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2016 年春冀教版七年级下英语七年级下学期 Unit5 试题Class:Name:Marks :(满分 100 分)一、单项选择 (15分 )()1、 Are you playing _ chess on the Internet? No、 I am writing _ e-mail to my sister、A、 the; aB、 a; anC、 the; aD 、 /; an()2、 Mr 、 Wang likes Western culture very much 、 And he wants to dig _ 、A、 inB、 atC、 overD 、 down()3、 How many _ can you see in the picture? Five, I think 、A、lettersB、 cartoonsC、 competitions D、 opportunities()4、_ the knowledge of English, we can know more about the world 、A、OfB 、 WithC、 WithoutD、 For()5、 Why don t you like Tom? Because he is always doing some _ things、A、 amazingB、 excitingC、 sillyD、 pretty()6、 I don t know these words、 Let s _in the dictionary、A、 look up themB、 look them upC、 ask for itD 、 ask it for()7、 Where is Tina _? Mr、 Li is looking for her、 Oh, she s in the library、A、 right nowB、 all rightC、 over thereD、 every day()8、 I wanted to watch the movie _ there was no ticket、 I was sad、A、 soB、 orC、 butD、 because()9、 Hello! Could I speak to Wei Ping? This is Wei Ping speaking 、 _A、 Who are you?B 、 What is it?C、 Who is that?D 、 What are they?()10、 Mr、 Lin asked us _ questions in English, not in Chinese、A、 answerB、 answersC、 answeringD、 to answer()11、 Is Lynn good at English? Sure、 She _ sing many English songs when she was five 、A、 canB 、 can tC、 couldD 、 may()12、 I thought my brother was in the kitchen, but _ he was in his room、A、 on weekendsB、 at the same timeC、 in classD 、 in fact()13、 _ does Mike learn Chinese?Unit5 单元测试题含答案 He always talks with others in Chinese、A 、 WhatB、 HowC、 WhoD、 When()14、 _ me carefully, boys and girls 、 Can you _ me clearly?A 、 Listen to; hearB、 Hear; listen to C 、 Hear; hearD、 Listen to; listen to()15、 I won first place in the long jump match! _A 、 I can t follow you、B 、 I m sorry、C、 Good for you! D、 You re welcome、二、完形填空 (10 分 )I moved to Australia with my parents last year、 Now we are16in Sydney 、 It s a beautifulcity 、 The weather here is very pleasant (舒适得 )、 It is usually17here, so people can enjoysunshine (阳光 ) on the beach、 Sydney is a warm city 、 Even (即使 ) in winter, it s not18very、 Theseason in Australia is19from that in China 、 We20in Sydney in January 、 It was21inChina at that time 、 We walked out of the airport 、 Then we found many girls wearing22and skirts、It was summer in Sydney,23the weather was not very hot 、 I saw people24sunglasses (太阳眼镜 ) and hats everywhere, because the sunshine is strong (强烈得 )、 The next day, I wanted to go aroundthe city 、 “ 25 forget your sunglasses,” my friend、 said()16、 A 、 liveB 、 livesC、 livingD、 to live()17、 A 、 rainyB 、 cloudyC、 windyD 、 sunny()18、 A 、 coldB 、 warmC、 hotD、 cool()19、 A 、 sameB 、 likeC 、 asD、 different()20、 A 、 reachedB 、 arrivedC、 gotD、 left()21、 A 、 springB 、 summerC、 autumnD 、 winter()22、 A 、 coatsB 、 glovesC、 T-shirtsD 、 sweaters()23、 A 、 butB 、 alsoC、 ifD、 because()24、 A 、 ofB 、 withC、 atD、 on()25、 A 、 PleaseB 、 NotC 、 Let sD 、 Don t三、阅读理解 (20 分 )AMichael comes from the UK, but now he studies in China 、 He gets up at 6:40 and eats breakfast at 7:00 in the morning 、 After breakfast, he says goodbye to his parents and leaves home、 He usually walks to school、The first class starts at 8:00 am 、 Morning classes are over (结束 ) at 12:00 、 Then he has lunch at12:15、 After lunch, he has a rest in the classroom 、There are four classes in the afternoon 、 School is over at 4:30 pm 、 Michael usually goes home at2016 年春冀教版七年级下英语Unit5 单元测试题含答案about 5:30 pm 、 After an hour, Michael and his parents have supper together and then Michael does hisB、 She has too much homework to do 、homework 、 He goes to bed at about 9:30 pm、C、 She is afraid of her teachers、根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。D、 The subjects are too difficult 、()26、 Where does Michael come from?四、 词语运用(10分 )A 、 America 、B、 China、C、 Australia 、D 、 England 、A) 根据句意及汉语提示写出单词。()27、 How does Michael usually go to school?36、 Some people like to write their _ ( 文章 ) on the Internet 、A 、 By bike 、B、 By car、C、 On foot 、D 、 By bus、37、 These e-mails _ ( 把 联系起来 ) you with your friends、()28、 Where does Michael have a rest after lunch?38、 The question is so easy、 _ ( 甚至 ) a child can answer it
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