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Module 10 The weather一、教学目标1. Function: Describing the weather.2. Structure: may, might, probably (for possibility)3. Skills: 1) Listening and understanding familiar topics (weather).2) Giving weather forecast based on clues; predicting about future weather using probably.二、重点及难点: 1. Describing the weather.2. Grammar: The using of may, might, probably (for possibility)三、教学设计:Unit 1 It might snow. Teaching StepsStep 1 Warming upShow some pictures of the weather,and ask and answer: What kind of weather do you like?Step 2 Work in pairs.1. Show some pictures of the weather. Ask the students to talk about the weather.2. Introduce the new words.3. Learn the words and expressions.Step 3 Listening1. Listen and check ( ) the correct information in the table.2. Ask and answer like this:Whats the weather like in Beijing / Shanghai ?3. Play the recording again and ask the students to listen to the recording carefully, then fill in the blanks.4. Check the answers.Step 4 Listen and read.1. Play the recording and ask the students to answer the questions.2. Read and fill in the blanks.3. Read again and check ( ) the true sentences.4. Check the answers. Step 5 Language pointsStep 6 Complete the passage.1. Ask the students to complete the passage with the words in the box.2. Check the answers.Step 7 GrammarStep 8 Pronunciation and speaking1. Play the recording once without stopping.2. Play the recording again and ask the whole class to repeat.3. Listen to the speaker asking a question.6. Now listen again and repeat.Step 9 Work in pairs.1. Talk about the weather.2. Look at the correct information in the table in Activity 2. Give the correct weather forecast for China.3. Now say what the weather might or might not be like.Step 10 Homework1. Remember the new words and phrases in the lesson.2. Review Grammar.Unit 2 The weather is fine all year round. Teaching aims1. Listening and understanding familiar topics (weather).2. Giving weather forecast based on clues; predicting about future weather using probably.3. Reading and finding specific information.4. Writing a short passage about the best time to visit your town, using because, so and but. Teaching Objectives 1. Key vocabulary: mile, northwest, umbrella, southeast, from time to time 2. Keys sentences: Teaching StepsStep 1 RevisionTalk about the weather.1) Show a China weather map.2) Ask and answer:Step 2 Warming upWork in pairs. Step 3 Reading and vocabulary1. Talk about what you can see in the pictures.2. Learn the words and expressions.3. Show the map of The United States of America.4. Read the passage and fill in the blanks.5. Complete the table.Step 4 Language points1. The best time to visit New England is in September. Step 5 Complete the sentences.1. Ask the students to read the words in the box in Activity 4.2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the box.3. Check the answers Step 6 ExercisesStep 7 Writing.1. Match the two parts of the sentences.2. Check the answers.3. Read the sentences together.Step 8 Writing taskWrite some advice for visiting your home town and give reasons. Use because, so andbut.The best time to visit my home town is in because the weather isUnit 3 Language in useTeaching aims1. Function: Describing the weather.2. Structure: May, might, probably (for possibility)3. Around the world: The wettest place4. Task: Preparing some advice on the best time to visit ChinaTeaching aidsTape recorder, OHP, handouts Teaching StepsStep 1 RevisionWeather reportStep 2 Language practice1. Read through the example sentences in the box with the whole class.2. Ask the students to repeat the sentences in the box.Step 3 GrammarStep 4 Work on Activity 11. Ask the students to read through the sentences in Activity 1. 2. Complete the sentences with may or probably in Activity 1.3. Check the answers.Step 5 Work in pairs(Work on Activity 2)1. Ask the students to say what you usually do, then say what you might do:2. Ask the students to read through the example with the class.3. Work in pairs.Step 6 Work on Activity 231. Ask the students to read through the sentences in Activity 3. 2. Ask the students to read through the example with the class.3 Complete the sentences. Use may, might or probably where necessary.4. Check the answers. Step 7 Work on Activity 41. Ask the students to read through the sentences in Activity 4. 2. Ask the students to read through the example with the class.Step 8 Listening1. Ask the students to read through the sentences in Activity 5 individually.2. Play the tape.Step 9 Pair work (Work on Activity 6)1. Ask the students to look at the world weather map in Activity 6 carefully.2. Work in pairs. Step 10 Work on Activity 71. Ask the stu
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