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2020学年人教版英语精品资料Section_Warming Up & Reading Language Points 1casual adj.(1)偶然的;碰巧的a casual encounter/meeting/visitor etc.偶然的相遇(会议、来访者等)(2)不注意的,马虎的;漠不关心的,无动于衷的; 不彻底的,不条理的Her attitude towards her job is rather casual.她对工作的态度很随便。a casual inspection 草率的检查(3)非正式的;非永久的,不定期的;临时的;不正规的casual wear便装They earn their living by casual labor.他们靠打短工生活。(1)She is very active and always attends family parties and other_casual_occasions(其他非正式场合)(2)It was just a casual_remark (随便说说)2inform v通知;告知inform sb.that .通知某人inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事inform sb.what/where/when/how to do sth. 通知某人keep sb. informed of/about sth.使某人随时知道某事的(最新)情况informed adj. 有知识的,明智的,获得信息的He will inform us where to go.他将通知我们去哪儿。He informed them of his arrival.他告诉他们他到了。Keep me informed of fresh development.随时告诉我新的发展。(1)The manager promised to_keep_me_informed_of (使我随时知道) how our business was going on.(2)He_informed_the_police (他向警方报案) that some money was missing.3basis n基础What is the basis of your opinion?你这种说法有什么根据?on the basis of以为基础base vt. 依据base .on . 把基于be based on 根据They decided she was the best one for the job on the basis of her exam marks.根据她的考试成绩,他们决定她是这项工作的最佳人选。(1)One should always base_ones_opinions_on (把自己的看法建立在) facts.(2)Our friendship is_based_on (建立在) mutual respect.4feature vt.以为特色,特写n.特征,容貌,特色,特写This store features roundtheclock service.昼夜服务是这家商店的特色。Wet weather is a feature of life in Scotland.潮湿的天气是苏格兰的特色。(1)Fish_features_very_largely (是以鱼为主) in the food of these islanders.(2)Her mouth is her_best_feature (她的显著特点) 5.worthy adj.有价值的;可尊敬的;配得上的He is a worthy man.他是一个受人尊敬的人。Pollution is worthy of notice.污染值得注意。worthy, worth, worthwhile(1)be worthy of(2)be worthSth.is worth ones while .(3)It is worthwhile我认为这部电影值得再看一遍。I_think_the_film_is_worth_seeing_a_second_time. (worth)I_think_the_film_is_worthy_of_being_seen/to_be_seen_a_second_time. (worthy)I_think_its_worthwhile_to_see/seeing_the_film_a_second_time. (worthwhile)6expense n费用,代价We are surprised at the terrible expense of having the house repaired.我们惊讶于修房子的惊人花费。If you met holiday expenses for me, I would have one.如果你为我支付假期费用,我就去度假。at the expense of在损失或损坏的情况下at ones expense 花某人的钱;对某人不利spare no expense 不惜一切代价;不惜工本expensive adj. 昂贵的,费用大的He did that at the expense of the company.他那样做对公司不利。expense, cost, price, fee(1)expense表示“费用”时,用法和cost相似,可指生活方面的各种费用,但expense多用于指大量、大规模的花费,常用复数。(2)cost指货物、服务的成本或代价。指“成本、费用”时是可数名词,指服务费用或一般费用。指“代价,牺牲”时,既可以是可数名词也可以是不可数名词。(3)price指“(商品出售的)价格”,尤指卖主所定的价格。(4)fee常指“会费,学费,报名费,入场费”或者“付给(医生,律师,教师)的服务费,酬金”,是可数名词。(1)He couldnt pay the lawyers fees so he decided to speak for himself.(2)She saved the boy from drowning at the cost/expense of her own life.(3)What price did you pay for this suit?(4)His business was very successful, but it was at the expense/cost of his family life.7response n回答;回应;反应in response to作出对的反应make a quick response to 对作出很快的反应My mother opened the door in response to the knock, but there was no one outside.听到敲门声后,我妈妈打开了门,但外面一个人都没有。The teacher asked him a question, but he made no response as if he didnt hear it.老师问了他一个问题,但是他像没听到似的没有作出回答。respond vi.回答;答复,响应respond to 响应,回答,对作出反应respond with a smile 以微笑作为回答respond to sb. with sth. 用回答某人The government has responded to pressure and dropped the proposal.政府已在压力下放弃了这一建议。(1)The school should respond_immediately_to (立即回应) the parents request that students attend classes on Sundays.(2)In_response_to_your_inquiries (回答你们的要求), we regret to tell you that we can not help you in this matter.8refresh vt.使(精神)振作;使恢复;更新A rest and a cool drink will refresh you.休息一会再喝杯冷饮会使你消除疲劳。refresh ones memory唤起某人的记忆refreshing adj. 令人精神爽快的;新奇的refreshment n. 精神爽快;点心和饮料Those old melodious songs refresh my memory of the old days once more.那些动听的老歌又唤起了我对那些逝去时光的回忆。Its refreshing to meet a girl these days who doesnt wear eye makeup.就现在来说,能看到一位眼部没有化妆的姑娘是件新奇的事。Refreshments will be served after the meeting.会议后有点心招待。(1)He refreshed himself with a cool shower just now.(2)We will not work all day with refreshment.(3)It made a refreshing change to talk to someone new.1if so要是这样if so是if引导的条件状语从句的省略形式,表示肯定意义;如果表示否定意义,则用if not。They think she may try to phone. If so, someone must stay here.他们认为她可能来电话,要是这样的话,就得有人守在这儿。I think theres a train at midday. If not, youll have to wait till 12:30.我想正午会有一班火车。要是没有,你只好等到12点半了。if ever如果有过/发生过的话if any 如果有的话if possible 如果有可能if necessary 如果有必要If possible, try and go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.如果可能的话,尝试每天都在同一时间睡觉和起床。(1)I dont know if there are some mistakes in my composition. If_any (如果有的话), please point them out.(2)The girl seldom, if_ever (如果有过的话), turned to her brother for prot
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