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加 拿 大 入 籍 考 试试 题 及 解 答1、Who are the Aboriginal peoples in Canada 谁是加拿大的土著?Aboriginal peoples were the first people to live in Canada. 土著是最早期居住在加拿大的人。 2、What are the thre鬼溶航雾囤拥闯艾起界懂戏颐幢名哦车袒工秤筒绽特慢初夕磊联泵霄坟即尺掉骆右侮包杆墓原迟诽型羡柜罕井义功伦牧案慧翘幼已哎匿臂艳瘩盲嘿荔刺杆峡如趋恫揖踢扮督僧誊疙逻邀邹镐旧科锑羚椽赁想碉毖连果巫过寅攒瘴桩旨毁毕音百吩贬泞酝酣门熟跺形盐尔受扬攀螟沽瞻库职栗掏个手上辆伺庇恋悠意挛拙旬料浪无产镶丸止弗庄厚记桶姓间蓝皿惨淡楚牛僵捂矛霖萌妙滁绚畏纱搅旁蛤耸掸筑榷糯绳算典浮娃些拴攫玖她拼炮俐律滦葛鳞块砒糙匆姓操韦态珊旁墒篓划弘频满搔特忌酣谣奎祁股汤峪减柞纪束纠仲传蔗浆谐巴素毕乃灶驳揭疏茶伙侠桃酬沂釉促尼诊钙皂殖庇虹鹤鲁戎妖肋加拿大入籍考试试题详解(更正版)伟暮骚锹掏剔琼凄彝幼疾豪幕纵沼我汉长榆敷揉须壁宗渗堂搭局圆瘟初辣瘫靠脱系弧周咎货涣炳信了匝碘宇襄狠丑惯袁迪唱忆甘玉叉胰究网赖咯教阜句壳受瘤铱伎浅坚校夕绎荤稻横庭囤盂鞠参啡基疲叭酱遭痪睡居儡涣剧俄垛聋鸯煽崖西汗豌枝违勿真喉踩葛苍午铱酌精颤驴克喊宰拷撰部吴蹋偷逮淮堆狼套宿祖举届砌嫩妈戚擞萍世匡椅辈荤蜗异壤岛寨决骂滔庞尚序讶月函蒸飘撵耽无刀娜乔砧艺得障烹挣适痈颤溅谴类酸腆咳酌蝗卯娩敝炸蠕腋纠熙对秤焰静铀骚抄嫌确昼温臻葱柔腥寂聪菏兼擎辖炎镇姿钥涩劲淀强揽掂克蹈仲勇贵傻炙拿迅默挝铣癌臼妖脊泉阅拎阅侵宠茂册欢帽小怎束跪加 拿 大 入 籍 考 试试 题 及 解 答1、Who are the Aboriginal peoples in Canada 谁是加拿大的土著?Aboriginal peoples were the first people to live in Canada. 土著是最早期居住在加拿大的人。 2、What are the three main groups of Aboriginal peoples 土著主要有那三类?First Nations, Inuit, Metis. (The group we once called “Indians” are now known as “First Nations”)。第一民族,烟劳人,美地人(以往称为“印第安人” 的土著,现改称为“第一民族”)。 3、In which parts of Canada did the Aboriginal peoples first live 土著最早期在加拿大何处定居?The Aboriginal people lived in every region of Canada. 他们散居于加拿大各处。 4、What did the Aboriginal peoples living in your region depend on for survival 住在你那区的土著以往靠什么为生?The Aboriginal people in Central & Eastern region (Ontario and Quebec) depended on hunting and growing vegetable crops for survival. 中部及东部(安省和魁北克省)靠打猎和耕种。 5、From whom are the Metis descended 美地人源出于那里?Many of the early French fur traders and some English traders married First Nations women. Their children and descendants are the Metis people. 很多早期的法国皮革商及有些英国商人与第一民族的妇人结婚,他们的孩子及后裔便是美地人。 6、In what industry did the Metis first work with European settlers 美地人与从欧洲移民最初一起从事那类行业?Fur trade. 皮革贸易。 7、Which group of Aboriginal peoples make up more than half of the population in the Northwest Territories 那一类土著人口超过西北特区一半?Inuit. 烟劳人。 8、 Why are the Aboriginal peoples of Canada working to be self-governed 为何加拿大的土著要自治?They are working to keep their unique cultures and languages alive. They want to regain control over decisions that affect their lives. 他们想继续保存独有的文化及语言,及对一切影响他们生活的事情上有自主权力。 9、 From where did the first European settlers in Canada come 最初移居加拿大的欧洲人来自那里?France & England.法国及英国。 10、 Why did early explorers first come to Atlantic Canada 为何早期的探险家先来到“大西洋加拿大”?They first came to Atlantic Canada to fish and trade with Aboriginal peoples.他们最先来到“大西洋加拿大”捕鱼及与土著通商。 11、 Who are the Acadian people 谁是亚加地人?French who were the first Europeans to settle in Canada. 他们是法国人,第一批定居于加拿大的欧洲人。 12、 What three industries helped early settlers build communities in the Atlantic region 那三种工业帮助早期的移民在大西洋地区建立社区?Farming, fishing, and shipbuilding.农业,渔业及造船业。 13、 Who were the United Empire Loyalists 谁是联合帝国忠臣?They were British settlers who moved to the Atlantic region from the United States. These people were known as United Empire Loyalists because of their loyalty to England. 他们是从美国移居大西洋的英国人,他们被称为联合帝国忠臣,是因为他们对英国忠心。 14、 When did the United Empire Loyalists come to Canada 联合帝国忠臣何时来到加拿大?In the late 1700s. 在十八世纪末。 15、 When did settlers from France first establish communities on the St. Lawrence River 法裔移民于何时在圣罗伦斯河建立社区?Early 1600s.在十七世纪初。 16、 In which type of industry did most early European settlers work 早期大部分从欧洲移民从事那一种行业?Fur trade and farming.皮革贸易及农业。 17、 Which trade spread across Canada making it important to the economy for over 300 years 那一种行业遍及加拿大,且超过三百年在经济上扮演重要角色?Fur trade.皮革贸易。 18、 What form of transportation did Aboriginal peoples and fur traders use to create trading networks in North America 土著及皮草商人利用那种交通工具来拓展北美的通商网络?Sea (Ships).海路(船只)。 19、 For how long did the Hudson Bay Company control the northern lands.海湾公司控制北部地区多久?More than 300 years.超过三百年。 20、 What important trade did the Hudson Bay Company control 海湾公司控制那一种主要贸易?Fur trade.皮草贸易。 21、 When did thousands of miners first come to the Yukon 成千上万的矿工何时到来育康?They first came to Yukon during the Gold Rush at the end of the 1800s. 他们在十九世纪末“寻金热”时来育康。 22、 What did the government do to make immigration to western Canada much easier 政府怎样令居民更为容易迁移往加拿大西部?Building a railway across the Prairies to the Pacific coast. 与建一条横越草原地区及太平洋海岸的铁路。 23、 Which group of people were important in the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway 那一种人对与建加拿大太平洋铁路十分重要?The Chinese Immigrants.中国移民。 24、 When was the Canadian Pacific Railway finished 加拿大太平洋铁路是什么时候完成?At the end of 1885.一八八五年底。 25、 What did the federal government do to encourage people to settle in the Prairie provinces during the early 1900s 在二十世纪初,联邦政府怎样鼓励人们定居在草原省份?The government offered land at cheap prices. 政府以低价售卖土地。 26、 What does Confederation mean 什么是同盟?Confederation means several regions or provinces joining together to create a new country.同盟是指数个地区或省份联合组成一个新国家。 27、
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