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天津农学院会计学位毕业论文 中文题目:关于工业企业应收账款管理的若干思考 英文题目:Opinions Of Industrial Enterprise Accounts Receivable Management 学生姓名 天问 二级学院 经济管理学院 系 别 会计学 专业班级 会计学专业2011级1班 指导教师 成绩评定 2015 年月 目录2015 年月1摘要1Abstract2第一章 导论41.1研究的背景和意义41.1.1研究背景41.1.2国内外研究文献综述51.1.3研究的意义61.2研究目标和内容61.2.1研究目标61.2.2研究内容71.3研究方法和技术路线71.3.1研究方法71.3.2技术路线71.4.研究思路和文章结构81.4.1研究思路81.4.2文章结构81.5研究的重点和难点81.5.1研究的重点81.5.2研究的难点81.6本文研究存在的局限性9第二章工业企业应收账款管理的相关理论研究92.1工业企业的界定92.2应收账款的概念102.3应收账款与其他项目的关系102.3.1应收账款与流动资产的关系102.3.2应收账款与利润的关系102.3.3应收账款与企业偿债能力的关系102.3.4营运资金与应收账款的关系112.4应收账款形成的原因122.4.1市场因素122.4.2信用管理因素122.4.3法律因素132.4.4其他因素132.5工业企业应收账款的特点132.6应收账款对工业企业的影响132.6.1有利的影响132.6.2不利的影响14第三章 目前我国工业企业应收账款管理现状分析153.1目前我国工业企业应收账款管理存在的问题153.2我国工业企业应收账款管理存在问题的原因分析15第四章 加强工业企业应收账款管理的方法164.1加强对应收账款的事前防范164.1.1加强企业相关部门人员的素质164.1.2开展信息建设,完善客户的信用档案164.1.3完善企业的信用管理制度164.1.4完善客户的履约程序194.2加强应收账款的事中控制204.2.1加强对销售过程的管理204.2.2合理正确运用DSO指标204.2.3完善账龄记录与分级管理214.2.4建立早期逾期应收账款的预警机制214.2.5加强对逾期应收账款的动态管理224.2.6选择恰当的结算方式224.3加强对应收账款的事后管理224.4先进的应收账款管理措施234.4.1应收账款保理234.4.2应收账款质押融资234.4.3债权与股权互转23参考文献:24致谢25附录1相关英文文献26MANAGING YOUR Receivables IN TODAYS Economy.26附录2 英文文献中文译文311关于工业企业应收账款管理的若干思考摘要自1978年以来,伴随着改革开放的进行,我国经济便一直以飞快的速度发展着;而这种发展势头在我国成功加入世界贸易组织后便更加迅猛。而我国计划经济时代的企业便由不问盈亏的企业,变成了在市场经济中必须自负盈亏的企业,这样企业之间就有了竞争,而这种竞争随着我国改革开放的深入和市场经济的不断完善而变得更加激烈,结果就是每天就会有很多企业倒闭,每天又会有很多企业成立。如此,生存和发展就成了企业最重要的事。在如今的企业综合实力排名中,那么这销售收入的多寡几乎成了最重要的指标,而在现今大多数产品处于供大于求的处境中,工业企业要想在市场经济的大风大浪中快速成长或者立于不败之地,就必须得提高销售收入,提高自有产品的占有率。在这种大的背景下,无数企业便采用赊销的方式来扩大销售,从而能减少产品的积压;但是在产品的赊销给企业带来经济利益的同时,它也给企业带来了一些致命的问题。其一,在如今由卖方市场转变为买方市场的情况下,赊销已然成为企业增加产品销售,扩大产品市场份额的必要的方式;其二,若应收账款不能够及时地收回,那么这就必然会给企业的经营和财务状况带来极其恶劣的影响,进而导致企业的资金紧张,或者会增加企业的财务费用,或者会使企业陷入财务危机之中,又或者导致企业走向万劫不复之地,从而被市场淘汰。基于对现阶段我国应收账款管理现状的了解,加上对学术界和实务界近年来对应收账款管理的相关研究和探索的研究,本文针对我国工业企业应收账款管理的疑难杂症,在了解借鉴国内外学术界和实务界对应收账款管理的相关研究的基础之上,从阐述应收账款对工业企业的影响入手,讨论了现今我国工业企业应收账款管理中存在的问题,并探讨工业企业应收账款管理的解决措施。这些措施包括:应收账款日常管理的针对措施、先进的应收账款管理措施。其中日常管理的针对措施又分为事前控制管理、事中控制管理、事后控制管理三部分;而先进的应收账款管理措施分为应收账款保理、应收账款质押融资和债权与股权互转。关键词:工业企业;应收账款管理;内部控制;对策建议Industrial Enterprise Accounts Receivable Management DeliberateAbstractSince the reform and opening, Chinese economy has been in constant development. Especially after Chinas accession to WTO, the speed of economic development is more rapid. As a self-financing enterprise in the market economy, competition between enterprises becomes more and more fierce. A lot of enterprises are closed down every day, but more and more enterprises are established at the same time. Survival and development are the most important events of a enterprise. Among the existing ranging of the enterprises comprehensive strength, the number of sales income is the most important index for judging; currently most products are oversupply, in over to grow rapidly in the wave of the market , or even to remain invincible position, the industrial enterprise have to increase the sales income and enhance the market share of its products. Under such circumstances, most enterprise adopts the way of credit to increase the sales and reduce the product backlog; the credit brings economic benefits to the enterprise, but at the same it also brings a lot of fatal problems. In one hand, in the conditions of sellers market translating into current buyers market, credit has become a necessary way for enterprise to increase market share, on the other hand, if the accounts receivable can not be recovered in time, it will inevitably have adverse effects on the enterprises operations and financial situation, causing stress, leading to the increasing financial costs of the enterprise or worse still it will make the enterprise fall into serious financial crisis. Whats worse, it will also make the enterprise to perdition, and eliminated by the market.Based on the understanding of the present status of Chinese accounts receivable management, as well as the corresponding research in the academia and practice circle in recent years, for the persistent problems of the account receivable management in the enterprise, this paper draw on corresponding research of account receivable management in the academia and practice circle home and abroad in recent year, starting from the analysis of elaborating the affects of accounts receivable to industrial enterprise, discussing the existing problems of the accounts receivable management of industrial enterprise in China, and then analyzing the serious of accounts receivable management for industrial enterprises. The measure of solutions are separated into specific measures for daily management and advanced measures for the existing management of
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