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全卷模式分大题显示全卷总分100.0分201011585得分是:77.0分答卷时间:9分钟老师意见:1.Exercise 1: Listen to the passage and answer each question by giving the best choice.老师意见:Flags are Flying at Half-mast across ChinaChina is coming to the end of an official period of mourning for those who died in last weeks earthquake. For three days, there have been no entertainment events and the government has suspended the Olympic torch relay.Chinese officials have said that the death toll from the catastrophe has now risen to over 41,000. Over 230,000 people were injured. Along with the many accounts of suffering and loss, there have been a few amazing stories of survival. Chinese news reported today that a woman in Hongbai has been rescued after being trapped in a tunnel for nine days. She has been taken to hospital and is expected to survive.However, hopes are quickly fading for those who remain trapped. According to the State Council over 32,000 people are missing in the quake area. The rescue workers attention is now turning towards the recovery of bodies from the rubble and providing food, shelter and drinking water for the survivors. But the relief operation has been hampered by a series of aftershocks, the strongest measuring 6.1 on the Richter scale. Chinese news reports say that mudslides have buried 200 relief workers in the past four days. There are also reports that thousands of residents have been evacuated from an area in Qingchuan county where large cracks have appeared in the top of a mountain.On Monday, tens of thousands of people rushed from their homes after the government warned of a possible major aftershock. They slept on the streets or drove to open ground. Persistent rain is compounding the misery for the homeless. The foreign ministry has appealed to the international community to provide tents for the five million people who have lost their homes. Yesterday, Premier Wen Jiabao pledged to send 250,000 temporary housing units to the region by the end of June, and one million within three months.题目:1.How many days does the official period of mourning last?文本:A)Two days.B)Four days.C)Three days.D)Five days.你的答案:C正确答案:C得分:15.00老师意见:题目:2.Why has the relief operation been hampered?文本:A)Because the relief works are not familiar with the mountainous area.B)Because it is hard for the helicopters to land in the mountainous area.C)Because the relief workers are not well informed of the urgent situation.D)Because aftershocks happen constantly and some are quite strong.你的答案:D正确答案:D得分:15.00老师意见:题目:3.How many days has the woman in Hongbai been trapped in a tunnel?文本:A)Eight days.B)Ten days.C)Nine days.D)Eleven days.你的答案:A正确答案:C得分:0.00老师意见:题目:4.According to the passage, what adds to the misery for the homeless?文本:A)Leaders neglect.B)Shortage of medicine.C)Lack of food.D)Bad weather.你的答案:D正确答案:D得分:15.00老师意见:2.Exercise 2: Listen to the passage and decide whether the following statements are true or false, write T for true and F for false.老师意见:Flags are Flying at Half-mast across ChinaChina is coming to the end of an official period of mourning for those who died in last weeks earthquake. For three days, there have been no entertainment events and the government has suspended the Olympic torch relay.Chinese officials have said that the death toll from the catastrophe has now risen to over 41,000. Over 230,000 people were injured. Along with the many accounts of suffering and loss, there have been a few amazing stories of survival. Chinese news reported today that a woman in Hongbai has been rescued after being trapped in a tunnel for nine days. She has been taken to hospital and is expected to survive.However, hopes are quickly fading for those who remain trapped. According to the State Council over 32,000 people are missing in the quake area. The rescue workers attention is now turning towards the recovery of bodies from the rubble and providing food, shelter and drinking water for the survivors. But the relief operation has been hampered by a series of aftershocks, the strongest measuring 6.1 on the Richter scale. Chinese news reports say that mudslides have buried 200 relief workers in the past four days. There are also reports that thousands of residents have been evacuated from an area in Qingchuan county where large cracks have appeared in the top of a mountain.On Monday, tens of thousands of people rushed from their homes after the government warned of a possible major aftershock. They slept on the streets or drove to open ground. Persistent rain is compounding the misery for the homeless. The foreign ministry has appealed to the international community to provide tents for the five million people who have lost their homes. Yesterday, Premier Wen Jiabao pledged to send 250,000 temporary housing units to the region by the end of June
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