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应付账款会计的具体职责应付账款会计需要不定期地与总账会计,业务部核对应付账款数据,确保业务,总账会计,应付会计三方数据一致。以下是范文网小编整理的应付账款会计的具体职责。篇一职责: 1、每日现金、银行日记账的登记及每日银行回单的打印; 、每日网银付款录入;、每周一报销费用审核及递交;4、 每月进项发票认证及进项税核对; 5、每月收付款凭证的录入,并催供应商发票;6、每月凭证装订及合同归档; 、与银行的业务沟通及日常银行业务操作;、月末各科目余额核对; 任职资格: 1、大学本科以上学历,会计或财经类专业,有会计上岗证; 2、3年以上工作经验,熟悉金蝶、用友等财务软件,熟练运用ece、rd等office软件; 3、有较强的沟通能力及团队合作精神,能承受较大的工作压力,有很好的独立解决问题及应变的能力; 篇二1.核算生产注塑类产品的成本核算 2.核算生产加工的利润 3.费用、工资核算、审核、记账 4开发票,控制发票的余额和税费 5.配合各部门经理管理、执行、生产加工的所有财务工作及生产环境所涉及的账务工作篇三 ob Sumary: he AP ler(Paymet)is primarlyrespnsibleor etimely and acurate rcessing oThiParyUent invoicend h pepario of the-PO emlate. ssnialRsnsibiliie a Dies: he timel poesingof rgeandmupaymen wthi4Hs ors based on te requst ype. Prparethe irect bill subsion forms as ersecii cmmoditisi tly mnner Perormthe reuirchecksf rave nd hoelblling to ense that edor blng athes thrave syst. Ensue the al payent reuest arecompiancewith POC/ polic. ssist i other tks and proje asneded. xperenc and kils:-4 yearsworkinxperenen a finncil ole Attetion to etais, toughess, organzation,aning Informaio, aouning, P Proficc, ata entry s, grl mat skls,wel orgied and l-starer. roblm lvin: ceative and inoative, quali soutins, nytcal oiene,d goddesion-making sils. mmunaion:ol anrite commncato skills, stomer erices orined, andintectsfruelywh peerros, sbordiaan seniomgt. adiing area f sosibiity CrsDiscipline: Understandi of interaction wih othrdscipns, p trtey and theprinciples f Quaity manamen. ehvior Psson or cuoesevic Effectve trss-functionleamwokAbty to nerac and mnge everal nrnl customesbility tojugge and ioriie nmerous equestssimultaneouy Discretin when ealg wihcofidntialinformatin.Tchicl ian or ccoutingCertificat r quvalent expence
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