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香港朗文英语教材 Longman Welcome to EnglishTeaching Plans for Chapter 6 Look at Me Part E执教者 华南师大附小 肖靓课型:任务课教学内容分析:本节课是 Chapter 6 的 E 部分内容,学生在 A 、B、C、D 部分学了身体部 位单词、描述人形体的形容词和有关于介绍自己身体特征的句型,女如: I am.Ihave.He/She is He/She has.等,另外,学生还学了如何介绍他人及 can, cant 的用法,如: This/That is. He/She can/can t . 本节课最重要的是让学生学习如何连贯地用所学英语去介绍和描述自己的同学、朋友或家人, 在这过程中能够运 用英语句型 : This is . He/She is . He/She has . He/She can . 进行表达。教学对象分析:学生从一年级就开始学习英语, 每周 6 节英语课, 能够书写英语字母、 单词 及简单的句子, 能够认读较多的英语句子, 有一定的口语基础, 英语基础知识较 为扎实。通过三个月在校的英语学习, 他们对英语学习有着浓厚的兴趣, 并已初 步形成了良好的英语学习习惯, 学生很喜欢上英语课, 大部分孩子敢说英语、 能 说英语。孩子对单词的认读和课文的演读没有多大的问题, 但由于英语知识的不 断加深,特别是出现让孩子连贯表达一些英语句子时, 学生表现起来会有点吃力。 因此,在教学过程中, 我通过给予学生大量的信息输入, 将学习重点和难点较好 地化解于活动教学、 游戏教学和情景教学中, 让学生自发地多开口说练英语。 本 课主要任务在于创造更多的机会让学生学习新知识和运用语言。教学策略:1、通过运用歌曲、游戏、情景、媒体和活动等教学方式让学生主动获取信 息。2、结合课堂活动和游戏,促进老师与学生、学生与学生之间的交流。3、让学生在“任务”活动中学习英语并用英语进行交流。Objectives:Language Skill :Be able to understand and to use the sentence structures:“Whois ? That is .” He/She is .” He/She has .” He/She can .”Language Knowledge : To know and to use the adjectives and the names of body partsand the sentence structures:“Who is ? “That is .”He/She is .” He/She has .” He/She can .”Affect and Attitude : Like to speak English and to communicate with others. Get to know their friends more by describing their appearance and ability.Learning Strategies :1. Train the pupils to think, observe, imagine and cooperatewith others actively.2. Enjoy the son gs, games and activities in the class.liste ningread ingspeak ingLearning difficulties:To use the sentence structures task.Who is ? That is to do theLanguage Focus:1.Vocabularies:巩固运用:ear eyenose mouthhair short long fat big small thintall2.Structures:Who is ?That is .He/She is: He/She has: He/She can3. Skills#Resources:2. A mask. 3. Task paper1. Teach ing softwareTeach ing Procedure:ProcedureTeacher ActivitiesPupil ActivitiesPurposeLeadi ngin1. Greeti ng.1. Greeti ng.Warmi ngup toand Pre-task2. A cha nt Tall, tall, make2. Chant together andcreatea happyyourself tall. ”do the actions.atmosphereof3. The teacher introduces3. Liste n and try to uselear ning En glish.herself by usingIf am . I have . IToarousetheam : I have : Ican .to introducepupils interests andcan .Then ask somethemselves.give themmorepupils toin troducechaneeto speakthemselves.En glish.4. Aguess inggame:4. Use He is .HeIn troducea friendhas .He can .toPippy”. Ask the pupilsguess what Pippy isto guess what Pippy islike.like. (CAI)5.Prese ntthe sentence5. Listen and try tostructuresbyspeak out after thein troduci ngPippy:teacher.This is .He is .Hehas .He can .”While-task1. The teacher acts as1. MakefriendswithTo practicewithPippy to make somePippy.the words and thefriends with the pupils.senten ces.Prese nt the sentenceTo help them to usestructures:Who is ?thesentenceThat :”structuresthrough2.InLon gma nSchool,2.Listenand practisethe activitiesandJenny, Nancy, Mike andthesentencekeeptheirJack are good, too.structuresWhoin terestsinPrese nt the contentsis ? That isspeak ing En glish.of the dialogue. (CAI)He/She is .He/Shehas:He/Shecan .3. Ask the pupils to do the3.Do the exercise.exercise.4.A cha nt.4. Chant together.5.A video: the pupils school sports day. Pippy takes the video about the sports day.5.Watch the video.6.Use He/She is .”6.Liste n and talk aboutHe/Shehas.”the pupils in theHe/Shecan.” tovideo.describe the pupils inthe video.Post-task1.A task: Ask the pupils1.PairWork:Tooffermoretoin troducetheirIn troducetheircha ncesforthefriends or parents tofriends or parentspupils to talk abouttheir part ner.to their part ner.the friendsandcom muni catewithothers.To speak morebygett ingin volvedinthe activities.Homework1.Listen to the CD, and read out the dialogue on P35.2.In troduceyourclassmate to your father and mother in En glish.Layouts:Who is ?He/She isThat isHe/She hasHe/She can#
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