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汉语发音对英语发音的影响The Effect of the Chinese Articulation on Learning EnglishContentsAbstract.1Key words.1I.Introduction.1II.The essence of language transfer.2III.Conceptions and definitions.23.1 Phone and phoneme.33.2 Vowels and consonants in English.33.2.1 Monophthongs.33.2.2 Diphthongs.53.2.3 Stops.73.2.4 Fricatives and Affricates.73.2.5 Nasals, Approximants and Laterals.93.3 Initials and finals.113.3.1 The articulation places and manners of initials.113.3.2 The articulation places and manners of finals.123.4 Results of contrastive analysis.123.4.1 Vowels and finals.123.4.2 Consonants and initials.13.Contrastive analysis of syllables between English and Chinese.14.Intonation language and tongue language.14.Conclusion.15References16The Effect of the Chinese Articulation on Learning English摘 要: 语音过关是英语学习的关键,同时也是难点。然而,外语界对语音教学问题的探讨明显少于其他领域,。将英汉两种语音进行对比研究,对比教学,不失为一种良策。就在将两种语音进行对比教学的过程中,产生了一些似是而非的说法,例如:“普通话好,英语语音就好”是其中最具代表性的。这一问题的答案是不确定的。汉语的普通话和英语是两种民族的语言,它们之间既有共性、相似性,又有差异性,两种语言都有自己独特的一套语言系统、发音规律。本文着重从音节,元音与韵母,辅音与声母,以及发音、语调等方面对两种语言的发音规律、部位及方法进行了比较,从而帮助更多的汉语学习者规范英语发音。关键词:音节; 元音;辅音;发音;音调Abstract: To learn pronunciation is the key point of the English study, also is a difficult point. However, in foreign language study to discuss the teaching problem is obviously less than other studies. Contrast English pronunciation with Chinese pronunciation is a good method for English learners. But, when contrast these two languages in teaching process, a lot of unclearly parlances are made out. For example, someone said if you can speak a standard Putonghua you also could speak a standard English. Thats wrong, although there are many similarities between them there also have many differences. And these two languages all have their specialized language system and pronunciation rules. This thesis emphasizes to contrast these two language on pronunciation rules and articulation places from the syllable, vowel and final, consonant and initial, articulation and intonation, etc., aims at helping more and more Chinese EFL learners correct the English pronunciation.Key words: syllable; vowel; consonant; articulation; intonationI. IntroductionAs we know, conventionally, linguist has broken language down into three main components: pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. Among them, pronunciation is the key point of English learning, an also a difficult point at the same time. However, it is clear that foreign language teaching research overemphasize on grammatical rules and very much neglect the importance of pronunciation teaching. It is thought that attaching importance to pronunciation has a great effect on English learning for Chinese English learners. This paper is on the basis of the theory of language transfer, comparing Chinese Putonghua with English and contrasting the similarity and difference between them. All of them are based on elaborate theory, by means of reading large relevant papers and works, analyses and discussion the examples, and then makes detailed explanations.II. The essence of language transfer According to D.P. Ausubels Transfer Theory (1986), transfer is a kind of cognitive behavior, reflected the active psychological process of individuals. Some researchers (冯忠良,1992;姚海林,1994) generalized that transfer is a acquired experience in one learning and the effect on another learning, an integrated process of new and old experience. Substantially, it is a process of forming new cognitive structure, which by mutually affecting and acting between previous cognitive structure and new learning. Transfer is the mutually influence in different learning, it has kinds of contents and types. That is to say, transfer also exists in language learning. At this point, we know that language transfer includes the transfer in different languages and the transfer in one language interior. That is inter-language transfer and intra-language transfer. For example, the transfer between Chinese and English belongs to inter-language transfer; the transfer in English vocabulary and reading comprehension or English writing belongs to intra-language transfer. To sum up, the effect of previous language knowledge on new language knowledge learning is language transfer. Whatever inter-language transfer or intra-language transfer, there exists positive or negative assimilative transfer. The transfer that promoting the learning of new knowledge is called positive tran
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