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快乐英语第九册 lesson11课教学设计单位育才小学年级五年科目英语教者李英教学目标1 能够听、说、读、写wall,palace,by the way,leave。2 掌握表示将来时句法结构be going to,学会问答:Where are you going this holiday?Im going to.3 能够熟练地表演Learn to say 对话,并将其用于实际生活中,培养学生对祖国文化的热爱之情。教学重点、教学难点1正确使用交际用语Where are you going.?Im/Were going to. 教师要引导和鼓励学生创新地表达出自己的想法: Im/Were going to.2专有名词the Summer Palace,Tiananmen Square,the Forbidden City的准确读音是难点,通过对北京旅游景点的了解和学习,进一步加强爱国主义教育。教学准备相关课件设计理念本节课采用了采用情景教学,任务教学法等,将听,说,读,写溶于一体,让学生学会自主学习,小组合作探究,学习本课内容,将静止的,抽象的,死板的知识活起来,充分调动学生们的各种感觉器官,激发学生积极参与课堂活动,进一步培养他们大胆表达的良好学习习惯,达到自由运用英语进行简单日常交际的能力。学情分析本班共34名学生,我根据学生的学习习惯、心理状况、掌握知识技能程度和个性差异,将本班分成了3个队(8各小组),同时针对不同层次的学生提出不同的要求,针对每名学生的学习目标,我采用了小组合作学习,分层教学法,任务教学法,情景教学法等,面向全体学生,服务于每名学生,做到课堂上没有被“遗忘的角落”。赵芮,赵一凡等同学需要在组长的帮助下和老师的辅导下反复操练才能认读本课的单词;于春晨、孙雪薇等同学,在课堂上需要及时给与鼓励、及时评价,激发他们的学习兴趣,他们就能积极、主动地参与到课堂活动中来,能够掌握本课的单词及句型,并能读懂的课文对话;孙欣然、张仁萱等这些同学学习兴趣浓厚,愿意与老师和同学交流,能够自觉完成本课的教学任务,并能熟练表演课文对话;对于优生孙祎婷、葛静怡、邵帅等同学,能够根据音标提示读出单词的正确发音,而且在组内积极地帮助其他同学认读单词,并在老师的点拨下轻松完成本课教学目标,还能根据本课内容自创对话并表演。因此,为了能更好的实现本节课的教学目标,使每名学生都能积极参与课堂活动中来,并使其个性得以张扬,课前我布置学生把自己的收藏品带来,上课时要展示给大家。而且我还精心设计了教学流程,自制了适合本课的课件,进一步创设语言环境,给学生营造一个轻松愉快的课堂氛围。教学流程Warw up:Presentation:Consolidation:Sum up:Homework:Blackboard1.Greeting:T:Now class begins.Ss:Hello,Miss Li!T:Hello,everyone!How are you?Ss:Im fine,thank you.And you?T:Very well,thanks.Sit down,please.2.Lead in:T:Whos on duty today?S1:I am.T:What day is today?S1:Today is 。T:Oh,weekend is coming.What are you going to do this weekend?S1:Im going to do my homework.S2:Im going to visit my friend,Tom.T:Where is he? S2:Hes in Yingkou.S3:Im going to play basketball with my friends.S4:Im going to help my Mom to clean the room. T:What a hard-working girl.S5:Im going to the park.T:What do you want to do there?S5:I like walking.And I can climb the hill.T:Good.Love sport boy.I love sport,too.S6:Im going to visit my grandparents.T:Where are they? S6:They are in 大连。T:Oh,Its so far.Dalian is very beautiful city.Where did you visit in Dalian?S6:I visited 星海park,大连Forest Zoo,大连Tiger beach park,and so on.T:You like traveling.S6:Yes.T:I like traveling ,too.A:words and drills:T:If you have a long holiday,where do you want to go this holiday?Ss:.T:OK!This lesson, we will learn: Lesson 11 Where are you going this holiday?( 出示课题,教师板书,学生理解句子含义,并操练)T:(课件出示中国地图)Look!Here is a map of China. There are many places.If you have a long holiday,where are you going this holiday?(教师引导学生说出:Im going to .然后教师给出例句: Im going to Beijing.)(教师板书:Im going to Beijing.教师组织学生在小组内操练,汇报:Where are you going this holiday? Im going to .)T:,Where are you going this holiday?(教师叫起一名学生)S7:Im going to .(设计意图:利用图片激发学生的学习兴趣,使他们很快进入学习情境,并增强学生的参与意识,从而达到巩固旧知识,也为学习新知识打基础。)T:When are you leaving?(教师出示句子,指导理解句子含义,学习leave,并拓展leave还有留下的意思,理解句子:He leaves a book for you.Youd better leave your address and telephone number.学生小组内操练,汇报:When are you leaving?)T:So many places,where are you going best?Ss: .T:Im going to a place this holiday.Can you guess? Ss:You are going to .T:Here is a video clip. Lets see and youll know.(课件出示一段有关北京旅游的宣传片)(设计意图:调动学生的积极性,吸引学生注意力)Ss:Beijing.T:Yes.Im going to Beijing.We know Beijing is the capital of China. Its a beautiful city.And it has many beautiful places.Lets go and have a look,OK?(课件出示北京旅游路线图)T:Look!The bus is coming.Are you ready?Ss:Yes!T:Lets go! T:Where am I going ?(车移动到长城)(出示链接的长城图片)T:Oh,Im going to the Great Wall. (教师板书长城:the Great Wall。学生小组内操练:Where are you going this holiday?Im going to the Great Wall.)T:By the way,the Great Wall is the longest wall in the world.Its world famous.Do you know?There is an old saying in China“不到长城非好汉”(教师讲解by the way的用法,并拓展“不到长城非好汉”怎样用英语来表达)T:So if you go to Beijing,you have to climb the Great Wall,or you are not a true man.T:The next station,follow me,OK?(课件返回北京旅游图)Ss:OK!Where?Where?(车移动到颐和园)T:Im going to the Summer Palace.(教师板书the Summer Palace,并向学生介绍“The Summer palace is the biggest imperial garden.”学生小组内操练:Where are you going this holiday?Im going to the Summer Palace.)(课件返回北京旅游图)T:Quickly,quickly,Im going to the next station.Are you ready?Ss:Yes! (车移动到故宫)T:Im going to the Forbidden City. (学生小组内操练:Where are you going this holiday ?Im going to the Forbidden City.)(课件返回北京旅游图)T:The last station,where am I going?( 车移动到“where”,让学生猜测。)T:Where?Where?Lets see a vedio. (课件播放一段天安门升旗的视频)T:What are they doing?Ss:升国旗(They are running up the flag.)T:Where are they?Ss:天安门广场。T:Yes.Im going to Tiananmen Square. (学生小组内操练
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