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托福写作范文:电视对大众的影响托福独立写作题目How do movies or television influence people s behavior?Use reasons andspecific examples to support your answer.托福独立写作范文 The Influence of Television and MoviesThere is no doubt that watching television and moviescan influence the waythat people behave. Moreover, it seems that people arespending more and moretime watching some sort of visual entertainment, whether itis television, avideo tape or a DVD. Therefore, the effects of visual mediacannot beignored.One obvious effect of these media is that watching theminduces people tobuy certain products. Television advertising is widespreadand, nowadays, evenmovie theaters permit advertisements. Another way TV and themovies affectpeople is that they give people either a broader view of theworld or adistorted one, depending on what type of program they watch.Those who watchnews and educational program can learn many new things whilethose who watchprimarily entertainment shows may come to believe that mostpeople in the worldpossess great wealth and good looks. It may make them becomedissatisfied withtheir own lives. Finally, perhaps the most susceptibleviewers are children, whomay be unable to tell fact from fiction and may try toimitate acts that theysee on TV or in the movies.With the ever-increasing popularity of videoentertainment, society mustpay attention to these effects. Television and movies, whileentertaining andinformative, cannot take the place of real experience.托福独立写作范文 电视电影对大众的影响电视和电影无疑会影响人们的行为举止。此外,人们似乎在花越来越多的时间去观看一些视觉娱乐节目,无论是电视、录像带,或是DVD。所以,视觉媒体的影响是不容忽视的。这些媒体所造成的明显的影响是,人们在观看之后会被诱使去购买某些产品。现在电视广告非常普遍,即使是电影院,也允许播放广告。另外一个电视及电影会影响人们的方式是,它们能使人们对世界有更广阔的见解或是扭曲的看法,而这取决于人们所观看的是什么样的节目。凡是观看新闻性及教育性节目的人能够学习很多新事物,而主要观看娱乐节目的观众可能会认为,世界上绝大部分的人都很有钱,而且长得都很好看,这可能会使他们对自己的生活感到不满意。儿童可能是容易受影响的观众。他们可能无法分辨真实与虚构,而且可能会试着模仿在电视或电影中所看到的行为。因为视觉娱乐越来越普遍,所以社会大众必须注意其可能造成的影响。即使电视及电影兼具娱乐性和知识性,但还是无法取代实际的经验。注释behave v. 行为举止 visual adj. 视觉的DVD数码影音光碟 (=digital visual disk )media n. (pl.) 媒体 take the place of 取代tell A from B 分辨 A与 B fiction n. 虚构的事imitate v. 模仿 ever-increasing adj. 持续增加的video adj. 电视影像的 informative adj. 能增进知识的
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