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四年级期终学业水平测试听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(读两遍)6分( )1、A、bag B、pig C、big ( )2、A、lion B、lions C、cats ( )3、A、two B、one C、three ( )4、A、basketball B、football C、swim( )5、A、grapes B、apple C、orange ( )6、A、tiger B、monkey C、panda二、听录音,选出与你听到的内容属于同一类的选项。(读两遍)6分( )1、A、grape B、horse C、fourteen ( )2、A、sofa B、umbrella C、basketball( )3、A、swim B、juice C、hamburger( )4、A、shoes B、rice C、long( )5、A、bedroom B、fan C、tail( )6、A、fifty B、thin C、mouth三、听录音,给下列图片用阿拉伯数字标上序号。(读两遍)5分 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ( ) ( )四、听录音,选择正确的应答。(读两遍)5分( )1、A、I like mangoes. B、Id like some bananas. C、I have some coffee.( )2、A、Its fifteen yuan. B、Theyre nine yuan. C、Its twelve oclock.( )3、A、Its on the sofa. B、They are on your bed. C、I have five.( )4、A、Sure. B、No, I dont. C、Great!( )5、A、Yes, I am. B、Yes, I can. C、Yes, I do.五、根据所听内容,在横线上填入所缺单词。(读两遍)8分1、A: What are these?B: Theyre bananas.A: Are these your bananas?B: No, they arent. I have apples.A: How apples you have?B: I have apples.2、My name is Jane. I am a and girl. Im twelve. My are big. My nose is .笔试部分(70分)一、下列画线部分的读音是否相同,用“”或“”表示。(5分)1、( ) bag girl 2、( ) rice coffee 3、( ) father breakfast 4、( ) look lovely5、( ) dogs cakes二、看图写单词。(8分) 三、找出不属于同类的词。(10分)( )1、A、sofa B、mouth C、nose ( )2、A、apple B、fourteen C、nineteen( )3、A、rice B、panda C、noodle( )4、A、basketball B、football C、sure( )5、A、skirt B、shoe C、hamburger ( )6、A、pear B、monkey C、grape( )7、A、horse B、lion C、fridge( )8、A、these B、this C、that( )9、A、dogs B、monkeys C、tiger( )10、A、our B、he C、my四、选择正确的答案,把序号写在题前括号里。(10分)( )1、You can see many pears the tree.A、at B、in C、on( )2、This is fan. Thats umbrella.A、a;an B、an;an C、an;a( )3、Doyou_?A、likecat B、likemonkey C、likelions( )4、Doyoulikepandas? _A、Yes ,I dont. B、Yes ,I do. C、No,Ido.( )5、Wouldyoulikeapie? _A、Yes,please. B、No,please. C、Yes, apie.( )6、 you skate well? No, I . A、Can; cant B、Do; cant C、Can; dont( )7、Look at these ducks.A、toy B、a toy C、toys( )8、How many _ do you have?A、 ruler B、rulers C、a ruler( )9、What_ismyskirt? Its yellow.A、nice B、colour C、cute( )10、What you like?Id like a glass milk. A、would; of B、do; of C、would; for 五、英汉短语互译。(8分)1、十三只狗 2、have a try 3、打篮球 4、well done 5、一些熊猫 6、how much 7、他的小耳朵 8、a cup of coffee 六、根据所给情境,选择合适的英文表达。(5分)( )1、你让别人和你一起跑,可以说:( )2、告诉别人你有一些菠萝,可以说:( )3、你让别人看那些玩具动物,可以说:( )4、告诉别人你不喜欢老虎,可以说:( )5、你想知道对方有多少个苹果,可以问:A. How many apples do you have?B. Please run with me.C. I have some pineapples.D. Look at those toy animals.E. I dont like tigers.七、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。(5分)1、my tail look sisters at ( .)2、 stickers many have do you how ( ? )3、hair is my long ( . )4、would I like cup a of tea ( . )5、about what you ( ? )八、从右栏中找出与左栏意思相近的句子。(8分) ( )1、Lets hurry. A、My nose is big.( )2、I want a red skirt. B、How nice!( )3、How beautiful! C、The snowman is not short.( )4、Can I help you? D、My eyes are big.( )5、Come and have a look. E、Come and look.( )6、The snowman is tall. F、Id like a red skirt.( )7、My eyes are not small. G、What would you like?( )8、I have a big nose. H、Hurry up!九、选择括号中适当的单词完成句子。(6分)1、I cant play football (too/either).2、Do you have (some/any) apples?3、I (dont/cant) like apples.4、How many (books/book) do you have?5、What ( would/do) you like? Id like a hamburger.6、She is a girl. (His/Her) hair is long.十、阅读对话,判断正(T)误(
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