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六年级英语专项复习之一名词和冠词班级: 姓名:一、 名词的单数和复数名词分为专有名词和普通名词。专有名词包括:人的名字、地方的名字、国家的名字、一种语言,或者一个机构的名字等 女口: MIKE, Guangzhou, England, English, WTO 等。专有名词一般第一个字母要大写,而且前面不加the。普通名词是一类人、一类事物,或者抽象概念的名称。广 个体名词:表示一类人或一类东西中的个体。如:monkey, teacher, ruler, boy等。 集体名词:表示一群人或一些事物的总称。如:family, police, class, people等。Y物质名词:表示无法分为个体或不具备确定形状和大小的实物。如:water, air, milk等。抽象名词:表示抽象概念的词。如:hope, love, wish等。一般来说,个体名词和集体名词多为可数名词,也就是他们可以_个_个数出来的, 它们有单数、复数之分 。表示一个时用单数,如: a bird, a teacher, an apple, a boy 等;表示多个时用复数,如: two birds, five teachers, eight apples 等。物质名词和抽象名词多为不可数名词,没有单复数之分。可数名词复数的构成:1. 一般情况下,在单数名词后面加s。如: game-games, boy-boys 等。2. 以s, x, sh, ch结尾的单数名词,在词尾加es。如: box-boxes, bus-buses peach-peaches, dish-dishes 等。3. 以o结尾,表示有生命的事物的单数名词,加es。女口: potato-potatoes, tomato-tomatoes 等。4. 以o结尾,表示没有生命的事物的单数名词,加s。如:photo photos, piano-pianos 等。5. 以辅音字母加y结尾的单数名词,去y为i加es。如: story-stories, family-families 等。6. 以f或fe结尾的单数名词,将f或fe改成v,再加es。女口: leaf-leaves, life-lives, knife-knives 等。7. 不规则变化。 如: foot-feet, tooth-teeth, man-men , woman-women,mouse-mice,sheep-sheep,fish-fish,deer-deer,child-children 不可数名词怎样表示它的数量?不可数名词没有单复数之分,但我们有时候又必须给这些词计量,于是我们采用了 这样的方法:a+表示这些东西的单位+of+不可数名词,女口: a cup of tea, a bag of rice, a box of milk, a piece of paper 等。如果要表示“多个”,则将这些东西的单位变 成复数即可。如: a cup of tea-three cups of tea, a bag of rice-five bags of rice , a box of milk-12 boxes of milk, a piece of paper-100 pieces of paper名词所有格 表示人或物品的所属关系时,我们就需要使用名词所有格。 如“奶奶的房子”,表示这个房子是属于奶奶的,表示为 grandmas house。名词所有格的构成有以下规则:1. 一般情况下,在名词末尾加“s”。女口: Mike s bike-迈克的自行车,Toms books-汤姆的书。2. 以s结尾的复数名词的所有格,在它的末尾加”。如: my parents car-我父母的小汽车, our teachers book-我们老师的书。3. 表示几个人共同拥有的东西时,只在最后一个名字上加上所有格。如: Lisa and Mary s bedroom-丽莎和玛丽(共同拥有)的睡房。但如果表示分别拥有的东西,就要在每一个名字上加上所有格。如: Tom sandJack stoycar-汤姆的和杰克(他们各自)的玩具车。4. 没有生命的东西的所有格,我们通常用of+名词的方式来表示。如: the window of the classroom-教室的窗户, the weather of shanghai-上海的天气, a map of China-一幅中国地图。实战练习 :A. 判断正误。对的请在横线上打“V”,错的在横线上改正。1. sheeps2. buses3. my classmate s father4. onion 5. some boys 6. five tooths7.two womans8. the children books9. a map of China10. a paper11. three bottle of water 12. two babys13. peachs 14. potatoes 15. foxs16. some leafs17. photos18. the classrooms wall19. mousesB. 写出下列名词的复数形式:1. tree 2. bag 3. goat 4. card 5. bus 6. box 7. class 8. cake 9. peach 10.leaf 11. knife 12. family13. baby 14. city 15. child 16. sheep 17. foot 18. tooth C. 根据中文意思用正确的形式表示所有格。1. Kate 的妈妈 2. Jack 的朋友3. 美国的建筑物 4. 孩子们的书包5. 老师们的书 6. 笔的颜色7. 我父母的卧室8. 我的朋友的朋友9. Tom 和 Kate 的爸爸10. Gigi 的姐姐和 Jenny 的姐姐D 完成下列句子。1Lisa and I (是学生)。2There are (许多尺子) on the desk.3. There are (二十八天)in February this year.4Give me (两个苹果) , please.5. There are (五个动物园) in Shanghai.6. I have (三个新的铅笔盒) .7. He has (许多老照片) .8. Do you have (两杯茶)?E. 把下列各句改为复数形式。1 This is a zoo.2. I am a good child.3. It is a tasty apple.4. There is a baby on the floor.5. There is a baby on the floor.F. 仿照例子,将两句合并为一句。女口: This is Zhang Peng. This ia his mother.This is Zhang Peng s mother.1. This is John. This is his Jacket.2. This is Sarah. This is her father.3. They are Ann and Lisa. This is their room.G. 选择正确的词填空。1. Those (fish, fishs) are very beautiful.2. Those hamburgers are (Tom, Tom s).3. Liu Yun is at her (grandma, grandma s ) home.4. We have 16 new (light, lights).5. (The classrooms door, The door of the classroom) is broken.6. My uncle has three (child, children).7. Do you like eating (beef, beefs)?8. There are 4 (tea, cups of tea) on the desk.9. How many (leafs, leaves) are there?10.I like (chicken, chickens) better than pork.H. 选择。() 1. What s the name, Wu Yifan?A. he B. the boy C. the boy s() 2. Look at photo. Is it nice?A. Alice B. Alice s C. Alices () 3. My brother is reading .A. today s newspaper B. today of newspaper C. today s newspapers() 4. There are many pictures on .A. the classroom s walls B. the walls of the classroomC. the walls at the classroom() 5. The girl is Susan. She is .A. a friend of my sister B. a friend my sister C. a friend of my sister s() 6. How many can you see?A. banana B. bananasC. banana s() 7. Can we put here? Yes, please.A. our coats B. our coat C. my coat() 8. She is looking at those .A. sheep B. sheeps C. sheepes() 9. What s your name? My name is .A. Wang Xiao Lin B. Wang Xiaolin C. Wangxiaolin() 10. Where are ?A. the teachers rooms B. the teacher s room C. the room of the teachers六年级英语专项复习之二冠词英语的冠词包括定冠词the和不定冠词a、an, 共三个。a和an都用在单数可数名词前,表示以下几种意思:1 表示一类人或事物,不具体指哪一个。 如:He is a teacher. 他是一个老师。I am going to buy a pencil. 我将要去买一支铅笔。This is an apple. 这是一个苹果。A giraffe is very tall. 长颈鹿很高。
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