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牛津英语7B期末试题牛津英语7B期末试题苏教版牛津7B期末试卷 初一英语期终考试题听力局部 ( 20 分 )听力就要开场了,你准备好了吗?可要听仔细哦 !I.听句子,选择你所听到的句子中所含的单词或词组:( )1. A. third B. third-year C. the third year( )2. A. a bit B. a lot C. a little( )3. A. a group of teachers B. the group of teachers C. the group of students( )4. A. cheer B. hear C. near( )5. A. mind B. kind C. findII. 根据你所听到的问题,选择相应的答句:( )1. A. Yes , you are . B. Yes , we are . C. Yes , they are .( )2. A. Its a broom . B. The broom is over there . C. Yes , its a broom .( )3. A. Thats all right . B. Yes , it is . C. Thats a good idea .( )4. A. Yes , speak ! B. No , you cant . C. Yes , speaking !( )5. A. Its Saturday . B. Its eight fifteen . C. Its November 28 .III. 根据对话和问题,选择正确答案:( )1. A. In a shop B. At the doctors C. In the post office( )2. A. Go fishing B. Go boating C. Go swimming( )3. A. 9:30 B. 9:50 C. 9:10( )4. A. Yes , he does . B. he likes disusic C. No , he doesnt( )5. A. A film B. Weather C. Their familyIV. 根据你所听到的短文内容,选择正确答案:( )1. John worked _ .A. at a station B. in a food shop C. in a hospital( )2. Johns father called John one day because he wanted to _ .A. go to the station B. see John C. see a doctor( )3. Johns wife gave John _ before he left .A. a piece of paper B. some money C. some food( )4. John came back home _ .A. with his father B. with his wife C. with much food( )5. Johns father didnt e back home with John because _ .Johns father didnt go to the stationJohns father didnt want to trouble John .John forgot to go and meet his father at the station笔试局部 ( 100分 )I.词汇:(10分)A.根据首字母填词:_ (滑雪)is very dangerous . But its interesting .I may watch TV _(一次)a week .The boy was _( 惊讶 )to get the first place in the exam .There are all kinds of _ ( 动物 ) in the zoo .B. 根据括号内的中文提示或中文填词:Wednesday is the f_ day of the week .Amy can listen to the teachers c_ in class .He is so f_ that he runs away quickly .They found the _ ( lose ) child yesterday .Jenny is a good girl because she is always very _ ( help ) to others .II. 选择填空:(15分)( )1. My brother and I _ Young Pioneers .A. both are B. all are C. are both D. are all( )2. The students go to school _ every day .A. by bike B. by their bike C. by bikes D. on bike( )3. Listen ! A girl _ in the next room .A. sings B. sing C. singing D. is singing( )4. The room there _ four windows .A. are B. is C. has D. have( )5. Tom bought a bike last week . It _ him a lot .A. takes B. took C. cost D. paid( )6. On a bus , I like sitting _ it .A. in the front of B. in front of C. behind D. on the back( )7. Be careful _ fire .A. on B. at C. to D. with( )8. There is a sick boy lying on the street , the kind man stopped _ him .A. to helping B. to help C. helping D. and helps( )9. I wish I _ be you .A. will B. can C. could D. may( )10. There is _ in todays newspaper .A. important something B. anything specialC. important anything D. nothing exciting( )11. I want to learn _ .A. what to do with it B. how to doC. what to do it D. to do( )12. Please feed my rabbit _ Sunday .A. everyday except B. everyday andC. every day except D. every day and( )13. Thats a good place _ football .A. playing B. to play C. plays D. played( )14. What kind of home does it _ ?A. live B. live in C. lives D. lives in( )15. We look forward to _ from you soon .A. hear B. hearing C. hears D. heardIII. 补全对话,选择方框中的.句子,将其序号填在正确的位置上:( 5 分)A. No , I wasnt . B. Teachers ask me to do that .C. Im not very good at it . D. Fine , thank you .E. I jumped into the river . F. Im thirteen . G. Yes , always .Miss Liu : Thank you for ing on our program . First , how old are you ?Kitty : _1_Miss Liu : How did you save the little child ?Kitty : _2_ . I helped her get out of the water .Miss Liu : Can you swim ?Kitty : _3_Miss Liu : Were you afraid at the moment ?Kitty : _4_Miss Liu : Do you always help others ?Kitty : _5_Miss Liu : What a good girl !1. 2. 3. 4. 5.IV. 根据括号内动词的正确形式填空:( 10 分)Im _ ( wash ) my clothes now , so Im busy .Why not _ ( buy ) a newspaper to read now ?There _ ( be ) a birthday party this evening .My father is always _ ( forget ) to wake me up .As students , we must practice _ ( speak ) English every day ._ ( not shout ) to the little boy .If you want _ ( be ) healthy , you need _ ( do ) some exercise every day .V.你能根据要求转换句型吗?试试看,你一定可以的:(每空一词,25分)A. 同义句转换:Kate is younger than any other student in her class .Kate is _ _ _ in her class .My sister likes playing badminton very much .My sister _ _ _ playing badminton .These are Simons jeans .These jeans _
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