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听力教学设计单元标题Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?Section A 1a-2c教学目标Students are able to talk about what products are made of and where they are made.Students get to know about the passive voice with present tense and are able to use.Students are able to remember the words about materials and some names of the countries.学情分析本单元话题是中国制造的东西,这个话题是贴近学生生活的,学生要掌握有关材料的词汇,重点和难点在于一般现在时的被动语态的结构表达。本课时是提供情境让学生对一般现在时的被动语态有初步的了解和认识。教学流程听前活动从标题直接入手,引入话题:Whats the title?Now you see a shirt here?What is it made of? It is made of _.(呈现重点句式)Present two shirtsWhat are they made of ? They are made of _.(呈现重点句式)Present a blouse.(引入本课时词汇)Is it a shirt? For women, we say Its a blouse.Present: a fork, a glass, a spoon, a stampDifferent things are made of different materials.Write down two columns;(板书内容)thingsmaterialsSentence pattern: _ is/are made of _. 板书内容1a. Read the picture first.(读图,深入话题,做好听前准备)Questions:Where are they?What things can you see?What are they talking about?1b. the first listening.(听中任务,归纳things,countries and materials,为课本听力练习做铺垫) How many things are mentioned? What are they?How many countries are mentioned? What are they?How many materials are mentioned? What are they?The second listening.Finish the exercises in 1bThings Made of Made in shirtscottonKoreachopstickssilverThailand ringsteelAmericaSentence pattern:(呈现核对练习的语言结构)_ is/are made of _.It /They is /are made in _.The third listening.(追问对话细节,深入了解话题)Questions:1. What does Anita think of the cheap shirts?2. What is special about the chopstick?3. Why does Susan want to give it to her best friend?Present a picture of a large building.(听前活动,激活已有知识)There are always shows in the hall.Sometimes shows means fairs(展览).(fair 这个词有难度,提前做好铺垫)2a. (了解话题)What are expected to see in the hall?Maybe a model plane.What else?Present 2a and get to know the topic of the conversation.2b. (听中活动)The first listening.1. Where is the art and science fair?2. Do Nick and Marcus have to pay to go?3. What is the model plane made of?4. What is the painting made from?The second listening.(增加听中活动,在语境中学习attend 和recycling).Fill in the blanks.1. The school _ board says that all students are invited to attend for free!2. All the _ there were made by university students.3. Its made of _ wood and glass.4. Its made _ grass, leaves and flowers.5. The fair is about environmental protection and _, right?6. The students came up with some really interesting and _ ideas.听后活动,两人小组活动2c. Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b.Model:A: What did you see at the art and science fair?B: I sawA: What is it made of /from?B: Homework 查看家里的物品,做一个简短的介绍, 其中包括下面的结构:. _ is/ are made of _. _ is /are made in _. .活动步骤:一、1a-1c 听前活动输入-听中完成任务输入(课本+添加)三遍听力播放,从不同角度训练第一遍:提取关键词第二遍:关键词的关联。第三遍:提及事物的因果关系。二、2a-2c 听前活动输入-听中完成任务输入(课本+添加)-听后活动输出两遍听力播放第一遍:问答第二遍:语境中掌握词汇教师活动 一、听前:通过图片,呈现句型,词汇,板书 二、听中:播放录音、核对答案,点播生词 三、听后:提供语言支持学生活动一、听前:与老师互动,了解本课话题与句型二、听中:根据录音,完成各项任务,在语境中理解新词三、听后:根据所学,组织对话,完成本课学习。设计意图 本课时是听说课型,主要在听的过程中,了解本单元的话题,和重点语法项目:一般现在时的被动语态,能够谈论有关中国制造的产品。作业设计查看家里的物品,做一个简短的介绍, 其中包括下面的结构:. _ is/ are made of _. _ is /are made in _. .
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