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寿阳县英语学科集体备课导学案学校_年级_班级_ 学生姓名_课 题Unit8 It must belong to Carla. SectionA1a-2d学习目标1.掌握情态动词must, could, might, cant 表示猜测的用法2.会背本节课的单词和短语,通过对情态动词的学习,进一步掌握一、 回顾反馈 预习提纲1.根据书上内容翻译下列短语,并要求识记并默写。 (1)hair band_ (2)something valuable _ (3) go to a picnic _ (4)whose book _二、自主学习 合作探究了解must,could, might, cant 表示猜测的用法,完成探究题。1. This book _ _hers, her name is on it. 2. This is a hair band, so it _ _Toms.3. Its too late, he _ _back.4. My father _ _at home, he has gone to Shanghai.5. _Mary be a Canadian girl? No, she _ _.6. Must I clean the classroom? No, you _. You can do it tomorrow. A.neednt B.mustnt C.cant D. mightnt7. May I somke here? No, you _. Its dangerous. A. may not B.mustnt C.cant D.couldnt三、展示提炼 1. 导入新课I cant find my English book, who can help me find it?. 2. 教学过程1、检查预习情况,讲解知识超市2、呈现新目标语言3、巩固训练听录音,完成1b,小组核对答案.两人一组,模仿1c练习和表演不同的对话.听录音,完成2a ,2b.进行2a,2b会话训练.4、情态动词can, must, might cant could用法(1)must用来表示说活人对事物的肯定推测,把握性较大相当汉语的“一定,肯定”,这种肯定只用于肯定句中。eg:He must be in the classroom.(2) cant表示对现在事实的否定推测。eg: That cant be Mr. Green. He has gone to Beijing.(3) may/might/could表示一种没有把握的推测。eg:Will you answer the phone? It could/may /might be your mother.5、picnic n.郊游野餐go to a picnic 去野餐eg:They are going to a picnic tomorrow.四、达标测试 效果反馈 ( )1.Doyouknowwhosedictionaryitis?(2008辽宁中考)It_LiLeis.Hisnameisonit.A.cantbeB.mustbeC.mightbeD.maybe( )2.Wouldyoupleasehelpmewiththequestions? Sorry.You_goandaskMary.She_knowtheanswer. A.must;canB.can;mayC.need;canD.must;may( )3. Doyouknowwhomthecase_?A.wasbelongedto B.wasbelonging C.belongedto D.belongsto( )4. You _ worryabouthim.Hewillgetwellsoon.A.needntB.cantC.mustntD.maynot( )5.Marydoesntlikevolleyball.Sothevolleyball _behers. A.mightB.cantC.mustntD.maynot学习笔记学习收获或困惑寿阳县英语学科集体备课导学案学校_年级_班级_ 学生姓名_课 题Unit8 It must belong to Carla. SectionA3a-4c学习目标通过听、说、读、写的训练,强化并掌握must、might、could和can等词表示猜测的用法。培养学生读英文报纸、新闻的能力。1.2.会背本节课的单词和短语,通过对情态动词的学习,进一步掌握一、 回顾反馈 预习提纲1.预习本课的noise、policeman、wolf、laboratory、coat、sleepy、pocket等单词的读音、书写及用法。2.完成下列短语和句子属于_一定是_一定不是_ 发夹_ 出席音乐会_有价值的东西_其余的_ 捡起_ 制造恐惧 _玩得开心_这本书是谁的?_它一定不是Carla的_它一定属于Carla_他一定正在吃饭_他一定已经吃了饭_一定有东西光顾了小区_二、自主学习 合作探究翻译下列句子(1) 我们居住在一个小城镇,大家几乎都彼此认识。_(2) 过去这很安静,这附近没有什么事发生。_(3) My wife thinks that it could be an animal, but my friends and I think it must be teenagers having fun._(4) There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood, but what is it? _(5) Most people hope that this animal or person will simply go away, but I do not think that is going to happen. _三、展示提炼 1、检查预习情况,讲解知识超市。2、呈现新目标语言。3、学生速读,找出文章相应的标题。4、细读课文,翻译并掌握重点句子和短语。5、小组讨论,完成3b和3c的习题。6、完成语法下面的检测题,小组比较。四、达标测试 效果反馈 1. It nearly took me two hours to walk here. Have a drink then. You _be thirsty. A. cant B. must C. mustnt D. can2. Look! Peter is playing basketball on the playground It_ be Peter. He has gone to Beijing. A. cant B. mustnt C. might D. may 3. Here is a new dictionary. _ is it? It belongs to Gina. She bought it yesterday. A. Which B. Who C. Whose D. How4.Did you hear _ in your room? No, I didnt. A. anything valuable B. something valuable C. valuable anything D. valuable something5. This book isnt_. Its_. A.me;Toms B. mine; Toms C. mine; Tom D. me; Tom6. I am _, I fall _in the _bag. A,sleepy, asleep, sleeping B.sleeping, sleepy, asleep C.asleep, sleepy, sleeping D.sleepy, sleeping, asleep7. I am watching The _of China, but my brother makes a lot of _. A. noise, voice B.sound, voice C.voice, noises D.voice,sound8. _(兔子) are smart. They are my favorite animals. 9.The stone is so heavy that I cant _(举起) it. 10. I want a p _dress.11. Its cold outside Please put on your c_12. Jack is new here. He doesn
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