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5.2.1 人称代词1)英语中由下面这些人称代词:数格 人称单数复数123123主格iyouHe she itWe Youthey宾格meyouHim her itusyouthem2)人称代词在剧中可用作A主语:Im sorry Im late.Is he married? -no, hes single.He (she) majors in English.We (they)are both from the south. 在口语中有时用宾格,尤其是在than引导的从句中:Who found Grans watch? - Me.John is smaller than him.She is cleverer than me.B宾语(需用宾语)或介词宾语:Tell him (her) to call back a little later.You dont need to thank me (us)Put it (them) on the table, please.She has great concern for us(me/him)。C表语(在口语中常用宾格)I saw at once it was her.If ii were (him), Id take the job.Dont blame tom. Its me who broke it.但在笔语中仍宜用主格:Its I(me).It was she who had been wrong.3)she扯了指她外,还表示:A雌性动物、:I stroked the cat and she rubbed against my leg.The mare whined when she saw her master.B船只、车辆:She is a fine ship.Nice car how much did she cost?C国家:Spain is a major car manufacturer. She exports cars to the uk.English has done what she promised to do.4)we,you两词可用来泛指一般人:We all have our weakness.We (you) need to consider all these factors.You can never tell what they will do next.They也可以泛指一般人:They say prices are going to increase again.They dont make decent furniture nowadays.5)it可有许多用法,表示:A某样东西Wheres my map? I left it on the table.Look at the bird. It always comes to my window.B抽象事物:Youve saved my life . I shall never forget it.“I want to stay”your wife wont like it “C不知性别的孩子(婴儿):Her new baby is tiny, it only weighs 2kilos.What a beautiful baby. - is it a boy?D某种感觉或情况:Does it itch much?Where does it hurt?How is it going with you?E是谁:Who is that (it)? -its me.Is that tom over there? - Its the third of April.F时间、日期等:What time is it?- it is eight oclock.Whats the date? -its third of AprilG天气、环境等:Its raining(snowing)。Its so noisy (quiet) in the room.In window its dark at six oclock.H距离等:How far is it to Chicago? - it is 800 kilometers.Its112 miles from London to Birmingham.5.2.2 物主代词1)物主代词有下面这些:词义类型我的你的它(他,她)的我们的你们的他们的形容词性物主代词My yourHis,her,itsouryourtheir名词性物主代词mineyoursHis,hers,itsoursyourstheirs2)形容词型物主代词有些语法学家称为限定词,主要在剧中作定语:Is this your (his/her) seat?Their (my/our) house looks on to the sea.Whats your nationality?The swimming club held its annual general meeting last night.The baby threw down its rattle.The government has changed its(their) policy.The cuckoo lays her eggs in other birds nests.3)形容词型物主代词还可和own连用,在句中:A.作定语I always write for my own people.Virtue is its own reward.He arranged for me to study with his own children.She did it of her own free will.B作表语。宾语等:My time isnt my own.Its her friends car, not her own.Their views are similar to our own.C和of连用The accident happened through no fault of her own.We have no children of our own.I wish to god I had a lab of my own.4)名词型的物主代词还可以:A作表语:Is this your book or mine?This suit is his.Is that old black cat yours?B作主语:That isnt my car , mine is being repaired.Ours is the only garden in the lane.Yours is on that shelf.C作宾语或介词宾语:Well have to separate ours from theirs.I like yours better than ours.Her daughter is rather stupid, but both of yours are very clever.D和of连用:An old friend of mine has just had a child.I borrowed a tie of his.He is a great admirer of yours.This girl of mine wrote to say she was coming from Paris today.That fool of a sister of ours!Yours 常用在信末:对陌生人可以写“yours faithfully”或”yours truly”,对见到过的人可以写”yours sincerely“,对朋友可以写”yours“或“yours ever”
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