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2023年黑龙江省牡丹江市中考英语试卷第一部分 语言知识运用1(1分)Your skirt_so special.Oh yes,its very popular these days.Its a horseface skirt.()A looksB smellsC tastes2(1分) Although our school life is a little busy,it is full of _.()A painB sadnessC laughter3(1分)Is that boy in a white shirt over there Leo?No,it_be him.He has gone to Kunming.()A mustB cantC might4(1分) A man should be strict with himself,but be_to others.()A similarB harmfulC friendly5(1分) We should spend our pocket money(零花钱)_ and use it to do something meaningful.()A wiselyB politelyC quietly6(1分)Red Star over China(红星照耀中国) is so popular that_of the students in our class have finished reading it.()A two thirdB two thirds C second three7(1分)Rex,guess what?Born to Fly(长空之王)_last week.Yes.It shows the dangers and risks that the pilots face.()A came outB gave outC worked out8(1分) Zhang Guimei once said,_Im alive,I will donate (献身) myself to teaching.()A Even thoughB As soon as C As long as9(1分) Xu Mengtao won the 2022 Touching China award.Never giving up_the key to her success.()A isB areC were10(1分)Nancy,where is your brother?He_for the physical experiment(物理实验) exam in the laboratory.()A preparesB is preparing C was preparing11(1分) _down air pollution,we should walk or take the bus instead of driving.()A CutB To cutC Cutting12(1分) The 19th Asian Games_in Hangzhou from September 23 to October 8,2023.()A was heldB will holdC will be held13(1分)Alice,I wonder_you won the tugofwar(拔河比赛) yesterday.Yeah!We pulled together and made it in the end.()A whatB whereC whether14(1分) If we study hard with big dreams,there is nothing_ cant be achieved.()A whoBthatC whom15(1分)Its bad for us to drink too much coffee._I seldom drink it.()AThats for sure.B Its up to you.CHope things work out.II.Communication16(5分)A.Me,too.B.Im busy making a poster (海报).C.Whats it about?D.What do you think of drawing mind maps?E.Where are you going?F.What kind of English homework do you like?G.How do you make a poster?(Lillian,Amy and Iris are talking on WeChat.)(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (B) Complete the dialogue with proper sentences.17(10分)(Xiao Qi meets her American friend Emily on the street.)A:Hi,Emily!What are you going to do this Sunday?B:Nothing much.Whats up?A:I heard a baby panda was born in the zoo.Im going to have a look. (1) ?B:Sure,Id love to.You like pandas,dont you?A:Yes.In fact,pandas are my favorite animals.B:(2). ?A:Because they are very cute.And they are a symbol of China.B:Well,I become interested in them. (3) ?A:OK.Pandas mainly live in Southwest China.They can live to be 20 to 30 years old.B:(4) ?A:They cat bamboo and fruit.B:Oh,I see,Are they endangered?A:No.Thanks to the government and workers efforts,pandas are no longer endangered now.B:(5) !Thank you for telling me so much.A:Youre welcome.See you this Sunday.III. Cloze test 18(15分)A man lived happily in a village because everyone praised him. One day,he heard some people(1) about him when he passed by.Hiding behind a tree,he started listening to them.But what they said made him(2) .They said he was too proud. From that day on,whenever he saw(3) talking,he thought they were saying something bad about him.He was unhappy (4) .So he went to a wise old man and told him(5) . The wise old man said, Stay in my house tonight. The man(6) .When he went to sleep at night,the croaking of frogs (青蛙呱呱的叫声)fell in his ears.A pond(池塘) was behind his room and the sound(7) from there.The more he wanted to ignore(忽视) the sound,the(8) the frogs seemed to croak. The next morning,the man went to the wise old man and said,I (9) sleep well last night.It felt like there were hundreds of frogs in that pond.You must also have(10) because of them.Can I take them out and put them far away? The wise old man nodded. So the man went to the pond.To his surprise,only ten frogs (11) .Then he went to ask the wise old man(12) the other frogs were. The wise old man said, Even at night there were only ten frogs.Because you paid a lot of attention to the(13) ,you thought there were hundreds of them.It is the same in your life as well.And always remember,no matter(14) good you are,there will always be some people(15) will talk bad about you. The man understood the wise old mans words and thanked him.Choose the best choice from A,B or C according to what you read.(1)A.talk
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