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Trees 教学设计方案教师简介:徐珣,2023 年毕业于华南师范大学外文学院英语教育专业。毕业后在深圳市盐田区外国语小学任教英语至今。教材版本:香港朗文出版社 New English课题名称:Part F, Chapter 3, 5B 授课年级:小学五年级授课时间:四格外钟学生分析:教学对象是小学五年级的学生。由于是外国语学校,学生在系统的五年学习中已经逐步把握了肯定的词汇量以及六种英语的根本时态。学生普遍的听力水平都比较高,能快速理解的教学内容,但语言的输出量缺乏,因此教学中应多制造时机让学生开口,帮助学生运用旧学问,促使学习英语的过程能像滚雪球一样不断积存。课标分析:听借助连词分清因果关系说运用连词阐述因果关系;围绕一个主题进展问答读依据句子意群进展朗读的停顿写将他人和自己的意见加以整合并付诸文字教材分析:Trees 是 5B 的第三课。这一册教材的重点在于谈论人们的身边环境以及人们自己的生活习惯与生活经受。本课则是引导学生把眼光投向自然界,通过对树的相关介绍,使学生生疏到人与自然的关系,意识到保护环境的重要性。学生对树的好处已经有比较全面的了解,但是在语言的组织上有肯定困难,因此在教学中必需先解决词汇这一关。学生在把握一些表达方式后再进展沟通。3教学目标:语言学问目标用代词指代人、动物和物体;用形容词描绘物体语言技能目标用 Why 和 because 进展因果关系的问答;用一般现在时描述事实学习策略目标学会通过小组争论,寻求更全面更有说服力的答案情感态度目标生疏到树对人类的安康所起的重要作用;生疏人与自然的关系;意识到人要疼惜大自然文化意识目标通过写信给政府提建议,培育独立意识,信任个人力量的发挥在社会事务中起肯定作用教学重点与难点:重点用Why 查找缘由;用because 表达缘由难点依据自己的观点,组织语言进展阐述教学方式:1. 任务型教学法2. 开放式的师生互动3. 小组内的学生自主学习4. 实践型的拓展作业教学用具:教学环境在教室的墙上设计一块空白处,供每个学生展现自己在课上画的树和写下的句子。鼓舞学生的同时也创设了看树、懂树、爱树的气氛教学用具制作PowerPoint,展现出绿树郁郁葱葱的美教学过程:Task OneWarm-up and lead-in1. Pupils read the poem Trees (Part D) in chorus.2. Teacher asks a question: There are so many trees in this poem. If youwere a tree, which tree would you like to be?3. Have a free talk about this question.4. Teacher makes a conclusion on pupils words and leads in the new lesson: For quite a long time, people in the city cut down trees to make money or to make way for buildings. They have damaged the forest. Where can we see more trees now, in the city or in the country? (In the country.)Today I will be a warden of a country park. I am going to show you the beautiful green trees.Task TwoPresentation1. Teacher shows some pictures of the forest.2. Teacher asks questions: Do you like these trees? Are they beautiful?3. Pupils make a sentence about trees one by one.4. Pupils have a discussion in groups: Why are trees important?5. Some representatives from each group share their ideas with others.6. Teacher shows the suggested reasons on the screen.7. Teacher teaches the new words in the sentences.8. Pupils repeat the reasons after the video.9. Teacher asks questions: Since trees are so important, what should we do for trees?10. Some pupils answer the question. Task ThreePractice1. One pupil acts the park warden. Some other pupils act the children and ask questions to the warden, using the three questions and theinformation in Part F.2. Pupils read the dialogues after the video. Task FourConsolidation and activityDraw and write: Pupils draw a tree and write a description about it. In pairs they talk about why their trees are useful. They choose one reason that their tree is useful and write it on the tree on a piece of paper handed out by the teacher. Teacher checks on the writing around the class.Thenthey cut out andstick their trees on the wall of the classroom tomakea show about theimportance of trees.TaskFiveExtensionand homeworkLetter-writing: Imagine that a group of trees in a sitting-out area near the school are about to be destroyed to make way for a new building. Pupils discuss in groups and write a letter to the government giving reasons why the trees should be saved.教学后记:这节课在一片喧闹的争论声中完毕了,虽然下课铃响了很久,可学生们还在专注地谈论着信要怎样写才更有说服力。我觉得这节课的闪光点就在于充分激发了学生自主学习的乐观性。语言的工具性质在这节课的学习中发挥得很到位,各环节的活动为学生供给了很多运用语言觉察问题、探究问题、解决问题的时机。通过这节课,我也生疏到发动学生做好课前预备的必要性。在上课前,我让学生通过互联网上的英文网站搜寻树的各种作用。所以在上课时,每个学生都有话可说。学生们的发言丰富了课堂的容量,拓宽了学问面,不仅学生们学有所得,我也有所收获,真正做到了教学相长。盐田区外国语小学徐珣
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