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商务信函的翻译Part 1: 商务信函的基础1. 商务信函分类:便函,正式商务信函2.涉外商务信函语篇风格的特点,也称7C原则 符合 7C 原则的信函实例Dear Sirs,Our client in Mumbai requests us to obtain from you a pro forma invoice for color TV sets with the following specifications: “Haier” brand color TV sets 25- inch and 34-inch(each 500sets).Would you please airmail us the soonest possible your pro forma invoice for 1,000 color TV sets with prices CIF Mumbai, so that we obtain our clients confirmation. There is no question about our getting the necessary import license from our authorities.As soon as the said license is approved, we shall establish an L/C in your favour.Thank you for your close cooperation in this respect.Yours Sincerely, John Smith敬启者: 我们的一个孟买客户要求我们从贵方取得下列规 格的彩色电视机形式发票:“海尔”请尽快航邮注有孟买到岸价格的1,000 台彩色 电 视机的形式发票,以便我们取得客户认可。从当局取 得 必要的进口许可证当无问题。Ill感谢贵方的密切合作。约翰史密斯Part Two 商务信函的文体特点及其翻译1 商务信函的文体特点 11 词汇使用特点111 用词规范正式1)试译:方指示运出。虑给予 5%的折扣。商务英语信函经常以意义相同或相近的书面词语代替基 本词汇和口语词汇,如以inform或advise代替tell,以 duplicate 代替 copy,以 dispatch 代替 send,以 otherwise代替or;以介词短语代替简单的介词,如以as for, in respect to, in connection with 和 with regarding to 等代替 about 等。对比以下句子,判断哪一句更符合商务信函的用词规范。1) We are happy to tell you that your order No. 57 has been sent according toyour instruction.2) Weare pleased to advice you that your order No. 57 has been dispatched in accordance with your instruction.(2) 古体词: 试译:商务信函中经常使用 here/there +介词构成的复合词,如 hereafter , hereby, hereunder, hereto, hereinafter , h erewith, thereafter, therein, therefrom 等。翻译:随函附上报价单,所有报盘和销售均应以本报价 单背面所印条件为准.112 表意准确、专业性强商务信函用词表意准确、专业性强,主要表现在使用大 量的专业术语、行话、外来词、缩略语以及一般词语在 商务英语语境中的特殊用法。1)专业术语类: Trimming charges 平仓费 insurance policy 保险单establishment 开证premium 保险费 coverage 保险项目counter-offer 反还盘 surcharges 附加费 pro forma invoice 形式发票clearance sale 清仓削价销售 underwriter 保险人 L/C 信用证 CIF 到岸价 格 FOB 离岸价格 bid 递盘 counter-offer 还盘of credit irrevocable letter 不可撤消信用证例如:We shall cover TPND on your order.It我们将为你方的货物投保盗窃和提货不着险。would be appreciated if you would let us know by returning your lowest possible price for the following goods on FOB London.请报下列商品伦敦船上交货之最低价。(2)外来词类:拉丁语的statusquo (现状),意大利语的delcredere (保付货价的)汉语中的litchi (荔枝), tungoil (桐油),mango (芒果)等。(3)行话:长期的函电交往使人们在使用术语上形成 共 识,本来意义差异很大的词汇在特定的语境中所表达 的 内涵和外延却非常相似。表示商Offer, quotation表示“报价,发盘”Pamphlet, brochure, booklet, sales literature家用于宣传介绍自己公司或产品的“说明材料”Shipment 和 consignment表示“所发出的货物”Financial standing/ reputation/ condition/ position 用于 表示公司的“资信财务情况”Fulfill/complete/execute an order 用于表示“执行订单” A draft contract 或 a specimen contract 表示“合同样本”4)商务信函准确性主要体现在数量词的大量运用。商务信函中的时间,价格,数量,金额,规格等问题贯 穿商贸活动始终,数字的表达应言之确凿,避免摸棱两 可。分析以下句子的译文是否有问题,如何修改? (1)原文:卖方须于9月 10 日前(不含9月10日) 将货物交给买方。每吨 150美元或以上。商贸信函的主要功能是传递信息,使收、发信函双方发 生贸易往来、达成交易,因此除了必须使用专业术语等 手段准确传达自己的信息意图外,还要求信函语言明白 易懂,朴实平易。试译以下商函:Dear Sirs,Thank you for your interest in our fireworks.In reply to your enquiry of November 15, we are really sorry to say that we cannot divulge any of our salesinformation. We hope this will not bring you too muchYours truly,k-3L12 语法使用特点121 句子类型英语句子按使用目的可以分为四类:陈述句(Declarative Sentences ) 疑问句(Interrogative Sentence) 祈使句( Imperative Sentences) 感叹句( Exclamatory Sentences)( 1)商务信函主要使用陈述句。 例如:Dear Sirs,We thank you for your promptness in delivering the coffee we ordered on 20th, July. The number of bags delivered by your carrier this morning was, however, 160 whereas our order was for only 120.Unfortunately, our present needs are completely covered and as we cannot make use of the 40 bags in excess of order, we have put them in our warehouse to be held for you until we receive your instructions.Yours Truly,敬启者:收到我方 7 月 20 日订购 的咖啡,并对你方迅速 交货表示感谢。但是,你方承运人上午交来 160 袋,而 我们只订购 120 袋。遗憾的是,我方需求已满,无法接受你方多交的 40 袋。我们已将此货入库保存,等候你方指示。此致2)祈使句表示请求、劝告、命令等。例如:Please look into the matter at once and let us have your definite reply by cable without any further delay. 请立即调查此事,并尽快电告确切答复。 但是相对而言,英语比起汉语商函中少用祈使句。比较以下译文:原文:敬请立刻修改信用证以便我方及时发货。译文(1) Please immediately amend the L/C to enable us to make timelyshipment.译文( 2) We should be obliged for your immediate amendment of the L/C to enable us to make timely shipment.译文( 2)更客气,译文( 1)更适合于紧急情况或多次 催促未果之时的语气。( 3)疑问句也可用来表达写信人的观点或向对方提议, 疑问句给对方留有更大的余地,更有礼貌,它的使用频 率 比祈使句相对要多。Would you please send us a copy of your catalogue? 能否向我公司邮寄一份贵公司的产品目录? ( 4) 感叹句虽然可以渲染气氛,增强语势,但与函电 英语讲 求客观、严谨的文体不符,因此感叹句在函电英 语中极 少使用。122 句式结构 从结构看,英文句子可以分成三种类型:简单句(Simple Sentences),并列句(Compound Sentences),复合句( Complex Sentences) ,函电英语采用大量 的并列句和复合句。(1)复合句与简单句结合,以复合句为主:为了保证 考究的句式和严密的逻辑性,函电英语往往需要将连续 的短句结合成一个独立的主从复合句或并列句。 例如The credit could cover 85% of the local expenses if they are made under the responsibility of the British Contractor and within the limit of the down payments paid on the Contract, i.e., 15% as a maximum.此项贷款可支付当地费用的85%。但此项费用必须 是英国承包商直接负责支付的,且必须在合同付款的幅度以内,即最高不得超过合同金额的15%。
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