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美联英语提供:英语翻译-药物数字化进程INNOVATION and medicine go together. The ancient Egyptians are thought to have performed surgery back in 2750BC, and the Romans developed medical tools such as forceps and surgical needles. In modern times medicine has been transformed by waves of discovery that have brought marvels like antibiotics, vaccines and heart stents.创新和药物一起发展。古代埃及人被认为早在公元前2750年就进行了外科手术,罗马人发明了医疗工具,如医用钳子和手术用针。到了现代,发现探索的浪潮给人们带来了诸多奇迹,如抗生素,育苗和心脏支架。这些都促进了医药的改革。Given its history of innovation, the health-care sector has been surprisingly reluctant to embrace information technology (IT). Whereas every other big industry has computerised with gusto since the 1980s, doctors in most parts of the world still work mainly with pen and paper.考虑到创新的历史,医疗保健行业迟迟没有拥抱信息技术(IT),这是颇为令人吃惊的。自从19世纪80年代,其他大型的产业都兴致勃勃地接受电脑化进程,而世界大多数地区的医生仍旧是与笔和纸打交道。But now, in fits and starts, medicine is at long last catching up. As this special report will explain, it is likely to be transformed by the introduction of electronic health records that can be turned into searchable medical databases, providing a “smart grid” for medicine that will not only improve clinical practice but also help to revive drugs research. Developing countries are already using mobile phones to put a doctor into patients pockets. Devices and diagnostics are also going digital, advancing such long-heralded ideas as telemedicine, personal medical devices for the home and smart pills.虽然医药行业改变的步伐时断时续,但现在该行业终于逐渐赶上了这一趋势。此次的特别报道将会向你阐释,电子健康记录的出现将有可能改革医药行业。该记录可转变为可搜索式的医疗数据库,为药物提供一个“智慧的网络”,不仅会改进临床实践,还有助于重振药物研究。发展中国家已经通过使用移动电话,使得医生陪伴着病人,寸步不离。医疗设备和诊断法也变得数字化,极大促进了长久以来就梦想的远程开药,家庭个人医疗设备和聪明药的发展。The first technological revolution in modern biology started when James Watson and Francis Crick described the structure of DNA half a century ago. That established the fields of molecular and cell biology, the basis of the biotechnology industry. The sequencing of the human genome nearly a decade ago set off a second revolution which has started to illuminate the origins of diseases.现代生物学的第一次技术革命始于在半个世纪前,James Watson和Francis Crick成功描述了DNA的结构。这一举动建立了分子细胞生物学,也奠定了生物技术行业的基础。大约10年前的人类基因组排序引发了第二次革命,这一举动为人类探寻疾病的根源指明了道路。美联英语:
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