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2014-2015学年度第一学期海口市第三十三小学新标准三年级起点五年级英语book5教学设计 科目 英语 课题 Module5 第四课时. 课型 新授 设计者:海口市第三十三小学 李院清教 学 目 标 1. Knowledge aim(语言知识目标)(1)Grammar: Be able to use “How many .in.? and There are .”(2) Words and phrase: Be able to understand “numbers happily, many,.”(3) Read and understand the text.2. Ability aim(语言技能目标)(1) Be able to listen and say “How many .in.? and There are.”(2)Be able to read “numbers happily, many”(3) Be able to talk about with How many.? There are.3. Emotion aim(情感目标)1.通过各种活动形式,在巩固学生新知的同时,激发学生用英语口头表达的兴趣及求知的欲望。2.培养学生敢于开口,表达中不怕出错误的精神。教学 重点1. 会读会说这目标语句How many ? And There are.等语句。2. Be able to read and understand the text.教学 难点happily 读音及用法理解 All of them教学策略(1) Teaching Aids: cards, voice-pen, PPT(2) Teaching Method: 听说法、交际法、任务型教学法,直观教学法。学习策略 自主学习、小组合作学习教学理念先学后教教学 课时Period 1教 学 过 程 Step1. Warm-up 1. Greeting( T and Ss)2.Revision: 1) lets count.(one-ninety-nineone hundred)2) Listen and chant (PPT)Numbers are having a party. Twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty and ninety. All of them are dancing happily.Step2. Presentation1.lead-inNow lets circle theses numbers. Are they happy? P29 12. Look and say( lets learn the new words with cards and PPT等教具( numbers happily)3.读和总结 Numbers: . Are they happy?(happily)4. T: How many numbers are there in 1? Ss: T: How many pupils are there in your class, Xiao Ying? Xiao Ying:5. Lets learn the text .(How many pupils are there in Linglings class?)1)任务一: Look and read by yourselves and circle( Pair-work)Q1: A: How many pupil are there in Linglings class?B: There are.2) Listen and read(3 times)3) FeedbackStep3 Practice1. Read the text : One by one (一人一句)2. Group-work任务二:用句型同桌互问本班有多少个男生,女生用学生。Eg: T: How many girls are there in our class? S: There are . in our class.复备Step4 ProductionTask 3 1. Do and write( Make a survey families.(PPT)( A: How many people are there in your family? B: There are.)NameHow many people?Xiaoying2.Feedback复备教学过程 Step5 Rounding-off1. Sum-up2. Homework1) Copy and recite the new words2) Read and recite the textBlackboard Module5 Unit2 numbers happily manyA: How many .in? B: There are.Step 6 Reflection亮点:1. 教学目标设计完整,教学设计思路清晰。2. 教学过程环环相扣,导入自然,衔接紧凑。3. 交待任务,让学生在完成任务时运用所学语言,一方面对所学知识进行巩固,另一方面,培养了学生的语言交际能力。4. 任务贴近学生实际,让学生在真实的任务情境中运用所学语言。5. 小组活动,同桌互助学习形式,扩大了学生学习的参与面,提高了学生的参与度,实现了教学面向全体学生的教学理念。不足:1. 有时评价不及时。2. 对于基础太差太差的学生,教师要想办法多关注。3. 由于前几节课的铺垫,本节课的教学内容对学生来说较容易,建立课文的背诵课堂上完成。复备教 学 过 程 第 3 页 共 3 页
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