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必修五 unit 2 Language Points 1. consist of(1)consist of既不用进行时,也不用被动语态consist of 做定语、状语用consisting of The soup_ consisting of_ tomatoes, meat and peas is full of nutrition. _ Consisting of_ tomatoes, meat and peas, the soup is full of nutrition.(2)consist in 在于,存在于(3)be consistent with与一致的;符合的2. divide意为“把一个整体分成若干个部分” 常与 into, among, between 搭配。England can be divide into three main areas. 英国可以分成三大部分。辨: separate / divide divide 意为“分开”“分成”, 指把整体的东西分成几部分, 搭配:divideinto separate 意为“使分开”“使分离”指把原来结合在一起两个独立的东西分开, separatefromseparate 还可以做形容词, 意为“分开的”、“个别的”。Have a try:2) We talked until midnight and then _ separated_.3) The shop owner _ divided_ the apples into different classes.4) The children sleep in _ separate_ beds.3. break away (from): 挣脱; 脱离; 改掉(习惯), 破除Nowadays many farmers want to break away from rural life and make a living in cities.现在许多农民都想离开农村到城里谋生。美国南方各洲想脱离联邦。The American southern states wanted to break away from the union.You should break away from the bad habit.你应该改掉这个坏习惯。4. To their credit the four countries do work together in some areas ( eg, the currency and international relations), but they are still different. 值得赞扬的是, 这四个国家的确在某些方面 (如货币和国际关系方面) 是合作的, 但它们还是不同的。to ones credit为带来荣誉; 值得赞扬; 在.名下1) credit n. 信任; 学分;(多做可数名词)信贷(可数名词)赞扬He is a credit to the family. 他是家族中的光荣。She was given the credit for what I had done. 事情是我做的, 她却受到称赞。The bank refused further credits to the company. 银行拒绝再贷款给这家公司。No credit is given to this restaurant. 本店概不赊账。He earned enough credits for his degree. 他为获得学位取得了足够的学分。To ones credit 值得赞扬; 为某人增光。如:It is greatly to his credit that Arthur gave back the money he found. 亚瑟拾金不昧是非常值得赞扬的。 5. Which country is left out? leave out 遗漏, 漏掉e.g. Be careful not to leave out any letter when remembering words.He is left out of this name list.删掉, 省去e.g. You can leave out some unimportant details in your composition.拓展: leavefor 离开去leave alone 不管; 撇下一个人leave behind 留下, 遗忘, 遗留leave+宾语+宾补(adj/v-ing/v-ed )使处于状态1) Dont _ me _when youre giving out the invitations!A. leave; out of B. leave; forC. cross ; out D. leave; out2) Mr. White will _ Boston _ Beijing tomorrow with his life. A. leave ; out B. leave; for C. leave; / D. leave; to3) Im sorry for leaving you _ in the rain for an hour. A. to wait B. waited C. waiting D. to be waited4) In copying this paper, he is careful not to _ any words. A. leave behind B. leave aside C. leave off D. leave out6. describe vt描写 describe sb/sth as 认为,说(某人如何)He describes himself as a doctor. Description n 描绘,描述Beyond description 无法形容7. break down (1) 机器坏了; (2) 汽车抛锚;(3)桥梁、建筑物的坍塌、垮、坏;(4)身体垮了;精神崩溃。Break out (战争、火灾、瘟疫)的爆发 Break in (1)破门而入 后没有宾语 (2)插嘴Break into (2)破门而入,后需接宾语Break up(1)粉碎,破碎 (2)关系破裂 (3)解散8. delight n (1)高兴,喜悦(不可数名词) to ones delight(使某人高兴的是)(2)使人高兴的事,乐趣。(可数)Vt 使高兴 Your visit last week delighted us.delighted 感到高兴的 delighting 令人高兴的 England is the largest of the four countries, and for convenience it is divided roughly into three zones. 在这四个国家中, 英格兰最大, 为了方便 起见, 它大致被分为了三个地区。9. convenience n. 方便, 便利 I keep my reference books near my desk for convenience. 为了图方便, 我把参考书放在书桌前。for convenience 为了方便 at ones convenience 在某人方便的时候convenient adj. 方便的; 便利的常用搭配: be convenient to sb. It is convenient for sb. to do sth. 10. puzzle 1) n. 迷; 难题; 迷惑(只用单数)a Chinese puzzle 中国玩具【比喻】复杂难懂之事a cross-word puzzle 纵横填字游戏2) vt. 把难住; 使迷惑 The question puzzled me.常用搭配: puzzle sb puzzled 感到困惑的 puzzling 令人困惑的He listened to the lecture with a _expression. puzzled B. puzzling C. puzzle D. being puzzled二. 重点句型 You must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom enjoyable and worthwhile.如果想使你在英国的旅程有意义, 你必须睁大双眼。句中的keep your eyes open和make your trip worthwhile都是“动词宾语形容词作宾补”结构。如: He found the room open.他发现房间是开着的。The rain made the ground wet.雨使地面浸湿了。
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