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UNIT 12INNOVATIONPeriod ThreeLesson 2课前自主预习猜词意A运气;巧合B评估;评价C出现,浮现D一无所知的,一窍不通的E孵化;(病毒)潜伏1Richard was waiting outside the door as she emerged.()2The middle-aged woman was completely clueless about computers.()3A coincidence is when two or more similar or related events occur at the same time by chance and without any planning.()【答案】12CD4The virus incubation period is 90 days on average,but can vary from about 30 to 180 days.()5At last the result of the evaluation manifests that this method is effective.()【答案】45AEB猜单词拼写1clue n.线索;提示;理解 _ adj.一无所知的,一窍不通的(参考:helphelpless)2evaluate vt.评估;评价 _ n.评估;评价(参考:educateeducation)【答案】1clueless2evaluation3_ v.出现,浮现emergence n.出现,显现;崭露头角(参考:insistinsistence)4coincide v.巧合;同时发生;一致,相符;相交,重叠 _ n.运气;巧合(参考:dependdependence)【答案】3emerge4coincidence完成句子1_ creation,and creation is independent and endless.生活的意义在于创造,而创造是独立存在且没止境的。2_ I dont understand what“incubation”means.恐怕我不明白“孵化”是什么意思。【答案】1The meaning of life lies in2Im afraid that3We should _ our school life.我们应该投入到我们的学校生活中。4He is fond of science fiction _ fairy tales.他喜欢科幻小说而我喜欢童话故事。【答案】3involve ourselves in/be involved in4while I like课堂新知讲练1emerge vi.出现,浮现(P114)Why do some people work so hard but achieve very little,while some others seem to do nothing but good ideas emerge?【翻译】为什么有些人努力工作却收获寥寥,而有些人似乎什么也没做却好点子层出不穷?词汇拓讲(1)emerge 还可以表示“浮现;出现;出来;幸存下来;变得显眼;被知晓;暴露;恢复过来;破壳而出;摆脱;显露;兴起;立足成为”等。【语言提升】(2)emerging adj.走向成熟的;新兴的emerging market 新兴市场emerging economies 新兴经济(体)emerging industry新兴产业;新兴行业(3)emergence n.出现,浮现;发生;露头She then emerged from the courthouse to thank her supporters.然后她从法院大楼出来向支持者们表示感谢。The television screens of the next century will be linked up to an emerging world telecommunications grid.下个世纪的电视屏幕将与一种新兴的世界电信网格相连。What is the custom and usage in this emergence?这里出现的习俗和用法是什么?【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)Many _(emerge)nations got back to their pre-crisis levels of output in 2009.(2)They prefer to wait for the _(emerge)of a new physics theory of everything.(3)Modern linguistics _(emerge)as a distinct field in the nineteenth century.【答案】(1)emerging(2)emergence(3)emerged完成句子(4)So how did Japan finally _ its banking crisis?那么日本最终是如何度过银行业危机的呢?(5)With the rapid development of Chinas economy,express presents great vitality as an _.随着我国经济的飞速发展,快递业作为一个新兴产业展现出了蓬勃生机。【答案】(4)emerge from(5)emerging industry2evaluation n.评估,评价(P115)The third stage is called“evaluation”.【翻译】第三个阶段被称之为“评估”。【语言提升】make an evaluation of 对进行评估evaluate vt.评价;估价;求的值vi.评价;估价evaluate sb on/by 根据评价某人Our teachers often give some evaluation on us according to the performance in their eyes.通常,我们老师经常根据在他们眼中我们的表现来对我们作出评价。Dont evaluate people by their clothes.不要根据衣着来评价人。【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)He got a good _(evaluate).(2)First,assist him in _(evaluate)his life.【答案】(1)evaluation(2)evaluating完成句子(3)We _ how well the policy is working.我们需要对这一政策产生的效果作出评价。(4)The way the guests were treated in the hotel influenced _ the service.客人在酒店受到的待遇影响了他们对服务的评价。【答案】(3)need to evaluate(4)their evaluation of(5)Writing down your progress allows you _ your work.写下你的进度可以让你客观地评估你的工作。【答案】(5)to objectively evaluate1(P114)Then you cant help shouting out:“Aha!Thats it!”【翻译】然后你情不自禁地大喊:“哈哈,就是它!”【句式剖析】cant help doing sth 为固定结构,意为“情不自禁做某事,忍不住做某事”。句式解读(1)cant help(doing)是指看到某物而想起了什么,睹物生情,或是受到某事物刺激而引起了另外一个动作。(2)cant help to do sth 意为“不能帮助做某事”。(3)cant help sb doing sth 意为“不能使某人不做某事”。【句式提升】I cant help feeling sorry for the poor man.我不禁为这个可怜的男人感到难过。She cant help to clean the house because shes busy making a cake.因为她忙于做蛋糕,所以她不能帮忙打扫房子的卫生。She could not help the tears of rage rolling down her face.她止不住她愤怒的眼泪顺着面颊流下来。【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)She couldnt help _(envy)Helen.(2)While shopping,people sometimes cant help _ _(persuade)into buying something they dont really need.【答案】(1)envying(2)being persuaded完成句子(3)Whenever I hear the story,I _.我不管何时听到这个故事,都忍不住要哭。(4)We _ by their zeal.我们不由得被他们的热情感动。【答案】(3)cant help crying(4)cannot help being moved(5)We _ us just now.刚才我们无法让他们不看到我们。(6)I _ her accident.我总忍不住想起她的那起事故。(7)She _ the conversation at that time.在那时,她忍不住偷听对话。【答案】(5)couldnt help them seeing(6)cant help thinking about(7)couldnt help overhearing2(P115)After you deeply become involved in an area,you do nothing.【翻译】在你深入一个领域后,你什么都不做。【句式剖析】“After you deeply become involved in an area”是时间状语。【句式提升】(1)after的意思是“在之后”,引导时间状语从句时的常见用法如下:遵循“主将从现”的原则He will go to Beijing to work after he graduates from the university.他大学毕业后将去北京工作。从句表示的动作发生在主句动作之前,如果强调从句的动作发生在前,从句时态要用过去完成时,主句用一般过去时。He went out for a walk after he had finished the work.他完成这项工作后出去散步。注意:从句表示的动作发生在主句动作之前,如不强调动作的先后,主句和从句均用一般过去时。He went to bed after he finished his homework last night.昨晚他完成家庭作业后就上床睡觉了。(2)when,before,after引导时间状语的区别:when引导时间状语从句时表示“当的时候”,when既可以指时间段也可指时间点,从句中既可用延续性动词又可用非延续性动词,且动作既可和主句的动作同时发生又可在主句的动作之前或之后发生。Ill call you when I get there.我一到那里就给你打电话。When the wind blows,all the doors rattle.只要风一吹,所有的门就吱嘎作响。He stopped trying,when he might have succeeded next time.他不再试了,其实他可能下一次就会成功。When I came home,my wife was cooking dinner.我回家时,妻子正在做晚饭。before引导时间状语从句时表示主句的动作发生在从句动作之前。See me before you leave.在你
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