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课题课时:牛津英语上教版一年级下册 Unit10 Activities Period 2 设计者:深圳市龙岗区爱联街道爱联小学 李翠云 学情分析: 一年级学生经过一个学期的学习,现在处于学习能力的培养提高阶段,教师需要重点关注学生学习能力的培养,对其英语学习兴趣的培养,特别在对学生听读说的技能方面的训练。我所执教的班级学生都比较活泼,课堂上能积极参与各种课堂活动,对于英语学习有比较浓厚的兴趣,也有一定的语言模仿能力。学生在学习本课之前已经学习了singdancereaddraw等动词,语言技能方面,学生能用I can.的句型简单表达自己会做的事情以及用What can you do?来询问对方会做些什么。 教材分析:本课内容出现在牛津英语上教版一年级下册,主要学习动作类的四个单词ride, skip , play, fly及其所引导的短语ride a bicycle, skip rope , play football ,fly a kite, 语言技能方面,要求学生能用HeShe can的句型简单表达他人会做的事情以及用What can heshe do?来询问他人会做些什么。本课时作为第二课时,我们重点教学单词football和rope及其短语,HeShe can的句型及用What can heshe do?来询问他人会做些什么。本课时重点:掌握单词football和rope及其短语skip rope , play football ,HeShe can的句型及用What can heshe do?来询问他人会做些什么。本课时难点:学生在运用HeShe can句型时要注意性别区分的准确性;学生从I can.的句型描述自己会做的事情,到描述他人会做的事情,在称谓转变上增加了难度。教学目标:一、 语言知识目标掌握单词football和rope及其短语,HeShe can的句型及用What can heshe do?来询问他人会做些什么。二、 语言技能目标能够运用HeShe can的句型描述他人会做的事情,及用What can heshe do?来询问他人会做些什么。三、 学习策略目标通过设计学生暑假去迪士尼和米老鼠等人物玩游戏为主线,介绍他的朋友会做的事情,通过猜一猜,唱一唱、听一听、改变歌曲等形式进行听说训练。四、 情感态度目标 学生对小女孩的运动习惯进行讨论,揭示主题要多参加运动,进而让学生明白要养成良好运动习惯。教学策略:以学生为主体,游戏为主线,通过猜一猜,唱一唱、听一听、改变歌曲等形式进行听说训练,巩固已学内容。 课前需要准备的材料:打印的游戏币,学生在游戏学习中得到的奖励品,如能使用真实游戏币更能激发学生学习的热情;图片、表格,学生在完成学习任务时需要用。Lesson PlanSub-Topic: What can he /she do?Sub-task: To match the situation with proper activities Course book: 1B Unit 10 Topic: Activities Period:2nd period Sub-task: To describe ones abilities.Background study and material analyses:本单元的任务通过老师讲述去年暑假去迪士尼,交了新朋友,要把新朋友介绍给学生认识,并与这些朋友玩游戏为主线,介绍他的朋友会做的事情,通过猜一猜,唱一唱、听一听、改变歌曲等形式进行听说训练。在情感态度目标方面要求学生对小女孩的运动习惯进行讨论,揭示主题要多参加运动,进而让学生明白要养成良好运动习惯。Learning objectives:1. To use verbs and verb phrases to indicate actions.2. To use the pattern He/She can . to describe ones abilities. 3. To ask wh-questions to find out particular information about a person. Difficulties: To describe ones abilities with a passage. Aids: Multimedia, word cards.PROCEDURESCONTENTSMETHODSPURPOSESI. Pre-task preparations1. GreetingsT: Nice to see you. How are you?Ss: Nice to see you, too. Im fine, thank you.通过儿歌I can draw 目的是集中学生的注意力,既复习上册的I can句型,也为接下来的教学做铺垫。 通过玩闪卡游戏激发学生兴趣,复习上册sing,dance, read, draw和本单元第一课时学习的单词skip,play,ride,fly.2. Song Ss: Sing together.3.Quick responseT: You did a good job. This time, lets play a game. There are three groups. Try and get the most coins in the games. Are you ready? Whats the word? 点名学生回答。Ss: T: Smart, coins for your group.II.While-task proceduresIII. Post-task activities1.Disney Land- Letsenjoy T: The summer holiday is coming soon. Where are you going? Last summer holiday I went to a good place. Please watch a video. Then you can get where I went. Ss: Disney.看一段迪士尼乐园卡通巡游短片,介绍在迪士尼认识了新朋友米老鼠和他的同伴们,引入新课。2. Show time. T: Come on. The show time is begin. Look at Mickey. What can he do? (板书)T:Follow me. What can he do? Ss: What can he do? What can he do?T: xxx, read it. (示意学生个别读,几个读,小组读)T: What can he do?(指课件Mickey) S1: He can sing. S2: He can dance. S3: He can play football. T: You are smart. He can play football. (板书,学习football) Lets do like Mickey, play, play ,play football.边说边做动作。xxx and xxx you two.介绍好朋友米老鼠,学习football, play football和句型What can he do? He can .学生个别读,几个读,小组读,从点到面,使更多学生参与到学习中。T: Good job! Oh, Minnie is coming. What can she do?( 板书,示意学生个别读,男生读,女生读,全班读)T: What can she do?(指课件Minnie) S1: She can draw. S2: She canT: Great! She can skip rope.T: This is a rope. Follow me. Rope, rope, skip rope. Ss: Rope, rope, skip rope. T: Lets follow Minnie. Skip, skip , skip rope. 边说边做动作Ss: Skip, skip , skip rope.T: Boys (Girls) stand up. Skip, skip , skip rope. Go. T: What can she do?(指课件Minnie)Ss: She can skip rope.介绍好朋友米妮老鼠,学习rope, skip rope和句型What can she do? She can .学生边说边做动作,利于增强记忆单词,词组。T: Well done. Thats Donald. (课件出示) What do? Can you help Alice ?Ss: What can he do? T: Excellent. Help Eddie please. Who want to try?S1: He can fly a kite. ( 出示完整句子)T: Good. Who want to be Alice? Who want to be Eddie? S1: What can he do?S2: He can fly a kite.T: Now , this time, group one ,youre Alice. Group two, youre Eddie. (小组分角色演练) 介绍好朋友唐老鸭,让学生补充完整Alice和Eddie的对话,启发学生运用句型,引导他们观察并应用的能力。在角色扮演中,学生获得成就感。T: (声音响起)Heres Kitty. What ? Who can fill in the blanket? S1: What can she do? T: Xxx, your turn. S2: What can she do?T: Boys Girls.Boys Girls: What can she do?T: (指ppt)Please answer. Group one two three. Group one: She can ride a bicycle.T: Good job. Coins for all the groups.介绍好朋友Kitty 猫,再次减少对话提示,让学生看图补充完整Alice和Eddie的对话,强化学生的学习能力。3. PlaytimeT: Boys and girls, its playtime. Please look and listen .Ss:. (look and listen)T: Now , look at me clearly. 边说边做动作Play, play, play
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