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双语学习之-未来我们怎么看电视?Rethinking How We Watch TV未来我们怎么看电视?To understand how much television could soon change, it helps to visit an Intel Corp. division here that runs like a startup. 想弄清不久后电视可能会发生多大的变化,不妨参观一下英特尔(Intel Corp.)位于加州圣克拉拉的一个部门,这个部门的运营方式颇似初创公司。 Erik Huggers, a Dutch-born former British Broadcasting Corp. executive, has assembled a 350-person team with talents beyond computer chips - including programmers, industrial designers, artists and experts in fields like video encoding. Theyre creating a Web-based service that not only serves up on-demand programs but overhauls live TV. 出生于荷兰的前英国广播公司(British Broadcasting Corp.)高管哈格斯(Erik Huggers)组建了一个有350人的团队,其中的人才远不止研究电脑芯片的人员,还包括程序员、工业设计师、艺术家和视频编码等领域的专家。这个团队正在创建一种基于网络的服务,这种服务不仅可以提供点播节目,还会令直播电视发生翻天覆地的变化。 Intels plans include a server farm to record every piece of programming that is aired - local, national and international - and store it for at least three days in the cloud. With an Intel-designed set-top box, people wont have to own DVRs or even plan to record programs. 英特尔的计划包括一个服务器群,它可以录下播出的每一个节目(地方的、全国的或国际的),并将其存储在“云”中至少三天。安装了英特尔设计的机顶盒后,人们就不必买数字硬盘录像设备了,甚至不用再为录节目做安排了。 Switch on the TV set in the middle of any show, and a viewer can simply go back to the beginning. This is live TV - but you can rewind it, Mr. Huggers says. 在任何节目的中间打开电视,用户都可以返回到节目的开始。哈格斯说,这就是直播电视,但你可以倒回去看。 Intel is just one entry in the computer industrys growing land grab for the living room, one likely to bring voice activation, restyled remotes, new on-screen interfaces and other major changes in the way people interact with TV sets. 英特尔只是电脑行业众多加入起居室地盘争夺战的公司之一。这种争夺战可能带来语音激活、新式遥控器、新型屏幕界面以及人与电视机之间互动方式的其他重大改变。 Other tech giants pushing TV advances include Apple Inc., Microsoft Corp., Sony Corp. and Google Inc., which last week announced a device called Chromecast that wirelessly transfers content from mobile devices to TVs. Google and Sony have also been working on Internet-based video-delivery services, people familiar with the matter have said. 其他正在推动电视进步的科技巨头包括苹果(Apple Inc.)、微软(Microsoft Corp.)、索尼(Sony Corp.)和谷歌(Google Inc.)。谷歌上周公布了一种名为“Chromecast”的设备,这种设备可以将移动设备上的内容无线传输到电视上。据知情人士说,谷歌和索尼还一直在研制基于互联网的视频交付服务。 Computer-industry players have been pushing new TV visions for 20 years, with decidedly mixed results. Cable- and satellite-TV providers have strong positions, with big players like Comcast Corp. preparing major upgrades of their own. 20年来,电脑行业内的公司一直在为电视业开创新领域,结果明显是好坏参半。有线电视和卫星电视提供商有着强有力的地位,康卡斯特(Comcast Corp.)等大公司也在准备进行重大升级。 Negotiations with media companies for content rights could delay new services and limit some features, though Intel vows to enter some markets by the end of the year. 与媒体公司就内容版权进行的谈判可能令新服务的推出延迟,并限制一些功能,不过英特尔誓言将在今年年底前进入部分市场。 Ive never seen as much innovation in television as there is right now, says Ulf Ewaldsson, chief technology officer at Swedish telecom-equipment giant Ericsson, which plans to step up its own TV efforts. 瑞典电信设备巨头爱立信(Ericsson)首席技术长艾华信(Ulf Ewaldsson)说,目前电视业的创新程度是我从未见过的。爱立信计划加大力度进军电视业。 Propelling the activity are changes that have made the Internet a more viable delivery medium, including the growing proportion of customers with broadband service. 这背后的推动力量是使互联网成为一种更可行交付介质的各种变化,包括有宽带接入服务的用户的比例不断上升。 Despite the developments, much is missing from Internet-based services. Popular programming, including live sports and news, is often limited to conventional carriers by licensing restrictions. 尽管有了这些进展,基于互联网的服务仍有很多不足。包括体育赛事和新闻直播在内的颇受大众欢迎的节目由于许可证限制,常局限于传统媒体。 When large video libraries are available, finding specific programs can be cumbersome - especially with conventional remotes. Most TV services also lag the Web and mobile apps in helping discover new content. 有了大型音像资料库后,找到具体节目可能比较麻烦,特别是用传统远程遥控的方式。在帮忙发现新内容方面,大多数电视服务也落后于网络和移动应用程序。 The phone, the laptop and the tablet have advanced so dramatically, says Tom Rogers, chief executive of TiVo Inc., the DVR pioneer. Television has been drastically left behind. 数字硬盘录像设备先驱TiVo Inc.的首席执行长罗杰斯(Tom Rogers)说,电话、笔记本电脑和平板电脑取得了突飞猛进的发展,电视被远远地落在了后面。 Tech companies trying to change that include Apple. Since 2007, it has sold an add-on box called Apple TV for streaming content, but has been mum about new TV offerings. The company has tested designs for its own televisions, executives at Apple suppliers have said. 苹果是试图改变这一点的科技公司之一。2007年以来,苹果开始发售名为Apple TV的流媒体机顶盒,但它对提供电视机新产品却一直保持沉默。苹果供应商高管说,苹果已对其电视机设计进行了测试。 Apple has explored a number of new features for such a product, people familiar with the situation have said, including integrating DVR storage and its iCloud Internet syncing and data-storage service, and voice-interaction capabilities. 知情人士说,苹果探索了电视机产品的很多新功能,包括整合数字硬盘录像设备存储、iCloud互联网同步和数据存储服务以及语音交互功能等。 Microsoft is also promoting voice recognition as it positions its game consoles and companion Kinect controller for a broad role in home entertainment. The companys Xbox One,
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