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Unit 2: Ill help clean up the city parks.Period 2 (Section B, 3a-3c)Teaching aims(教学目标)1. Get Ss to understand 3a, including the key words, phrases and sentences.2. Enable Ss to master the use of infinitives.Language points(语言点)词组:give up want to be volunteer to do learn about sth/sb try outget a strong feeling of satisfaction get better go on a different journeya dream come true the look of joy Difficulties(难点)1. Retelling of 3a. 2. Infinitives 动词不定式Teaching steps(教学步骤)1. Warm-up and revision(1)Daily greetings T: Nice to see you again, everyone! How are you today?Ss: Im fine. And you?/How about you ?T: Im fine, too. Thank you.(2)Revision(复习)T: Now lets review what we learned yesterday. Please translate these phrases and sentences. Phrases: cheer up come up with give out put off doing sth put up signs hand out call up sb write down help out with work in an old peoples home care for old peopletell stories about the past and how things used to be Sentences: Practice: A: Id like to What could I do?B: You could 教学设计说明:通过复习,把前一课所学知识又回顾了一遍,包括短语,句子翻译还有句型操练。起到了很好的加强巩固作用。2. Lead inT: What do you want to be in the future?S1: I want to be a/an S2: I want to be a/anT: Good! You all have your dream jobs! Then If you are given a chance, what job will you volunteer to do? S1: Id like to S2: I hope to S3: I volunteer to T: Good! Just now you talked about your opinions on volunteering. A boy and a girl are also talking about their volunteer work. Do you want to know what they do? Open your books to page 11.在学生回答过程中,如果有表达困难,教师可以提供适当帮助。教学设计说明:以两个问题导入今天的新课。学生谈论了自己的理想职业和想做的志愿活动,为后面学习3a文章内容作铺垫。3. Work on 3a Pre-reading Have Ss read the passage and answer the questions:1. What does Mario want to be?2. What did Mary do last year?3. What does she think of volunteering there? Have Ss keep the questions in minds as they read the article.Then check Ss answers.While reading Have Ss read paragraphs 1 & 2 and answer the questions.1. When and where does Mario volunteer?2. What does he think of the work ?Have Ss read paragraph 3 and fill in the blanks. Post-readingRetell the article according to the given words.Beginning: Mario Green and Mary Brown from give up to .Mario: Mario loves and wants to be . He volunteers at every .He believes it can to . Its hard work but he wants to . He gets such a of when he sees the animals and the on their owners faces.Mary: Mary is a. She could at the age of four.Last year, she decided to for a volunteer program. She still works there to help kids .“The kids are , but you can see that they are with each new book.Volunteering here is .I can do and at the same time.”教学设计说明:采取任务型阅读教学。阅读前3个问题比较简单,大致浏览全文就能找到答案,能让学生快速了解文章大致内容。阅读中分段阅读,并完成相应的任务,包括问题或细节填空。通过这种方式让学生对阅读有更多细致的学习。第三个环节是复述,在圆满完成前两个任务的基础上,让学生复述全文,难度逐渐加深,既彻底理解了课文,又让学生能力得到了良好的锻炼。4. Work on 3CT: Lets finish the task in 3c.Use infinitives to complete the sentences below. And then Ill check your answers.1. Mario would like an animal doctor.2. Mario works for an animal hospital because he wants _ about how_ for animals. 3. Mary decided _ for a job at an after-school reading program last year. She still works there now_ kids learn to read.4. Mary has a dream job because she can do what she loves _.(学生在做的时候教师可以四处走动,以便随时给学生提供帮助。)教学设计说明:既是对文章细节的回顾,也为后面语法讲解做准备。5. Explanationgive up want to be volunteer to do learn about sth/sb try outget a strong feeling of satisfaction get better go on a different journeya dream come true the look of joy 教学设计说明:对重点词组和重点词的用法加以解析。6. Grammar Infinitives动词不定式用法:1. 用作宾语 (v. + to do )2. 用作宾语补足语:(v. + sb. + to do )3. 用作状语4. 用作主语 5. 用作表语6. 用作定语7. 疑问词who, what, which, where, when, how 加to do可构成不定式短语, 在句中可用作主语、宾语、宾语补足语、表语等。教学设计说明:对不定式的各种语法功能做细致分类和讲解,归纳总结。7. Exercises 找出句子中的不定式, 并说出作用:1. It takes you ten minutes to get there.2. I hope to see him soon.3. His wish is to become an artist.4. People eat to live, not live to eat.5. I have a lot to tell you.6. Its not right to be always thinking of oneself.7. We often see him play football.教学设计说明:对所学语法知识进行加强巩固。8. Homework1. Retell 3a to your partner.2. Make at least five sentences using infinitives.教学设计说明:巩固加强这节课所学课文和语法。
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