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义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 四年级上册Unit 8 I like English best 1st period 广州市回民小学 李得心教学背景分析: 本课是四年级上册M3 My class Unit 8 I like English best.的第一课时。学生们在二年级的口语学习中就接触过My favourite. is.,.句型,通过对本课的学习,将更进一步地掌握句型,和表达为什么喜爱。本课是贴切学生情感的内容,孩子们可以为自己喜爱的科目发表自己的见解,教师通过不同的教学方法,让孩子们掌握本课知识。教学目标:1.语言能力目标:学会和使用以下词汇:subject、 favourite、write、story(stories), sing, song, sport, science, understand, world学会和使用以下七个词组:read English books, write stories, use numbers, draw pictures, sing songs, play sports, understand the world学会和使用以下句型: -Whats your favourite subject? -My favourite subject is . I like .best.-Why? - I like to. 2、 思维品质目标:学会乐于了解他人,学会相互交流和学习。通过交流活动,引发孩子们热爱学习,知道科学知识的好处。3、 文化品格目标:通过学习,让学生了解到不同学科的好处,更加热爱学习。利用描述科目的活动,学习词汇和句型。通过归纳总结,最终能用自己的语言来描述自己喜爱的科目,增强对学习的信心,培养良好的学习习惯。4、 学习能力目标:学会积极与他人进行合作学习。敢于开口,乐于开口。教学重点:1、本单元的词汇2、本单元的动词词组: read English books, write stories, use numbers, draw pictures, sing songs, play sports, understand the world, learn everything3、本单元的主要句型:-Whats your favourite subject? - My favourite subject is - I like to教学难点:1、较长单词的上口如:science,favourite等词2、词条和句型的上口及运用设计思路:本节课的教学设计主要是围绕话题展开。利用记者身份引发孩子们的兴趣,谈论喜欢的东西出发,引导学生复习旧知Do you have.? How many .s do you have? Do you like.? 再引出课题,从而学习科目,学习和操练“Whats your favourite subject?” “My favourite subject is .” “I like to.” 对语言进行综合运用和提升,使学生在老师的层层引导下顺利地习得语言,为后续课文的学习打下坚实的基础。最后能在采访话筒下展示自己喜爱的科目和原因。教学过程:一、 Greetings and warming up: Do you have.? How many .s do you have? Do you like.? (引出课题,学习best)二、 Revision: What lessons do you have? (学生自由说出科目,学习subject, science)(Purpose: a. To review the names of subjects. b. Lead in the words: subject and science)三、 Presentation:(操练句型,巩固动词短语)1. Practise and talk about: Whats your favourite subject? What about you? And you? 2. Why? Present the phrases and learn: write stories, use numbers, sing songs, play sports, understand the world, draw pictures, read English books, learn everything3. Practise the phrases: a. Lets chant.b. Say out the phrases and the subjects.四、 Present the dialogue, read and act 1. Listen to the dialogue and match2. Read, practise and act out3. Report: I am.五、 Development: 1.Show the famous people,guess their favourite subjects.(给学生学习动力和展示自己喜爱科目范例)2. Game:guess the classmates favourite subject.3. Talk about My favourite subject.4. If it has time, we can talk about the other favourite things.六、Homework:1. Copy the new words.2. Tell your father and mother your favourite subject and tell them why. Listen, read and recite the dialogue.教学反思: 孩子们在老师的指导教学中能积极参与学习活动中,他们勇于开口参与英语学习表达中,在活动中学习。但有些长的词汇的发音如favourite,subject还是孩子们较难上口的,特别是favourite,孩子们在二年级口语学习中学习过,但经过两年的“放下”,孩子们基本都是从“零”开始,应该要在这种难发音的词汇中,多想其它方法让孩子们学得轻松,从而更好地把词汇运用在本课的重点句型Whats your favourite subject?中。而且孩子们还是处于低年段学习中,应继续加强phonics教学指导,让孩子们在长期的字母发音学习中掌握字母在单词中的发音,从而掌握看词读音的方式方法,形成自我学词读词的习惯。
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