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2020年精编人教版英语资料Unit 5Nelson Mandelaa modern heroPeriod 7Revision(Summing up and Learning tip)整体设计从容说课This is the last teaching period of this unit, so the emphasis should be placed on going over and summarizing what has been learned in this unit. It mainly includes three parts:Summing up, Learning tip and consolidation exercises.Summing up summarizes the whole contents of this unit from the aspects of topics, vocabulary and grammar. The teacher can first use this part to let the students to sum up what they have learned and then explain what the students couldnt understand very well in this unit. An experienced teacher should design some exercises for the students to do in order that they can learn to use and grasp all the contents.Learning tip encourages students to choose a famous person and try to find out as much as possible about his or her life. Read what he or she did and what people remember about him or her. Find some people who like him or her and some who do not. Try to find out for what reason they like this person or not. If the students are doing this, they will be teaching themselves a useful way of learning. It is very good for their further study. So, make sure the students have a try.In this period, the teacher can also add more practices to consolidate what the students have learned in this unit. Finally, ask the students to finish Checking yourself on Page 75 in the workbook. This part aims at encouraging students to make a self-assessment after they finish learning this unit. It is very important to improve their learning.教学重点Get the students to review and consolidate what they have learned in this unit.教学难点Get the students to turn what they have learned into their ability.教学方法Summarizing, discussing and practicing教具准备A projector and other normal teaching tools三维目标Knowledge aims:1. Get the students to go over useful new words and expressions.2. Have the students review the grammar:the Attributive Clause introduced by relative adverbs and preposition+which/whom.Ability aims:1. Develop the students ability to use the important language points.2. Enable the students to learn to use relative adverbs and preposition+which/whom correctly.Emotional aims:1. Encourage the students to learn from famous persons and great persons.2. Strengthen the students sense of group cooperation.教学过程Step 1 Revision1. Check the homework exercises.2. Dictate some useful new words and expressions in this unit.Step 2 Lead-inTell the students: Up to now, we have finished Unit 5. Have you learned and grasped all in this unit? Turn to Page 40. You can check yourself by filling in the blanks in the part Summing Up.Step 3 Summing UpFive minutes for the students to sum up by themselves. Then check and explain something where necessary.Suggested answers:Write down what you have learned about Nelson Mandela.We have learned many noble qualities about Nelson Mandela, such as intelligent, determined, generous, kind, unselfish, hard-working, brave, confident, and so on.From this unit you have also learneduseful verbs:fight, advise, continue, vote, accept, fear, reward, sentenceuseful nouns:hero, quality, republic, principle, fight, prison, prisoner, period, law, fee, gold, youth, league, stage, vote, position, violence, blanket, degree, guard, terror, fear, cruelty, reward, right, criminal, leader, presidentuseful adjectives:willing, active, peaceful, gold, equal, educated, anti-blackuseful expressions:lose heart, in trouble, worry about, out of work, Youth League, as a matter of fact, blow up, put. . . in prison, come to power, set up, be sentenced tonew grammar item:the Attributive Clause introduced by relative adverbs and preposition+which/whomStep 4 Word and expression exercisesShow the exercises on the screen or give out exercise papers.1. Fill in the blanks with the missing words according to the first letter or Chinese meaning given.1)Nelson Mandela was regarded as one of the best l of the black people.2)I think you must solve your problem in a p way. Fighting cant solve any problem.3)The full name of our great motherland is the Peoples R of China.4)I dont think ten years is a long p of time.5)You must try to improve the q of all your products.6)Nobody forced me to do it; I was w to do it.7)At present, women hold an important_ (地位)in our country.8)A middle-aged woman killed her husband, which showed her_ (残忍).9)You must be_ (积极的)in all kinds of sports to keep healthy.10)I_ (劝说)her to give up that idea, but she didnt listen to me.11)I like all the_ (男主角)of this play, because they are so kind.12)Dont you think fighting is a serious act of_ (暴力)?13)Since he was better_ (受过教育的), he got a job in an office.14)The actress in poor health and has to leave_
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