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人教新目标英语八年级下册Unit1Section B 第三课时(1a2b)1. Evaluation based on curriculum standards: able to identify the intonation of different sentence patterns, such as declarative sentences, interrogative sentences and instructions, etc.; can save familiar topics for simple communication.2. Textbook analysis: There are 6 parts in this class. 1a is for ordering the instructions; 1b and 1c are for listening training; 1d is for role-playing dialogue; 2a and 2b are for reading articles.3. Academic analysis: to strengthen the mastery of students basic knowledge, the extension and expansion of knowledge requires a deep understanding, especially the integration of various knowledge, flexible understanding and application.一、 1. Teaching objectives:Putabandageonit./Runitunderwater./Restforafewdays./Putyourheadback./PutonacleanT-shirt.2、Enablestudentstodescribedifferentaccidentsandhealthproblems.二、Evaluation task: task: 1: sequence the instructions, complete the goal 1.Task 2: Read the article to allow students to describe different accidents or health problems, and complete goal 2.三、Teaching steps:Step 1 Scenario importT :每天都有很多事故发生。 但是你知道如何处理这些问题吗? 流鼻血时应该怎么办? 割伤自己时该怎么办? 如果您不知道问题的答案,请不要担心。 今天我们将学习如何处理这些问题。Link description: The topics to be learned in this lesson are drawn from the accidents that often occur in life, close to life, and arouse students interest in learning.Step 2 Complete the task of textbook 1a1. Ask students to carefully observe the three pictures in 1a, and then answer the question based on the picture information: What happened to them?2. What should we do when the unexpected situation in 1a occurs in the group discussion? Then sort the sentences given in 1a in the correct order, and check the answers collectively.3. Two groups use the information in 1a to edit the dialogue and invite several groups of students to perform the dialogue.参考案例A:Whats the matter with you?B:I fell down and hurt my back.A:You should go to hospital to get an X-ray and rest for a few days.4.小结训练汉译英。(1)在上面扎上绷带。 (2)在自来水下冲洗。 (3)把你的头仰起来。 Link description: Through the study of this link, students will know the emergency measures after these accidents. At the same time, the dialogue exercises have improved the students oral expression ability.Step 3 Complete the tasks of textbook 1b-1d1. Students read the sentences in 1b together to prepare for listening practice.2. Listen carefully to the recording, mark out the questions asked by the nurse in the conversation, and check the answers collectively.3. Listen carefully to the recording again, and match the letters of the treatment plan for the corresponding question to the end of the question, complete 1b, and collectively check the answers.4. Listen to the third recording, and read with it, to perceive the dialogue as a whole.5. Use the information in 1b and 1c to practice the dialogue in pairs following the form of 1d, and invite several groups of students to perform the dialogue.参考案例A: Who came to your office today?B: First,a boy came in. He hurt himself in P . E. class. A: What happened?B:6.小结训练。( )The teacher tells the students in the hallway.A. not run C . not to run Step B . don run D. doesnt to runStep 4 Complete the tasks of textbook 2a-2b1. The student reads the phrase in 2a aloud, the teacher corrects the error, and asks each other in pairs to recite.2. There may be some accidents or problems during exercise. Look at the accidents or problems that often occur in the three sports represented by A, B and C. Then, the letter A representing the three sports will be added. B and C are written on the horizontal line in front of possible accidents or problems, respectively. After completion, the group will exchange answers with each other.3. Read the passage carefully, draw horizontal lines under the language knowledge points that you do not understand, and then look up the words and phrases that you do not understand in the dictionary.4. The teacher asks the students to read the essay again and answer the following questions to check the students understanding.(1) When did Aron almost lose his life?(2) How did he save his life?(3) What does “between a rock and a hard place” mean?5. The teacher points out the key points and difficulties in the essay based on the students reading and comprehension.6. Read the text proficiently, memorize the key points of knowledge.7. Summary of training. ( )(1) The boy stay up,but now he going to bed early.A.used to,is used toB.is used to,used to C. used to,used to( )(2)The thief the lift and ran away.A. got off B. got onC. got into D. got out of( )(3) He sits in the front of the classroom he can hear the teacher clearly. A. so on B. so thatC.in order to D. so that( )(4) The branch(树枝)
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