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Unit One lesson One A Perfect Day 学案 制作人:固始县外国语高中 杨福云 I Teaching aims: 1.Read the text and know the main idea of the text.2.Learn different life styles between different people.II Possible problems :Students may have different ideas about different lifestyles. III Teaching Procedures:I) TalkingWhat are your favourite kinds of TV programme ? Why?II) Fast reading1.Read the two texts quickly and match the following with the each paragraph.A. Mr. Brain almost does nothing but watch TV.B. Bob is very busy with his work in the daytime.C. Brain can watch much TV because he has a good family, especially a good wife.D. Brain likes doing exercise very much.E. Brain is fond of watching TV. Even so during a walk.F. It tells us why Bob works so crazily.G. It shows us what Bob does before going to work in the morning.H. Bob is tired of his work. I. Bob is also busy at night.2.True or False(1).When Brian wakes up he gets up immediately.(2). In the evenings, Brian often watches old films or sport and the news again.(3). Brian always takes his portable TV while going out for a walk every afternoon.(4). Brian has a good wife, and they live a happy life.(5). Bob normally wakes up about five minutes after his alarm clock goes off.(6). Bob is very busy all day. (7). Bob seldom has time for fun and other leisure activities with his family, but his family doesnt complain.III) Careful Reading.Read the text again carefully. Fill in the blanks. Mr Blakey is a person who likes _TV too much. From _ till _ he does nothing _- watch TV. I dont think its _ to live in his way. If he _ doing so, he will get _and _. And _ in bed or _ in a sofa all day does him a lot of _. He will get _ and _ and _ to fall ill. Mr Black is a _ person who _ himself to his work. He _ hard as soon as he gets up _ late into the night. He often feels very _and he lacks _ Working without proper _or exercise does great _to peoples _. I think both of them should _ their lifestyle and begin a _ life.IV Class Show Design a healthy lifestyle for yourself. Make an information card and speak out your idea or tell us your own lifestyle.The following is an example.I think good _ are very important in our life. In order to live a _ and happy life, we should _ good habits of doing thing. I plan my life in a _ way. I get up _ at 6:00 in the morning. I do morning _ or take _ before breakfast. I often do some _ in English or Chinese before class. I am both _ and _ in class and I _ my assignments on _ as required. _ my lessons, I go in _ sports in my _ time. I have my own _. I like music, collecting stamps and I always _ time for them. I _ hard every day but also _ myself. I feel my life is _ of sunshine. Its _!V) Homework;1. Use the following phrasal verbs in the correct form to complete the sentences below.Switch on ,switch off ,switch over ,take up ,fill with ,complain about ,bring back1. As the mother of four children ,my days are_ cooking and cleaning.2. Doing research and writing reports _ a large part of my day.3. I dont enjoy watching TV with my brother as he always _ to the programmes that he wants to watch.4. Please _the TV when you go to bed.5. _the light .Its really dark in here!6. I try to do the homework that I_ from school as soon as I get home.7. Mona is never happy .Listen,shes now _ her lunch. AssignmentWrite a short passage comparing the two lifestyles you have read about according to the passages and give your comments on them. (At least 120 words)VI Preview :Grammar: present simple and Present ContinousTeaching reflection:1.After you learn the text, select a healthy lifestyle for you.2In the future, what lifestyle do you want?Thats all Thank you.
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