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必修6 Unit 1 虚拟语气-If clauses (教学设计)学校:佛冈县第一中学授课班级:高二14班授课者:黄娟娟授课时间:2017年12月1日Teaching aims1. Knowledge aim:The students will know the structure and the function (wishes, regret, blame the Subj un ctive Mood in If-clauses.2. Ability aim:Most of the stude nts will be able to use Subjun ctive Mood to express wishes(at least) in correct forms.3. Emotional aim:Through learning, the students interest may be aroused after they have more un dersta nding of Subjun ctive Mood.Teaching important and difficult points1. Use the Subj un ctive Mood in If- clauses to express the stude nts wishes as wellas regret, blame,2. Whe n to use if clause with subj un ctive mood.3. How to use if clause with subjunctive mood in different timesTeaching methods1. Task-based teach ing method2. Discussi onTeaching aidsThe multimedia and other no rmal teach ing toolsTeaching proceduresStep 1Show a picture of the movie of TATANIC, and ask them: If the movie is shot/made for the third time, will you go to see it? ” to lead in.if引导的真实条件句表示条件是真的或有可能实现的,采用陈述语气(indicative mood)。1. ask stude nts to observe the senten ces. Jack is poor. He may be thinking: “ If I had a lot of money, I could buy a ticket.” “ If I had a ticket, I could get on the ship for America.”2. Draw a con clusio n:陈述语气和虚拟语气概念?如果用来陈述事实,则用。?如果说话者所说的话与事实 者表达一种,则用来表示,通过 词的形式来表现。3. Choose the right one for the poem.If you(were/are) a teardrop, in my eye,? For fear of losing you, I (will/would) never cry.? And if the golde n sun,(ceases/cease停 止)to shine its light4. 看图说话:Look at some pictures and tell me :If you were one of them now, what you should/could/ might/would do?If I were one of them no w, I.Step 2Ask the stude nts to observe the senten ces and con clude its structure.1. Our first football matchWe would have won if Jack had just scored that goal,if we d had just a few more minutes,if we had trained harder,if Ben had passed the ball to Joe,if we d had thousands of fans scregminif I hadn t taken my eye off the ball,if we hadn t stayed up so laitie night before,if we hadn t taken it easy,if we hadn t run out of energy,We would have won if we d been better!2. 总结:以下例句谈论的都是与 事实相反的情况主:If +主语+ ,从:主语+ .3. Teamwork:用 if+ 主 +had done,主 +would/should/might/could have done改写剧本,看哪一组用的if多。Luckily, Jack won a ticket by gambli ng(打赌).On the ship, he met Rose. But good luck was followed by a disaster. The ship was struck by an iceber冰山)and sank (下沉).Without eno ugh lifeboats(救 生艇),Jack let Rose float on a piece of wood. The water was so freezing冷) that Jack was frozen to death in the en,while Rose was rescued by the rescue workers.参考例句:1).If Jack had not gambled, he would not have got a ticket.2) .lf Jack had not won a ticket, he could not have got on the ship.3) .lf Jack had not bee n on the ship, he would not have met Rose.4) . If the ship hadn t struck an iceberg, it wouldn5) . If Jack hadn t found a piece of wood, he wouldnt have sunk.t have let Rose lie on it while he6). If the water had nt been freezing, Jack wouldnt have died.was in the cold water.7). If the rescue workers hadn t come, Rose would not have been saved.Step 3Conclude the structures of three unreal situations(1) Let s observe the sentence.Before Jack died , what might he say?“If we were to be alive, I would marry yoisome day ”“If we shold marry, I could give you a happy life in the future. ”“ Rose, if I could have my life liveagain, I might still choose to meet you.(2) Conclusion:以上例句谈论的都是与事实相反的情况从:If+主语+ ,主:主语+.step 4Conclusion条件从句if从句谓语形式主句谓语形式与现在事实相反与过去事实相反与将来事实相反Step 5Homework1. Revise the three structures of Subjunctive Mood.2. Complete the sentencesof “ IfI had a lot of money by using SubjunctiveMood on the paper. If I had a lot of money, I would If I had a lot of money, I would If I had a lot of money, I would 教学反思: 本节课的设计背景是由电影泰坦尼克号为主线, 来让学生真实地感受 if 非真实条件句在与现在,过去,将来的不同结构。通过用探究发现的语法教学 模式,让学生发现语法,概况语法从而应用语法。教学过程中,学生对于话题很 感兴趣,同时活动的设计形式多样,能调动起学生学习语法的积极性,同时,在 情景中,更好地理解语法, 教学效果很好。 但由于在对与过去相反的假设处理时 间不够充足, 因此学生在完成小组活动的时候有一定的难度, 如能再加入一些结 构上训练的练习,效果会更好。2017 年 12 月 1 日
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