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Listening Part 听力部分I. Listen and choose 听录音,选择你所听到的单词()1.A. rice()2.A. bread()3.A. for()4.A. beef()5.A. soupB. fishB. foodB. forkB. knifeB.spoonC. passC. no odlesC. foodC. chicke nC. showII. Listen and number.听录音,给下列图片排序III. Listen and choose.听录音,选择合适的答语。B. I like fish.B.OK. Here you are.B. Sorry, try chopsticks forB. I m hungry.B. Thank you.()1. A. Some fish, please.()2. A. Tha nk you.()3. A. Great!no odles, please.()4. A. Yes, thank you.()5. I d like some rice.IV. Listen and tick or cross.听一听,判断与你听到内容是(“否(为 相同()1.1 d like some soup and bread.()2. Try spoon for soup.()3. I can use chopsticks now.()4. What would you like for dinner?()5. Would you like some bread?Language Practice 语言运用V. Complete the sentences根据图片内容,把句子填写完整。Id Eke someand fish.2, 一Would you like a knife and a一No, thanks I can use chopsticks.Id Eke someand milk33. 一Wbuld you like someplease7VI. Match the pictures to the words.将下列对应句子的图片相连。bowlnoodleegetable$breadspoonVII. Choose.选择填空。()1. What would you likedinner?C. inA. forB .to()2. I d like some vegetables, please.A. Help yourself.B.OK. Here you are. C. No, please.()3. Dinner s ready. Help yourself.A. Thank you.B. OK!C. That s OK.()4. Would you like some beef?Y es, please.me the fork and knife, please.A. CutB. HereC. Pass()5. Can I have some rice, please?A. Let me try B. Tha nks.C. Sure.VIII. Make sentences.连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。1. use. dinner. You. fbrT chopsticks (.)IX. Complete the conversation.选句补充对话,将正确的句子的编号填在横 线上。A. Sorry, try chopsticks for rice, please.B. What s for dinner?C. Would you like some soup?D. Help yourself.E. I d like some fish and rice.Amy: I m hungry,1Mum: What would you like?Amy:2Mum: Dinner s ready.3Amy: Thanks.Mum:4Amy: Yes, please, and pass me the spo on, please.Amy: Mum, Can I have a fork for the fish, please?Mum:5X. Tick or cross.根据短文内容,判断正(话误(刈Wu Yifan: Mum, this is my new friend, Tim.Mum: Oh! Welcome to my home.Tim: Tha nk you!Wu Yifan: Mum, I m hungry. What s for dinner?Mum: What would you like, Tim?Tim: I d like some soup and bread, please?Mum: How about you, my son?Wu Yifan: Some rice and beef, please.Dad: I d like sovegetables and soup.Mum. Dinner is ready. Help yourself.Wu Yifan and Tim: Tha nks!Wu Yifa n: Would you like a fork and kn ife?Tim: No, tha nks. I can use chopsticks.Mum: Would you like some beef?Tim: Yes, please, and pass me the fork, please.()1. Tim is Wu Yifan s new friend.()2. Wu Yifan has rice and fish for dinner.()3. Tim has bread and soup for dinner.()4. Tim can (不会)use the chopsticks()5. There are (有)four people (人)in Wu Yifan s home now.听力材料I. Listen and choose.听录音,选择你所听到的单词。1. Would you like some rice? Y es, please.2. I d like some noodles, please.3. Can I have a fork, please?4. I can use a knife.5. Some soup and vegetables.II. Listen and number.听录音,给下列图片排序。1. Cut the vegetables.2. Pass me the bowl.3. Use the fork.4. Pass me the knife.5. Use the chopsticks.III. Liste n and choose.听录音,选择合适的答语。1. What would you like for dinn er?2. I d like some bread. Please.3. Can I have a knife and fork, please?4. Would you like some beef, too.5. Dinner s ready.IV. Listen and tick or cross.听一听,判断与你听到内容是(话否(为 相同1.1 d like some soup and vegetables.2. You use spo on for soup.3. I can use fork and knife now.4. What would you like for di nner?5. Would you like some no odles, too?参考答案I. 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. AII. 2III. 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. BIV. 1. X 2. V 3. X 4. V 5. XV. 1. juice 2. fork 3. beef 4. rice 5. soupVI_ bowlnoodleschickenbreadspoonVII. 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. CVIII.1 .You could use chopsticks for dinner.2. Can I use a knife and fork, please?3. Now let s try it.4. Would you like some soup?5. Here are today s special.VIII. 1. B 2. E 3. D 4. C 5. AIX. 1. V 2. X 3. V 4. X 5. V
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