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Unit EightPart One Statements Complete each of the statements with what you hear and choose A or B that explains the word or phrase in bold. 1. He was caught when he was pinching a few valuable items from the big department store.(A)2. The police officers thought that they were pulling over a suspected drunk driver early Tuesday morning. ( A ) 3. If the thief is not stealing something valuable, I will mind my own business. ( A ) 4. The swimmers saw a storm arising and made for the shore. ( B ) 5. The murderer confessed his guilt to the police after he was arrested. ( B ) 6. The child ought to be punished. You shouldnt let him get away with the theft. ( A ) 7. The report of his crime was circulating quickly through the town. ( A ) 8. Harry was trying to trick the old lady out of her money. ( A ) 9. The burglary took place when the old lady was at home. ( A ) 10. We wondered why they were checking on the man who was so kind and honest. ( A )Part Two Dialogues Dialogue one Tricks Fred: Are you sure this is the fight house? Harry: Of course Im sure. I used to live next door, didnt I? Its easy and safe. Shes not been out for twenty years. Frightened to go out in case someone pinches her money. Fred: Thats just what were going to do, isnt it? Except shes in. What if she hears us? Harry: She wont. Deaf as a post. Probably half blind, too. Living in the dark all those years. Come on, get in this window. Stand on my back and give me a hand up. Right, now come on. Lets have a look around. Wendy: Ah, good evening, youve come at last. Fred: Blimey.Harry: Oh,. er. good evening. Yeah.er. sorry to be late.Wendy: Late! Oh, you are naughty. Keeping me waiting here twenty years. And then trying to surprise me by coming in the window. And youve brought a friend, I see. Good evening. I hope you didnt damage your clothes coming into the window like that. Harry is such a silly boy. Still up to his tricks. Do take a chair. And you Harry, sit down and we can all have a nice cup of tea. Youd like that, wouldnt you?Fred: Oh,. er. yeah, er. thanks very much. Er. thank you.Harry: Wendy, I want to talk to you about money.Wendy: Ah yes, Harry. I wondered. I wasnt going to mention it quite so soon, but that ten thousand pounds I lent you must have acquired quite a lot of interest by now, and times are rather hard. Now, drink your tea like a good boy and well discuss how you can pay it back. Twenty years is a long time to wait, after all. Harry? Harry, what are you doing? Come back here at once. Oh dear. He is a naughty boy. But I know hell come back. Always did. But Im afraid his tea will be cold. Ah.I. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to each of the questions you hear. 1. What do Harry and Fred plan to do in Wendys house? ( C ) 2. Why has the woman not been out of her house for twenty years? ( B ) 3. How does Fred get into the house? ( A ) 4. Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned? ( B ) 5. What is Harry doing after Wendy ask him to pay back her money? ( A )II. Listen to the dialogue again and answer the following questions with Yes or No. 1. Does Harry live in the same neighbourhood as the woman? ( No ) 2. Has the woman not been out of her house because she has been blind for twenty years? ( No ) 3. Do Harry and Fred get into the house through the window with a ladder? ( No ) 4. Does the woman recognize Harry immediately because she still remembers the naughty boy next door? ( Yes ) 5. Did Harry borrow one thousand pounds from the woman twenty years ago? ( No )Dialogue Two The Wanted Person A: No luck then, John? B: Afraid not, Sir. Not yet, anyhow. Were still checking on stolen cars. A: Mm. B: Where do you think Michael will head for, Sir? A: Well, he definitely wont try to leave the country yet. He may try to get a passport, and hell certainly need clothes and money. Hell probably get in touch with his wife for those, so I expect hell make for Birmingham. B: Right, Ill put some men in the house. A: Yes, do that. Mind you. I doubt if hell show up there in person. Michael is no fool, you know. I should think hell probably telephone. B: What about his wife? A: Mm. I shouldnt think hell go anywhere near her though he might get her to join him after hes left the country. And when he does leave, he probably wont use a major airport, either. So youd better alert the guards and keep an eye on the private airfields. B: Right Sir, Id better get his pictures circulated.A: Yes. And John be careful. He could be armed. And if I know him, he certainly wont give himself up without a fight.I. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to each of the questions you hear. 1. What is the person wanted by the police
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