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四级语法:分词练习题(附答案)练习题 51Test1) After the Arab states won independence, great emphasis was laid on expanding education, with girls as well boys_ to go to school. (CET-4 1997,1), 51TestA) to be encouraged B) been encouraged C) being encouraged D) be encouraged,51Test2) _,a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of language is poor. (CET-4 1997,6),51TestA) Other things being equal B) Were other things equalC) To be equal to other things D) Other things to be equal,51Test3)All things _, the planned trip will have to be called off. (CET-4 1998,6),51TestA) considered B) be considered C) considering D)shavingsconsidered,51Test4) The house was very quiet, _as it was on the side of a mountain. (CET-4 1999,6),51TestA) isolated B) isolating C) being isolated D)shavingsbeen isolated,51Test5) This crop has similar qualities to the previous one, _both wind-resistant and adapted to the same type of soil. (CET-4 1999,6),51TestA) being B) been C) to be D)shavingsbeen,51Test6) Corn originated in the New World and thus was not known in Europe until Columbus found it _ in Cuba. (CET-4 2000,1),51TestA) being cultivated B) been cultivated C)shavingscultivated D) cultivating,51Test7) _in this way, the situation doesnt seem so disappointing. (CET-4 2000,1),51TestA) To look B) Looking at C) Looked at D) To be looked at,51Test8) You will see this product _ wherever you go. (CET-4 2000,6),51TestA) to be advertised B) advertised C) advertise D) advertising,51Test9) _in a recent science competition, the three students were awarded scholarship totaling 21,000 dollars. (CET-4 2000,12),51TestA) To be judged the best B)shavingsjudged the best,51TestC) Judged the best D) Judging the best,51Test10) From the dates _ on the plates, we decided that they were made in Song Dynasty.,51TestA) marking B)shavingsbeen marked C) marked D) to be marked,51Test11) She stood by the window, _.,51TestA) thinking B) think C) thought D) thinks,51Test12) _ to meet anybody, he went in from the back door.,51TestA) Not wishing B) Wishing C) Not wished D) No wishing,51Test13) The editorial _ now will appear in tomorrows newspaper.,51TestA) writing B) to write C) being written D) write,51Test14) It _ now pretty late, we took our things and retired to our room.,51TestA) is B) being C) turned D) got ,51Test15) _ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.,51TestA) When compared B) While comparing C) Compare D) Comparing,51Test16) The old man came upstairs with great strength, his right hand _ a stick for support.,51TestA) held B) holding C) being holding D) was holding,51Test17) _ three times in a row, the boxer decide to give up fighting. ,51TestA)shavingsdefeated B) To have defeate ,51TestC)shavingsbeen defeated D) To have been defeated,51Test18) _neglecting our education, my father sent me to school.,51TestA) Accused of B) Accusing of C) To be accused of D) That he was accused of,51Test19) _ mainly for the invention of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell devoted his life to helping the deaf.,51TestA) He is remembered B) While being remembered,51TestC) To be remembered D) Though remembered,51Test20) _ that they are fresh from university, the young people have done a good job.,51TestA) Given B) Because C) Giving D) As,51Test21) _ on a clear day, far from the city crowds, the mountains give him a sense of infinite peace.,51TestA) If walking B) While walking C) Walking D) When one is walking,51Test22) I understood you were third-year students _ in English.,51TestA) who majors B) who major is,51TestC) have majored D) majoring,51Test23) A cool rain was falling, _ with snow. ,51TestA) mixed B) mixing C) to mix D)shavingsmixed,51Test24) _ by the police, the kidnappers had no choice but to surrender.,51TestA) Surrounded B) Surrounding,51TestC)shavingssurrounded D) To be surrounded,51Test25)_ equal educational opportunities, American Indians in the reservations remained backward and illiterate for a long time.,51TestA) Deprived off B) Depriving off,51TestC) Deprived of D) Depriving of,51Test26) All the exam papers _, the teacher sent the class home.A)shavingsbeen handed in B)shavingshands in C) handing in ,51TestD) being handed in ,51Test27) _ in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States.,51TestA) Founding B) It was founded C) Being founded D) Founded,51Test28) There _ no fresh drinking water and no good farm land, it was not a comfortable place in which to live.,51TestA) be B) was C) were D) being,51Test29) _ in Beijing for quite a few years, Mr. Park had little difficulty understanding Chinese.,51TestA)shavingslived B) Lived C) Living D) To live,51Test30) Any packet _ properly will not be accepted by the post office.,51TestA) not
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