷的;非常需要的 _ adv.绝望地;不顾一切地 _ n.绝望9_ n.雾 _ adj.有雾的desperatedesperatelydesperationfogfoggy 知识要点重点内容重点短语1触觉 _2舒适;自在 _3帮助某人站起来 _4面朝下 _5迟起;睡过头;睡懒觉_6健康状况不好 _7get drowned _sense of touchat easehelp sb.to ones feetface downsleep inout of shape 被淹死知识要点重点内容重点短语8bleed to death _9get into a panic _10rescuefrom _11without interruption _12in desperation _13stick to _14stand by _流血而死陷入惊慌把从中救出来连续地;不断地绝望地坚持;粘贴袖手旁观;站在旁边知识要点重点内容重点短语15slap sb.on the back _16remain calm_17prevent(from)doing _18swell up _19give first aid _20a variety of _21come into contact with _拍某人的后背保持冷静阻止做某事肿胀;膨胀实施急救各种各样的接触;联系知识要点重点内容重点短语22have trouble in doing sth._23take risks _24less than _25without delay _26warn sb.of sth._有困难做某事冒险少于毫不耽搁地警告某人某事知识要点重点内容重点句式1您还可以更好地理解在何处查找文本中的信息,以及它可能包含什么类型的信息。You can also better understand where to find information in text,and what kind of information it _.is likely to contain知识要点重点内容重点句式2如果受伤者为二度或三度烧伤,就迫切需要立即送他/她去医院。If the victim is suffering from second or third-degree burns,_ take him/her to the hospital at once.3我们这个星期不进行急救培训有什么原因吗?Is there any _ we are not going to have the first-aid training this week?there is an urgent need toreason why知识要点重点内容重点句式4有一天,她正在客厅擦窗户,突然,她再也感觉不到自己身体的右侧了。One day,she _ in her living room _ the windows,_ suddenly she could no longer feel the right side of her body.wascleaningwhen知识要点重点内容重点句式5例如,如果可能的话,用一块干净的布松散地包裹烧伤区域。For example,wrap the burnt area loosely with a clean cloth _.if possible知识要点重点内容重点句式6北京的一名高中生陈伟在吃晚餐时,另一张桌子突然传来客人的尖叫声,打断了他的用餐。Chen Wei,a high school student in Beijing,_ _when he heard someone screaming from another table.had his dinner interrupted知识要点重点内容重点句式7如果受害者严重烧伤,重要的是马上送他/她去医院。_ the victim to the hospital right away if he or she is severely burnt.8医生检查了张涛,确保他没事。The doctors checked Zhang and _ that he was fine.It is important to takemake sure知识要点重点内容重点句式9事实上,它是如此简单,以至于几乎每个人现在都能学会。It is _ easy,in fact,_ almost anyone can learn now.10红十字会正在寻找关心同胞福祉的志愿者。The Red Cross is looking for volunteers _ _ the welfare of their fellow men.sothatwho are concerned about知识要点重点内容重点句式11我们应该总是尽我们所能来照顾老人和其他可能有需要的人。We should always do _ to take care of the elderly and any others who might be in need.12然而,过了几个月,她的脚踝才恢复,她发现自己又可以轻松地走路了。However,_ her ankle recovered and she found walking easy again.what we canit was several months before知识要点重点内容重点语法动词-ing形式的用法1He sent me an e-mail,_(expect)to get further information.2With the virus _(spread)in this region,a large amount of medical equipment is in need.3People _(work)in green environment have been found to have fewer stomachs.expectingspreadingworking
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