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Teaching Design(简案)新疆石河子第二中学 黄鹭 Vocabulary RevisionTeaching goals1. Knowledge aim(Important points): Help students to review the pronunciation, word formation and the meaning of these words and expressions: fortnight, hear from, voluntary, bamboo, hut, roof, remote, muddy, electricity, textbook, purchase, participate in, weekly, be dying to, benefit, adjust to, in need, arrange, donation, operate, distribute.2. Ability aim(Difficult points): Enable the students to use them freely by changing their forms . Teaching procedures:Step 1: lead-inPresent the words above by reading a letter home of Jiang Yiyan .Step 2:ReviewActivity 1: Ss find out the words which they probably forgot , reading them aloud knowing about the meaning of them.E,g: fortnight, voluntary, remote, purchase, participate in, arrange, donation, operate, distribute.Activity 2: Ss tell the differences between participate in, take part in ,join, join in and attend by filling blanksActivity 3: Ss assemble the related phrases of “be dying to do sth.”by making sentences.Activity 4: Ss find a lot more similar words and phrases and remember them by association.E,g:V.+to+doing: adjust to doing,be used to doing,be accustomed to doing,look forward to doing,pay attention to doing,object to doing,get down to doing,stick to doing,lead to doing,devote . to doingin + n.: in need,in common,in ruins,in turn ,in return,in fact,in debt,in troublein danger,in order,in vain.以-cial结尾的形容词:beneficial ,financial ,facial ,official,artificial ,social commercial .以-ly结尾的形容词:friendly ,likely ,lonely ,daily,weekly.lively ,deadly lovely,fatherly,motherly.Activity 5: Have a good knowledge of blank-filling skill by observation and conclusion, especially breaking through the usages of non predicates.Step 3:Consolidation: A lot more exercises for Ss,to consolidate the difficult points.Step 4:SummaryWhat have we reviewed in todays class? Words. Phrases. Methods. Step 5: Writing on the BbG1 G2 G3 G4v.+to+ing in+n. -cial -ly. . . .Step 6 Homework:1. Review the grammar rules of non predicates for the next class2. Do exx. on non predicates on P56.
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