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人教版八年级英语(上)期中试卷时间;90分钟 满分;120分第一部分.听力(20分)I.听句子,选出与句子内容一致的图画。每句读两遍(5分))1.fjhjf rt,B)2.AB.CA.)3.)4.A.B.)5.oC.5分)A.听问句,选择正确答语)6、C.A.B.C.C.II.()7、)8、)9、B.每句读两遍。(What color are Lisa s clothes ?A. RedB. BlueC. BrownWho dan ces better?A. AmyB. BettyC. MayWho thinks the food is the most expensive ?A. Jack s brother B. The girlC. JackWhat can Peter do ?A. Run very fast. B. Sing fast songs well.C. Write songs himself.)10、When does Bob want to go to the movies ?A. This eve ning.B. Tomorrow morni ng.III .听对话,选择最佳答案。每个对话读两遍。(5分)听第一段对话,回答11-12小题。()11. Who is the tallest in Kevi n s class?C. Tomorrow eve ning.A. Kevi n.B. Bill.C. Lucy.()12. When was the tale nt show?A. Last Mon day.B. Last Tuesday.听第二段对话,回答第13-15小题。()13. How does Tina look?A. Tired.B. Excited()14. What movie did Tina watch yesterday?A. An actio n movie B. A comedy.()15. Where did Tina watch the movie?A. I n the ci nemaB. At her homeIV .听长对话,完成表格,每空一词。对话读三遍。C. Last Thursday.C. SadC. A scary movieTimeOn (16)PeopleLin da, Ted and Julie.Thi ngs they didThey went to (17)clothes stores and bought some clothesin the(18)store in the morni ng.They Went to a restaura nt have lun ch. The food was (19)butnot delicious.Watched an actio n movie and a (n )(20)show in the after noon.C. At the boy s home (5分)第二部分:知识应用、阅读及写作(100分):I .单项选择(10分)()1. Star Wars isacti on movie.A. aB. anC. the()2. Here the results the student activities.A. is, withB. are, ofC. being, of()3. - do they exercise? - Once a week.A. How soonB. How ofte nC. How long()4. Mr.Green dinner yesterday.A. doesn have B. didn have C. didn has()5. Timmy tells me that you have read . on the In ternet.A. someth ing in terest ingB. anything in terestedC. i nterested somethi ng()6. It s hotter than yesterday.A. mostB. moreC. much()7. Tom sjoke made all of us A. laughB. laugh ingC. to laughA. bestB. betterC. well()8. Which seas on do you thi nk is the in a year?()9. it never snows, I still feel cold.A. Although, butB. But, althoughC. Though, /()10. What do you soap operas?A. thi nk ofB. look atC. look liken.完形填空(10分)Sports and games are good 11 our health. They can 12 us strong, stop us from gett ing13 fat and keep us14 and happy. Especially (特别是),they can help people who work withtheir brains (大脑)15 of the day to study better, for sports and games let people 16 theirbodies.They make our life richer and more colorful. If we 17 not have stro ng body, we can 18 do things well. So pers ons of all ages enjoy 19 and tak ing part in 20 kinds of sports -track and field (田径),swimming, skateboarding, and ball games.()11. A. atB. forC. to()12. A. makeB. findC. do()13. A. toB. tooC. a lot of()14. A. healthB. healthyC. un healthy()15. A. allB. mostC. some()16. A. exerciseB. to exerciseC. exercis ing()17. A. areB. doC.don ()18. A. alwaysB. hardC. hardly()19. A. see ingB. watch ingC. to watch()20. A. differe nceB. differe ntC. difficult川.阅读理解(40 分,每题2分)(A )阅读短文,从每题所给的选项中选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。We each have a memory. That s why we can still remember things after a long time. Some people have very good memories and they can easily lear n many things by heart, but some people can only remember things whe n they say or do the aga in and aga in. Many of the great men of the world have got surpris ing memories.A good memory is a great help in lear ning Ian guages. Everybody lear ns his mother Ian guage when he is a small child. He hears the sounds, remembers them and then he learns to speak. Some children are living with their parents in foreign countries. They can learn two Ianguages as easily as one because they hear , remember and speak two Ian guages every day .In school it is not so easy to learn a foreign Ianguage because the pupils have so little time for it, and they are busy with other subjects, too.But your memory will become better and better whe n you do more and more exercises.()21. Some people can easily lear n many things by heart because.A. they always sleep wellB. they ofte n eat good footC. they read a lot of booksD. they have very good memories()22. Everybody lear ns his mother Ian guage.A. at the age of sixB. whe n he is a small childC. after he goes to school D. whe n he can read and write()23. Before a child can speak, he must.A. read and writeB. make senten cesC. hear and remember the soundsD. think hard()24. In school the pupils can t learn a foreign Ianguage easily because.A. they have no good memoriesB. they have no good teachersC. they don t like itD. they are busy with other subjects()25. Your memory will become better and better.A. if you have a lot of good foodB. if you
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