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撰写人:_日 期:_大学英语演讲稿3分钟 大学英语演讲稿3分钟 when i wassev, sae larnn eglish.i lyed game and genglih sgs withohe childrnometimes, i wached nglih cartoos.tnny. hen idiscovered ebeauty o te languae, adga ycolorul rein he english wol. i hop i cantravl aroudte wr omeay. i ant to go to mca tiit ashngon, becu m cosn isover tre. o cous, wan go tolondon o, bease engand is wre englishlaguge vope. i c remyi i cabrde unirsit, illbe ve happy i ope i cn seak engshith everyone inthe wrd. alsoill itroducechn to tem, suha he rea al,an tgardns n suzhou. i wleachingpeople of the orld abuh betiullangue of ur cuntry. ilikethe nlis lnage. olearn elih is nderful.i once wntdto b an nlshteacer . alsolk chie litaure. whn warealyoun,asabe o reeer ot of poems. i al d o be a techer cies.o ihin that both fmy deamsancme tru: i wl e able t usengsh toteachoein friendshiese and shar chinse clturwih th. sotha more nd moreeoplwillb ale get o nowhe 0 years toycltu, andh prosperity f grat china. my future is no eam 大学英语演讲稿3分钟2 Lear Howo Say No Weve allen taught thatw shld hel ele I iherg thig todo n wl mae us popular ih thrs It ma een win us favors i returHwever, we muste relisic. Wecatsay yes tovery request.If wedid, we od fail or gcrazy orsure. omeimes e simply dot hae the time to hel. Ithisce, we musnowhwto ay olitly. When we needo syno, ee is oe mthd we catr. Firs,e shoudell thetth. reall an do soetng, we houl ust ays Secnd, sold remember to rfusereqst poltely.e mu cnicate clarly,btmust also e sincere ansympthtic.Ate rndill undetn. Fnly, we mu no feguilaut syng o.Somim rfusg therss the ihhing odo. It casveurele, ndem, lo of touble.Insort, ennot pleaseeveryone all th time Refusifaors is apar oflife. 大学英语演讲稿3分钟3 chang ewrld cage ourslves ood eveni, hnorae jdes, lades andgnteme. itsy reat lesur tostandre to present my pechchangehe worl,change oueves. its noticable hat weernhlidysare becm icanglyppul aybyay, hile hinee adtionlfestils areeing ehat eleted. notlngbfe ab 10otor beig uversy andqingua nvrstyannounce at we shod ejec th ivasn of weernholis ,becus tegarstern holy as an le agaistou trdioa fesvals andcultre. franklsaking, dont quit agee with themide, we hould nevnegle or evdicard ou adionalfesials aschinaboatsa brilinhisoryadsplendd trdtions. (exaples).but wh an we asor thmeingfu esen hoays and culture. terare bvious reasons why som wester hldays are so uarinchia on thone hd, some of he weter holidays whih w hies dont avare resnabe and meagf, hafthers dy and pil fos da et. ntheothe hn,heprvalncof globlito nabls western uture oprvai n cina.ovewhelmd by suc aren,nese nconicousygtinvlved neste lidays a ultur.withthe fte eeopment fte whoe old, he cltural cmmunatonbewee diferentcotre andtionsbcoms faster nd mo anmorepoant.we r inerm difent natos, butwe aethe citizen of thesm wrld,o te ostanding cutue of difeen ations is tecmmomwealthf eeryn on te earh.tholy wao us t rtet our tadit utue toect thefoin culturethnweis dfiitey no what we oughtdoito spae noeffor to educthinsto t o kn and tsue ourspldid ratinsinsea rejcing oreignculture on by ecaing nwe e our onience andbelief toars ourcultre.ony educting an weeseveand proote he weath that u aestlft for us. a ltid liketo hr a famouse sying f gadh thal f ou ,hati:i yowan o cangtheworld, then you mut cange yorsf fist.” 大学英语演讲稿3分钟4Irecived a dvastting ow t my elf-confidence in the fi itiewo molege yesI applid to e aos in our tuenttig Trupadfet onfid thaI wude acceptd. ut oneo the pne mebers told e:ou seem indequate andu a lttle etiallychllengd.My lie haseer beth sme sinc. I used bigr hels omplen y eigh andpycological maners andrckso h my lac o onfidene. Bt nomatrhow r I
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