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Lesson 26兴国县实验小学 兰 芳一、教学内容:人教新版小学英语五年级上册 Unit 5 Lesson 26二、教学目标: 1、语言知识目标: 能听、说、认读单词schoolbag、activity book、dictionary及 句子 Whose textbook is this?Its mine. 能够在适当的情景中正确地听、说、读、写单词和句子eraser、 sharpener, Is this your eraser?Yes,it is;Is this your sharpener?No,it isnt. 能说唱Chant并进行改编。 2、情感态度目标: 激发学生在真实的语言环境中大胆地开口说英语的欲望,培养他们积极主动地与别人交流的习惯。三、教学重、难点: 1、听、说、认读单词schoolbag、activity book、dictionary. 2、听、说、读、写单词和句子eraser、sharpener, Is this your eraser?Yes,it is;Is this your sharpener?No,it isnt.四、教具与学具准备: 1、教具准备:CAI课件,文具,单词卡片,笑脸卡片。 2、学具准备:相关文具,文具袋子。五、指导思想: 以学生为主体,激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣。帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心,使他们在学习过程中发展综合语言运用能力,培养学生的创造思维和创新精神。六、教学过程: Step One:Warm-up and Revision1、Greeting with all the students.(clap hands and smile) T:Good morning!Good morning! I am Miss Lan.Whats your name? Ss: Good morning!Good morning! I am .Nice to meet you!2、Lets sing a song-“Where do you come from?” 播放课件歌曲,师生一起边拍手边唱。 (设计意图:有节奏的拍手问候增进了师生间的感情交流,让学生们迅速地融入了课堂,热身歌曲更使大家在轻松、愉快的氛围中开始新的学习旅程。)3、Brainstrom: Look and memory. Play the CAI,appear six pictures,one by one:pencil-case、pen、eraser、crayon、book and sharpener. Make them memorize the words quickly,then ask some students to repeat these words. (设计意图:头脑风暴瞬间记忆既吸引了全班学生,抓住了他们的思维,又复习了以前所学的文具单词,使学生在激烈的氛围中进入学习英语的最佳状态,为新课的学习做好了准备。)Step Two:Presentation1、Show a bag. Read and practise “schoolbag” in different ways.(eg: read together、in a line、boys and girls、single )2、Take out a textbook from this schoolbag, learn the new word“textbook”, read the word and write it on the blackboard. T: Whose textbook is this? Is it yours? S1: No, it isnt.3、Ask one student to take out an eraser from the schoolbag,then write the word“eraser”on the blackboard. T: Is this your eraser? S1: No,it isnt./ S2:Yes, it is. Write the sentences on the blackboard and practise the sentences. 4、Ask one student to take out the sharpener from the schoolbag, and write this word on the blackboard.5、Teacher takes out an activity book and a dictionary from the schoolbag,teach these two words.(Practise row by row and one by one.) (设计意图:利用一个装着各种文具的书包吸引学生的注意力,激起了他们的好奇心,为新单词的学习做好了铺垫。让学生依次从中取出不同的文具,这样可以充分发挥学生们的主观能动性,使学习热情和学习效果加倍地体现。)Step Three:Practise1、Lets have a competition: Guess the words.(猜一猜) Show six envelopes(Each envelope has one word), look at the first letter of the card,then let them guess what word it is.2、Lets play a game: Find out the target.(找一找) First, Ask one student to stand back to all the students. put a word card into a students drawer.Then,all the students say the word,once the student close to the card,they must shout this word,if he is far from it,the sound is small. 3、Lets listen and do“Show me your!”(秀一秀) Teacher say the words,students should show their schoolthings as quickly as possible. Let chant“Show me your!”after the rhyme. (设计意图:此环节中的两个单词巩固游戏,大大地激发起了学生的兴趣,使他们非常乐于参与其中,在本课掀起了一次次的高潮。另外,学生能听音完成相应的动作,迅速地展示出自己的文具和书, 真正地使学生掌握了所学的知识,效果很好。)Step Four:Expand1、Group work. Example: Let them close eyes,pick some schoolthings of theirs into my bag. T: Is this your ? S1: No,it isnt. T: Whose is this? S2: Its mine. T: Here you are. Ask two students to practise like this with the rest things in the bag. All the students practice it.Then ask three groups to act it out.2、Lets chant. Show them a science book,a story book and a picture book,teach these three words,then listen to the chant.Pay attention the pronounciation /S/.SsSue likes science books,Sam likes storybooks.Susan likes picture books.They all like books. Say the chant after music. Try to make up a new one, ask two groups to chant in the front.3、Listen and match. Play the CAI, finish the listening exercise in class. (设计意图:此环节主要运用所学单词于句子中,学生对这几个句型都掌握得比较轻松,效果也很好,并能在小组中活动中互相合作,完成了探究式的学习,真正将巩固的句型落到了实处。)Step Five:Consolidation1、Consolidate the words and sentences of this class.2、Teach the saying:Book is the ladder of human progress.(书是人类进步的阶梯。-高尔基)Tasks at home:Write the new words and sentences.Collet the sayings about books.七、板书设计: Group 1Lesson 26Group 2 schoolbagA: Is this your eraser/ sharpener ?activity bookB: Yes,it is./ No,it isnt.dictionary A: Whose textbook is this?B: Its mine.八、教学反思:本节课主要讲授一些有关文具及书籍的单词,并运用于句型:Is this your ?及肯定和否定的回答;特殊疑问句Whose is this? Its mine。由于在三年级时就已经学过一些学习用品类单词,所以,本课对于学生们来说没有很大的难度。我采用的是直观教学法。利用一个装满各种文具及书籍的书包,来吸引学生的注意力。根据本课知识结构的特点,应努力创设一种轻松,愉悦的课堂气氛,激发起学生的学习兴趣,充分调动学生的学习积级性,使他们能够减轻心理压力,自然而然地学到知识。同时,充分利用小学生敢于开口的特点,鼓励他们积极主动地与别人交流,使他们所学的知识能得以实践,语言交际能力得以提高。在设计本课的教学环节时,我层层递进,由易到难。单词游戏“猜一猜”和“找一找”,极大地调动了学生的积极性,大家都非常乐于参与,并在课堂中掀起一次次的高潮。这样,对于后面句型的运用有了很好的铺垫。在本课的拓展部分,我运用了高尔基的名言,让学生觉得乐于看书是一种很好的提高自我的方式。本节课完成了所制定的教学目标,且教学效果较好。
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