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中国人民解放军401医院 中国中医药研究所题目肩周炎的中医治疗作者:冯峰 胡瑞 翻译:谭梅简介:肩周炎不是中老人的专利,很多年轻人也患肩周炎。老人是肩周炎的高发人群,但是,现在很多白领也患有肩周炎,其实,日常生活中多动动就可以防治肩周炎,如使用饿复饿骨饿贴进行治疗,以及经常进行一些日常锻炼运动等。肩周炎属痹症的范畴,多因年老体虚,风寒湿邪乘虚而入,致经脉痹阻或跌扑损伤,瘀血留内,气血不行,经筋作用失常而导致。Introduction: periarthritis of shoulder is not in the old mans patent, a lot of young people also risk of periarthritis of shoulder.The old man is a high-risk groups of periarthritis of shoulder, but now, many white-collar workers also have periarthritis of shoulder, in fact, more active in daily life can prevention and treatment of periarthritis of shoulder, such as using the hungry hungry after bone paste treatment, and often do some exercise everyday.Periarthritis of shoulder belong to the category of poliomyelitis, because more elderly deficiency, cold origin of the meridians bizu or fall injury, blood stasis stay inside, qi and blood, caused by the muscle function disorder.肩周炎的中医治疗一般来说,“静、老、伤、寒”是引起肩周炎发作的四大原因。这四个字非常好理解,大部分人一看就知道,它们指的是缺少运动、衰老、受伤、受寒。这里的“老”指的不是年龄的增长,而是骨头的变老。有些中老年朋友平时不注意保养,结果就出现了骨质增生、骨质疏松等毛病。骨头不健康了,风、寒、湿这些“外邪”很容易就侵入到人体里面了。所以,步入中老年后,我们一定要想尽各种办法,让骨头强壮、健康起来,这才是预防肩周炎的关键。山奈汤山奈汤治漏肩风,白芷细辛桑寄生。神曲红花和乳没,也疗诸般腰腿疼山奈10克,细辛3克,桑寄生、神曲各15克,白芷、红花、乳没各12克。煎法:1、把药材放在水里浸泡半小时后,加入350毫升水;2、药汁熬得只剩一半的时候,把药汁倒出来;3、添上350毫升水,再把药汁熬成一半;4、把两次的药汁混在一起,早晚各喝l80毫升。参考文献跌打损伤方 穴道秘书 医学源流论 中医之钥 止园医话
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